工会组织职工开展社会主义劳动竞赛,开展群众性的合理化建议、技术革新和技术协作的活动,提高劳动生产率和经济效益,发展社会生产力。 A trade union shall organize workers to launch socialist labour emulation campaigns, develop mass rationalization proposals, technological reform and technological cooperation activities, improve work productivity rates and economic performances and develop society's productive forces.用人单位与劳动者协商一致,可以订立固定期限劳动合同。 A Unit and a laborer may conclude a fixed term labor contract upon reaching a negotiated consensus.用人单位与劳动者协商一致,可以订立无固定期限劳动合同。有下列情形之一,劳动者提出或者同意续订、订立劳动合同的,除劳动者提出订立固定期限劳动合同外,应当订立无固定期限劳动合同: A Unit and a laborer may conclude a non-fixed term labor contract upon reaching a negotiated consensus. If a laborer proposes to or agrees to renew his labor contract under any of the following circumstances, except when the laborer proposes to sign a fixed term labor contract, a non-fixed term labor contract shall be concluded:同一用人单位与同一劳动者只能约定一次试用期。 A Unit may stipulate only one probation period with any given laborer.用工单位应当根据工作岗位的实际需要与劳务派遣单位确定派遣期限,不得将连续用工期限分割订立数个短期劳务派遣协议。 A Unit to which a laborer is dispatched shall decide with the dispatching Unit on the term of labor dispatching based on the actual requirements of the job position, and it may not enter into several short term labor dispatching agreements to cover a continuous term of labor use.用人单位应当将直接涉及劳动者切身利益的规章制度和重大事项决定公示,或者告知劳动者。 A Unit’s rules and regulations that have a direct bearing on the immediate interests of the laborers shall be announced within its organization or distributed to the laborers.(一)负责失业人员的登记、调查、统计; a.being responsible for registration, investigation and statistics of the unemployed;(一)按照规定参加失业保险,所在单位和本人已按照规定履行缴费义务满1年的; a.have participated unemployment insurance, the unit to which they belong and they themselves have performed the obligation of paying premium not less than one year;(一)贯彻实施失业保险法律、法规; a.implement and enforce laws and regulations on unemployment insurance;(一)重新就业的; a.reemployment;(一)失业保险金; a.unemployment insurance compensation;(一)城镇企业事业单位、城镇企业事业单位职工缴纳的失业保险费; a.unemployment insurance premium paid by enterprises and institutions in cities and towns as well as their staff and workers;失业保险调剂金以统筹地区依法应当征收的失业保险费为基数,按照省、自治区人民政府规定的比例筹集。 Adjustment funds of unemployment insurance are to be raised at a ratio prescribed by people's governments of provinces or autonomous regions, taking unemployment insurance premium that should be collected according to law in areas where overall planning is conducted as the base.建设项目竣工,应当进行职业中毒危害控制效果评价,并经卫生行政部门验收合格。 After a construction project is completed, the effect of control over occupational poisoning hazards shall be evaluated, and the project shall be subject to the inspection for acceptance by the administrative department for public health.用人单位与劳动者协商一致,可以订立以完成一定工作任务为期限的劳动合同。 After consultation and agreement, the Unit may reach a contract with a laborer whose term is based on the completion of a specific project or amount of work退职后,按月发给相当于本人标准工资百分之四十的生活费,低于二十元的,按二十元发给。 After resignation, a monthly subsistence allowance equivalent to 40 per cent of their standard wage is payable. If the calculated allowance is less than 20 yuan, the actual amount paid shall be 20 yuan.在解除或者终止劳动合同后,前款规定的人员到与本单位生产或者经营同类产品、从事同类业务的有竞争关系的其他用人单位,或者自己开业生产或者经营同类产品、从事同类业务的竞业限制期限,不得超过二年。 After the discharge or termination of a labor contract, the period of limitation of competition for any of the persons referred to in the preceding paragraph to work for any other employer producing or engaging in products of the same category or conducting business of the same category as this employer shall not be more than two years.劳动者结束作业时,其使用的工作服、工作鞋帽等物品必须存放在高毒作业区域内,不得穿戴到非高毒作业区域。 After the workers complete their operations, working clothes, shoes, caps, etc. used by them shall be stored in the workplaces where high toxic substances are used, and shall not be worn in the workplaces where high toxic substances are not used.待业保险基金存入银行后,按照城乡居民储蓄存款利率计息,所得利息纳入待业保险基金。 After unemployment insurance funds are deposited into banks, their interest shall be calculated in accordance with the interest rate of urban and rural residents' deposits. The proceeds of the interest shall be transferred into unemployment insurance funds.城镇企业事业单位职工失业后,应当持本单位为其出具的终止或者解除劳动关系的证明,及时到指定的社会保险经办机构办理失业登记。 After unemployment, staff and workers of enterprises and institutions in cities and towns shall undergo promptly registration with designated social insurance agencies on the basis of the certificates of termination and dissolution of employment relation issued by their work units.各级工会建立经费审查委员会。 All of the various levels of trade unions shall establish fund inspection committees.待业职工丧葬补助费和其供养的直系亲属的抚恤费、救济费的发放标准,参照当地职工社会保险有关规定办理。 Allowances for the funeral expenses for the staff and workers waiting for employment and the pensions and relief fund for their immediate relatives shall be paid in light of relevant regulations regarding the local social insurance for the staff and workers.用工单位应当根据工作岗位的实际需要与劳务派遣单位确定派遣期限,不得将连续用工期限分割订立数个短期劳务派遣协议。 An accepting entity shall determine the term of dispatch with the labor service dispatch provider in light of the actual requirements of the posts, and it shall not divide a continuous term of labor use into a couple of short-term dispatch agreements.用人单位与劳动者协商一致,可以订立无固定期限劳动合同。有下列情形之一,劳动者提出或者同意续订、订立劳动合同的,除劳动者提出订立固定期限劳动合同外,应当订立无固定期限劳动合同: An employer and a worker may conclude a labor contract without a fixed period upon unanimity through consultation. In the case of any of the following circumstances, if the worker proposes or agrees to renew or conclude a labor contract, an labor contract without a fixed period shall be concluded except that the employee proposes to conclude a labor contract with a fixed period:同一用人单位与同一劳动者只能约定一次试用期。 An employer can only stipulate one probation period with a same worker.