- 中国民事刑事法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (九)妨碍对方当事人合法取得证据的; (9) obstructing the opposing party's lawful obtaining of evidence;
- (九)因其他原因需要免职的。 (9) other circumstances that call for removal of the post.
- (九)因其他原因需要免职的。 (9) other circumstances that call for removal of the post.
- 三、《中央人民政府公布中华人民共和国国徽的命令》 3. Order on the National Emblem of the People's Republic of China Proclaimed by the Central People's Government.
- 一九八四年十二月十九日,中英两国政府签署了关于香港问题的联合声明,确认中华人民共和国政府于一九九七年七月一日恢复对香港行使主权,从而实现了长期以来中国人民收回香港的共同愿望。 On 19 December 1984, the Chinese and British Governments signed the Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong, affirming that the Government of the People's Republic of China will resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong with effect from 1 July 1997, thus fulfilling the long-cherished common aspiration of the Chinese people for the recovery of Hong Kong.
- 侦查终结后,写出起诉意见书或者免予起诉意见书,连同案卷材料、证据一并移送人民检察院。 On the conclusion of the investigation, a recommendation for prosecution or a recommendation for exemption from prosecution written by the prison together with the case file and the evidence shall be handed over to a people's procuratorate.
- (二)怀孕或者正在哺乳自已婴儿的妇女。 or (2) if a criminal is a pregnant woman or a woman who is breast-feeding her own baby.
- (二)依照审判监督程序再审改判无罪,原判罚金、没收财产已经执行的。 or (2) where an adjudication of innocence is given to change an original sentence in the retrial in accordance with the procedure for retrial supervision, and the original court supervision of fine or confiscation of property has been executed.
- (二)在处理案件中有贪污受贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁判行为的。 or (2) where its personnel embezzle or take bribery and embezzlement or act wrongly out of personal considerations or commit fraudulent act or bring in judgment by perverting the law.
- (三)法律规定的其他情形。 or (3) other situations as provided for by law.
- (三)与继承人、受遗赠人有利害关系的人。 or (3) persons whose interests are related to those of the successors and legatees.
- (四)伪造、篡改或者销毁遗嘱,情节严重的。 or (4) a serious act of forging, tampering with or destroying the will.
- (四)其他原因。 or (4) for other reasons.
- (四)罪犯有其他危险行为需要采取防范措施的。 or (4) if a prisoner commits other dangerous acts against which it is necessary to take precautions.
- (四)寄存财物被丢失或者损毁的。 or (4) loss of or damage to property left in the care of another person.
- (四)其他应当延期的情形。 or (4) other circumstances that warrant the adjournment.
- (四)造成财产损害的其他违法行为。 or (4) other unlawful acts which cause damage to property.
- (四)其他拒绝协助执行的。 or (4) refusing to provide other obligatory assistance in the execution.
- (四)裁决的事项不属于仲裁协议的范围或者仲裁机构无权仲裁的。 or (4) the matters dealt with by the award fall outside the scope of the arbitration agreement or which the arbitral organ was not empowered to arbitrate.
- (五)罪犯抢夺武器的。 or (5) if any prisoner is seizing a weapon by force.
- (五)人民法院认为应当中止执行的其他情形。 or (5) other circumstances occur under which the people's court deems the suspension of execution necessary.
- (五)造成公民身体伤害或者死亡的其他违法行为。 or (5) other unlawful acts which cause bodily injury to or decease of a citizen.
- (五)由其他原因引起的被代理人和代理人之间的监护关系消灭。 or (5) when the guardian relationship between the principal and the agent ends for other reasons.
- (五)作为被代理人或者代理人的法人终止。 or (5) when the principal or the agent ceases to be a legal person.
- (五)遗嘱未处分的遗产。 or (5) where no disposition is made under the will for part of the estate.