

第一百三十条被告经传票传唤,无正当理由拒不到庭的,或者未经法庭许可中途退庭的,可以缺席判决。    ""Article 130 If a defendant, having been served with a summons, refuses to appear in court without justified reasons, or if he withdraws during a court session without the permission of the court, the court may make a judgment by default.""
第一百三十一条宣判前,原告申请撤诉的,是否准许,由人民法院裁定。    ""Article 131 If a plaintiff applies for withdrawal of the case before the judgment is pronounced, the people's court shall decide whether to approve or disapprove it. ""
第一百三十二条有下列情形之一的,可以延期开庭审理:    ""Article 132 Under any of the following circumstances, the trial may be adjourned: ""
第一百三十三条书记员应当将法庭审理的全部活动记入笔录,由审判人员和书记员签名。    ""Article 133 The court clerk shall make a written record of the entire court proceedings, which shall be signed by him and the judicial officers.""
第一百三十四条人民法院对公开审理或者不公开审理的案件,一律公开宣告判决。    ""Article 134 The people's court shall publicly pronounce its judgment in all cases, whether publicly tried or not.""
第一百三十五条人民法院适用普通程序审理的案件,应当在立案之日起六个月内审结。    ""Article 135 A people's court trying a case in which the ordinary procedure is followed, shall conclude the case within six months after docketing the case. ""
第一百三十九条人民法院审理案件,其中一部分事实已经清楚,可以就该部分先行判决。    ""Article 139 If some of the facts in a case being tried by the people's court are already evident, the court may pass judgment on that part of the case first.""
第一百四十一条最高人民法院的判决、裁定,以及依法不准上诉或者超过上诉期没有上诉的判决、裁定,是发生法律效力的判决、裁定。    ""Article 141 All judgments and written orders of the Supreme People's Court, as well as judgments and written orders that may not be appealed against according to the law or that have not been appealed against within the prescribed time limit, shall be legally effective.""
第一百四十二条基层人民法院和它派出的法庭审理事实清楚、权利义务关系明确、争议不大的简单的民事案件,适用本章规定。    ""Article 142 When trying simple civil cases in which the facts are evident, the rights and obligations clear and the disputes trivial in character, the basic people's courts and the tribunals dispatched by them shall apply the provisions of this Chapter.""
第一百四十三条对简单的民事案件,原告可以口头起诉。    ""Article 143 In simple civil cases, the plaintiff may lodge his complaint orally.""
第一百四十四条基层人民法院和它派出的法庭审理简单的民事案件,可以用简便方式随时传唤当事人、证人。    ""Article 144 In trying a simple civil case, the basic people's court or the tribunal dispatched by it may use simplified methods to summon at any time the parties and witnesses.""
第一百四十五条简单的民事案件由审判员一人独任审理,并不受本法第一百二十二条、第一百二十四条、第一百二十七条规定的限制。    ""Article 145 Simple civil cases shall be tried by a single judge alone and the trial of such cases shall not be bound by the provisions of Articles 122, 124, and 127 of this Law.""
第一百四十七条当事人不服地方人民法院第一审判决的,有权在判决书送达之日起十五日内向上一级人民法院提起上诉。    ""Article 147 If a party refuses to accept a judgment of first instance of a local people's court, he shall have the right to file an appeal with the people's court at the next higher level within 15 days after the date on which the written judgment was served.""
第一百四十八条上诉应当递交上诉状。上诉状的内容,应当包括当事人的姓名,法人的名称及其法定代表人的姓名或者其他组织的名称及其主要负责人的姓名;原审人民法院名称、案件的编号和案由;上诉的请求和理由。    ""Article 148 For filing an appeal, a petition for the purpose shall be submitted. The content of the appeal petition shall include the names of the parties, the names of the legal persons and their legal representatives or names of other organizations and their principal heads; the name of the people's court where the case was originally tried; file number of the case and the cause of action; and the claims of the appeal and the reasons.""
第一百四十九条上诉状应当通过原审人民法院提出,并按照对方当事人或者代表人的人数提出副本。    ""Article 149 The appeal petition shall be submitted through the people's court which originally tried the case, and copies of it shall be provided according to the number of persons in the other party or of the representatives thereof.""
第十五条机关、社会团体、企业事业单位对损害国家、集体或者个人民事权益的行为,可以支持受损害的单位或者个人向人民法院起诉。    ""Article 15 Where an act has infringed upon the civil rights and interests of the State, a collective organization or an individual, any State organ, public organization, enterprise or institution may support the injured unit or individual to bring an action in a people's court.""
第一百五十条原审人民法院收到上诉状,应当在五日内将上诉状副本送达对方当事人,对方当事人在收到之日起十五日内提出答辩状。    ""Article 150 The people's court which originally tried the case shall, within five days after receiving the appeal petition, serve a copy of it on the other party, who shall submit his defence within 15 days from the receipt of such copy.""
第一百五十一条第二审人民法院应当对上诉请求的有关事实和适用法律进行审查。    ""Article 151 With respect to an appealed case, the people's court of second instance shall review the relevant facts and the application of the law.""
第一百五十二条第二审人民法院对上诉案件,应当组成合议庭,开庭审理。    ""Article 152 With respect to a case on appeal, the people's court of second instance shall form a collegial panel to conduct the trial. ""
第一百五十三条第二审人民法院对上诉案件,经过审理,按照下列情形,分别处理:    ""Article 153 After trying a case on appeal, the people's court of second instance shall, in the light of the following situations, dispose of it accordingly: ""
第一百五十五条第二审人民法院审理上诉案件,可以进行调解    ""Article 155 In dealing with a case on appeal, a people's court of second instance may conduct conciliation. ""
第一百五十六条第二审人民法院判决宣告前,上诉人申请撤回上诉的,是否准许,由第二审人民法院裁定。    ""Article 156 If an appellant applies for withdrawal of his appeal before a people's court of second instance pronounces its judgment, the court shall decide whether to approve the application or not.""
第一百五十七条第二审人民法院审理上诉案件,除依照本章规定外,适用第一审普通程序。    ""Article 157 In the trial of a case on appeal, the people's court of second instance shall, apart from observing the provisions of this Chapter, follow the ordinary procedure for trials of first instance.""
第一百六十条人民法院审理选民资格案件、宣告失踪或者宣告死亡案件、认定公民无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力案件和认定财产无主案件,适用本章规定。    ""Article 160 When the people's courts try cases concerning the qualification of voters, the declaration of a person as missing or dead, the adjudgment of legal incapacity or restricted legal capacity of a citizen and the adjudgment of a property as ownerless, the provisions of this Chapter shall apply. ""
第一百六十一条依照本章程序审理的案件,实行一审终审。    ""Article 161 In cases tried in accordance with the procedure provided in this Chapter, the judgment of first instance shall be final . ""
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