- 中国国防与国家安全法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (三)抗拒交通管制或者宵禁规定的; (3) persons who defy traffic control or regulations on curfew; and
- (三)对中华人民共和国作出杰出贡献的人; (3) Persons who have made outstanding contributions to the People's Republic of China;
- (三)私人庆吊活动; (3) Private activities of celebration or condolence; and
- (三)经过预备役登记的二十八岁以下的专业技术人员。 (3) professional and technical personnel under the age of 28 who have registered for reserve service.
- (三)协助国家安全机关、司法机关捕获其他危害国家安全的犯罪分子的; (3) Providing assistance to the State security organs or judicial organs to capture other criminals who endanger State security; or
- (三)公安部门组建消防队、治安队; (3) Public security departments shall organize fire-fighting teams and public security teams;
- (三)热解沉积和增密的设备与技术 (3) Pyrolytic deposition and densification equipment and technology
- (四)正在被劳动教养的; (4) persons undergoing rehabilitation through labour; and
- (四)扰乱交通秩序或者故意堵塞交通的; (4) persons who disrupt traffic order or deliberately create traffic jams; and
- (四)从事其他抗拒戒严令的活动的。 (4) persons who engage in other activities against the order of martial law.
- (四)对世界和平或者人类进步事业作出杰出贡献的人。 (4) Persons who have made outstanding contributions to world peace or the cause of human progress.
- (五)哄抢或者破坏机关、团体、企业事业组织和公民个人的财产的。 (5) persons who plunder or destroy the property of State organs, public organizations, enterprises, institutions or individual citizens.
- (五)国务院有关主管机关认为出境后将对国家安全造成危害或者对国家利益造成重大损失的。 (5) persons whose exit from the country will, in the opinion of the competent department of the State Council, be harmful to state security or cause a major loss to national interests.
- (五)与国计民生有重大关系的公用企业和公共设施; (5) public utility enterprises and public facilities that have a vital bearing on the national economy and the people's livelihood;
- (六)专门设计的导航信息处理机及其软件 (6) Processors and software specially designed for processing navigation information;
- (六)脉冲喷气发动机 (6) Pulse jet engines;
- (七)“生产设施”是指在研制生产的一个或几个阶段中组成整套装置的设备,以及为此专门设计的软件。 (7) ""Production facilities"" means equipment and specially designed software therefor integrated into installations for ""development"" or for one or more phases of ""production"".
- (七)聚合物 (7) Polymeric substances:
- (七)监狱、劳教场所、看守所; (7) prisons, places of reform through labor and houses of detention; and
- (八)“生产设备”是指工具、样板、夹具、芯模、塑模、冲模、定位装置、校准装置、试验设备以及其他机械和部件。这些设备只限于那些为""研制""或""生产""的一个或几个阶段而专门设计的设备。 (8) ""Production equipment"" means tooling, templates, jigs, mandrels, moulds, dies, fixtures, alignment mechanisms, test equipment, other machinery and components therefor, limited to those specially designed or modified for ""development"" or for one or more phases of ""production"".
- (1950年9月20日中央人民政府委员会办公厅公布) (Promulgated by the General Office of the Central Government Council on September 20, 1950)
- (一)申请人的法定代表人、主要经营管理人以及经办人的身份证明; 1. Papers certifying the identities of the applicant's legal representative and principal operator, as well as the person who handles the application;
- 十三、精密跟踪系统 13. Precision tracking systems:
- 十八、用于上述第十四至第十七项的生产设备、技术及专门设计的软件 18. Production equipment, technology and specially designed software usable in Items 14 to 17 above.
- 二、推进系统组件、部件及相关技术 2. Propulsion Components and Technology Thereof