一般有毒物品目录、高毒物品目录由国务院卫生行政部门会同有关部门依据国家标准制定、调整并公布。 The catalogues of general toxic substances and high toxic substances shall, on the basis of the national standards, be formulated, adjusted and published by the administrative department for public health under the State Council jointly with the departments concerned.劳动行政部门自收到集体合同文本之日起十五日内未提出异议的,集体合同即行生效。 The collective contract shall become effective fifteen days from the date of receipt thereof by the Labor Administration Department, unless the said authority raises any objections to the contract.劳动行政部门自收到之日起15日内未提出异议的,集体合同即行生效。 The collective contracts shall become effective whereas the labor administrative departments do not raise any different views within 15 days from the date when they receive the text of the contracts concerned.本条所称月工资是指劳动者在劳动合同解除或者终止前十二个月的平均工资。 The compensation wage mentioned hereof refers to the average monthly wage over the 12 months prior to termination of the labor contract.财政行政主管部门、审计部门应当加强对待业保险基金及其管理费收支的监督。 The competent financial administrative institutions and the auditing institutions shall increase supervision of the proceeds of unemployment insurance funds and their management fees.劳动行政主管部门和有关行政主管部门应当创造条件,帮助职工再就业。? The competent labor administrative institutions and relevant competent administrative departments shall create conditions and assist them in finding new jobs.待业保险管理费的开支标准,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府劳动行政主管部门提出,经同级财政行政主管部门审核,报本级人民政府批准。 The competent labor administrative institutions of the people's government of the province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government shall propose the expenditure standards for the unemployment insurance management fees upon the examination and verification of the competent financial administrative institutions at the same level, per the approval of people's government at the corresponding level.县级以上地方各级人民政府过去行政主管部门负责本行政区域内企业职工待业保险的管理工作, The competent labor administrative institutions of the people's governments above the county level shall be responsible for the management of unemployment insurance for the staff and workers waiting for employment from Enterprises within their administrative jurisdictions.待业保险机构的人员编制,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府根据实际需要确定。 The composition of personnel at the unemployment insurance institutions shall be determined by the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government with regard to actual need.依法订立的劳动合同具有约束力,用人单位与劳动者应当履行劳动合同约定的义务。 The conclusion of labor contracts shall have binding force. The obligations as agreed therein shall be observed by employers and workers.劳动者享受社会保险待遇的条件和标准由法律、法规规定。 The conditions and standards for labourers to enjoy social insurance benefits shall be stipulated by laws, rules and regulations. 劳动合同、集体合同的内容,应符合国家有关法律、行政法规。 The content of the labor contracts and the collective contracts should conform with relevant State laws and administrative regulations in content.存在高毒作业的建设项目的职业中毒危害防护设施设计,应当经卫生行政部门进行卫生审查;经审查,符合国家职业卫生标准和卫生要求的,方可施工。 The design of safeguards against occupational poisoning hazards for a construction project involving the operations with high toxic substances shall be subject to the hygienic examination by the administrative department for public health. The design shall not be put into construction unless it has met the national occupational health standards and hygienic requirements upon examination.对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 The directly liable principal and other directly liable persons shall be given an administrative sanction. In the case of any constituted crime, they shall be investigated for criminal liabilities.劳务派遣协议应当约定派遣岗位和人员数量、派遣期限、劳动报酬和社会保险费的数额与支付方式以及违反协议的责任。 The dispatching agreements shall specify the job positions for which laborers are dispatched, the number of persons dispatched, the terms of dispatching, the amounts and methods of payments for labor remuneration and social insurance premiums, and the liability for breach of the agreement.待业救济金的发放标准为相当于当地民政部门规定的社会救济金额的百分之一百二十至百分之一百五十。具体金额由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定。 The distribution standard of unemployment relief funds shall be equal to 120% to 150% of the amount of social relief funds stipulated by the local institutions of civil affairs. The people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall determine the specific amount.集体合同草案应当提交职工代表大会或者全体职工讨论通过。 The draft of the collective contract shall be presented to the employee representative congress or all the employees for discussion and approval.六个月以上不满一年的,按一年计算;不满六个月的,向劳动者支付半个月工资的经济补偿。 The economic compensation for a laborer who worked less than one year but more than six months is equivalent to the calculation based on one year of work; the economic compensation for a laborer who has worked for less than six months is equivalent to half of the above monthly wage.事故应急救援预案和演练记录应当报当地卫生行政部门、安全生产监督管理部门和公安部门备案。 The emergency and first-aid pre-schemes and rehearsal records shall be reported for the record to the local administrative department for public health, the department in charge of supervision on production safety, and the department of public security.用人单位与劳动者协商一致,可以订立固定期限劳动合同。 The employer and the worker may conclude a labor contract with a fixed period upon consultation.变更后的劳动合同文本由用人单位和劳动者各执一份。 The employer and the worker shall hold one copy of the text of post-alteration labor contract respectively.劳动合同文本由用人单位和劳动者各执一份。 The employer and the worker shall hold one copy of the text of the labor contract respectively.用人单位设有依法公布的职业病目录所列职业病的危害项目的,应当及时、如实向卫生行政部门申报,接受监督。 The Employer engaged in the occupational-disease-inductive business that tends to give rise to the occupational diseases included in the state checklist of occupational diseases should declare to the competent public health authorities and accept their supervision.用人单位不得安排未经上岗前职业健康检查的劳动者从事接触职业病危害的作业;不得安排有职业禁忌的劳动者从事其所禁忌的作业;对在职业健康检查中发现有与所从事的职业相关的健康损害的劳动者,应当调离原工作岗位,并妥善安置;对未进行离岗前职业健康检查的劳动者不得解除或者终止与其订立的劳动合同。 The Employer is prohibited from assigning the laborers to the occupational-disease-inductive operation before undertaking pre-employment physical examination or assigning the taboo-bound laborers to the taboo operations. In addition, the Employer should also transfer the laborer suffering the work-related disease found in the occupational health examination to other post. Moreover, the Employer is prohibited from invalidating or terminating the labor contract of any laborer not undergoing pre-departure occupational health examination.用人单位应当为劳动者创造符合国家职业卫生标准和卫生要求的工作环境和条件,并采取措施保障劳动者获得职业卫生保护。 The Employer shall create the workplace and conditions in compliance with the state occupational-health standard and requirement, and take appropriate measures to ensure occupational health and occupational protection.