第十七条 申请注册的商标,凡不符合本法有关规定或者同他人在同一种商品或者类似商品上已经注册的或者初步审定的商标相同或者近似的,由商标局驳回申请,不予公告。 Article 17. Where a trademark the registration of which has been applied for is not in conformity with the relevant provisions of this Law, or it is identical with or similar to the trademark of another person that has, in respect of the same or similar goods, been registered or, after examination, preliminarily approved, the Trademark Office shall refuse the application and shall not publish the said trademark.第十七条 国际著作权条约在中国生效之日尚未在起源国进入公有领域的外国作品,按照著作权法和本规定规定的保护期受保护,到期满为止。 Article 17.Foreign works which, at the date on which the international copyright treaties enter into force in China, have not fallen into the public domain in their countries of origin shall be protected until the expiration of the term of protection as is prescribed in the Copyright Law and these Provisions.第一百七十条 担保物权人在债务人不履行到期债务或者发生当事人约定的实现担保物权的情形,依法享有就担保财产优先受偿的权利,但法律另有规定的除外。 Article 170 Where the obligor fails to pay its due debts or any circumstance for realizing real rights for security as stipulated by the parties concerned happens, the holder of real rights for security shall enjoy preferred payments from the property for security, except that it is otherwise provided for by any law.第一百七十一条 债权人在借贷、买卖等民事活动中,为保障实现其债权,需要担保的,可以依照本法和其他法律的规定设立担保物权。 Article 171 According to the present Law or any other law, an obligee may, in such civil activities as loans or sales, establish the real rights for security in case the security is required for ensuring the realization of its/his credits.第一百七十二条 设立担保物权,应当依照本法和其他法律的规定订立担保合同。担保合同是主债权债务合同的从合同。主债权债务合同无效,担保合同无效,但法律另有规定的除外。 Article 172 For establishing real rights for security, a security contract shall be entered into in accordance with the present Law and the other related laws. A security contract shall be a subordinate one to the principal contract. Unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law, the security contract shall be invalid when the principal contract is nullified.第一百七十三条 担保物权的担保范围包括主债权及其利息、违约金、损害赔偿金、保管担保财产和实现担保物权的费用。当事人另有约定的,按照约定。 Article 173 The security range shall cover principal obligee's rights and their interests, default fines, damages as well as expenses for keeping the property for security and for realizing the real rights for security. In case there are otherwise stipulations between the related parties, such stipulations shall prevail.第一百七十四条 担保期间,担保财产毁损、灭失或者被征收等,担保物权人可以就获得的保险金、赔偿金或者补偿金等优先受偿。被担保债权的履行期未届满的,也可以提存该保险金、赔偿金或者补偿金等。 Article 174 In case, during the security term, the property for security is damaged, lost or expropriated, the security holder may seek preferred payments from the insurance money, damages or indemnities, etc. incurred therefrom. If the term for performing the obligee's rights as secured has not expired, such insurance money, damages or indemnities, etc. may be submitted to a competent authority for keeping.第一百七十五条 第三人提供担保,未经其书面同意,债权人允许债务人转移全部或者部分债务的,担保人不再承担相应的担保责任。 Article 175 As regards any security provided by a third party, where the obligee, without obtaining the written consent of the third party, allows the obligor to transfer all or part of its obligations, the security provider does not have to undertake corresponding security liabilities any more.第一百七十六条 被担保的债权既有物的担保又有人的担保的,债务人不履行到期债务或者发生当事人约定的实现担保物权的情形,债权人应当按照约定实现债权;没有约定或者约定不明确,债务人自己提供物的担保的,债权人应当先就该物的担保实现债权;第三人提供物的担保的,债权人可以就物的担保实现债权,也可以要求保证人承担保证责任。提供担保的第三人承担担保责任后,有权向债务人追偿。 Article 176 As regards a secured credit involving both physical and personal security, where the obligor fails to pay its due debts or any circumstance as stipulated by the parties concerned for realizing the property for security happens, the obligee shall realize the obligee's rights as stipulated; in the case of no or unclear such stipulation, and where the obligor provides his/its own property for the security, the obligee's rights shall be realized firstly by the security in property; and if the security by property is provided by a third party, the obligee may, by the physical security or through requiring the guarantor to assume the guaranty liability, realize the obligee's rights. The third party has the right,, after undertaking the security liability, to recover payments from the obligor.第一百七十七条 有下列情形之一的,担保物权消灭: Article 177 Real rights for security may be terminated under any of the following circumstances:第一百七十八条 担保法与本法的规定不一致的,适用本法。 Article 178 Where any provision in the Security Law conflicts with that of the present Law, the latter shall prevail.第一百七十九条 为担保债务的履行,债务人或者第三人不转移财产的占有,将该财产抵押给债权人的,债务人不履行到期债务或者发生当事人约定的实现抵押权的情形,债权人有权就该财产优先受偿。 Article 179 In order to ensure the payment of debts, an obligor or a third party mortgages his/its properties to the obligee without transferring the possession of such properties, and when the obligor fails to pay due debts or any circumstance as stipulated by the parties concerned for realizing the mortgage right happens, the obligee has the right to seek preferred payments from such properties.第十八条 权利人、利害关系人可以申请查询、复制登记资料,登记机构应当提供。 Article 18 Any right holder or interested party may file an application for consulting or copying the registration materials, and the registration organ may not reject.第十八条 在进行大型基本建设项目的时候,建设单位要事先会同省、自治区、直辖市文化行政管理部门在工程范围内有可能埋藏文物的地方进行文物的调查或者勘探工作。 Article 18 Before carrying out a large-scale capital construction project, the construction unit shall first conduct investigation or prospecting related to cultural relics, together with the department for cultural administration of a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government, at places where such relics may be buried underground within the area designated for the project.第十八条(竞赛和参赛者冠名规定)冠以上海市行政区域名举办体育竞赛或者参赛的,应当报市体委批准。 Article 18 Provision of Name Precedence to Contests and Contestants Having the name of Shanghai municipal administrative area precede the names of sports contests or contestants must be reported to the MPCSC for approval.第十八条 学校必须开设体育课,并将体育课列为考核学生。学业成绩的科目。 Article 18 Schools must offer Physical Education and make it a subject for assessing students' academic performance.第十八条 发明或者实用新型专利申请的说明书应当写明发明或者实用新型的名称,该名称应当与请求书中的名称一致。说明书应当包括下列内容: Article 18 The specification of an application for a patent for invention or utility model shall indicate the title of the invention or utility model as it appears in the written request. The specification shall include:第十八条 美术等作品原件所有权的转移,不视为作品著作权的转移,但美术作品原件的展览权由原件所有人享有。 Article 18 The transfer of ownership of the original copy of a work of fine art, or other works, shall not be deemed to include the transfer of the copyright in such work, provided that the right to exhibit the original copy of a work of fine art shall be enjoyed by the owner of such original copy.第十八条 布图设计登记申请经初步审查,未发现驳回理由的,由国务院知识产权行政部门予以登记,发给登记证明文件,并予以公告。 Article 18 Where there has found no reasonable ground for rejection in the application for registration of a layout-design upon preliminary examination, the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council shall register it, issue the Registration Certificate and publish the registration.第十八条 著作权中的财产权依照继承法的规定继承。 Article 18. Inheritance of economic rights contained in copyright shall be executed in accordance with the Law of Inheritance.??? 第十八条? 投保方要求保险方赔偿时,应当提供损失清单和施救等费用清单以及必要的帐册、单据和证明。 Article 18. The Insured shall when lodging a claim submit to the Insurer a statement of claim and statements for salvage charges, etc. as well as necessary accounts, vouchers and documentary evidence.第十八条 两个或者两个以上的申请人,在同一种商品或者类似商品上,以相同或者近似的商标申请注册的,初步审定并公告申请在先的商标;同一天申请的,初步审定并公告使用在先的商标,驳回其他人的申请,不予公告。 Article 18. Where two or more applicants apply for the registration of identical or similar trademarks for the same or similar goods, the preliminary approval, after examination, and the publication shall be made for the trademark which was first filed. Where applications are filed on the same day, the preliminary approval, after examination, and the publication shall be made for the trademark which was the earliest used, and the applications of the others shall be refused and their trademarks shall not be published.第十八条 在中国没有经常居所或者营业所的外国人、外国企业或者外国其他组织在中国申请专利的,依照其所属国同中国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约,或者依照互惠原则,根据本法办理。 Article 18.? Where any foreigner, foreign enterprise or other foreign organization having no habitual residence or business office in China files an application for a patent in China, the application sha1l be treated under this Law in accordance with any agreement concluded between the country to which the applicant belongs and China, or in accordance with any international treaty to which both countries are party, or on the basis of the principle of reciprocity.第十八条 本规定第五条、第十二条、第十四条、第十五条、第十七条适用于录音制品。 Article 18.Articles 5, 12, 14, 15 and 17 of these Provisions shall also apply to sound recordings.第一百八十条 债务人或者第三人有权处分的下列财产可以抵押: Article 180 As regards the following properties that the obligor or the third party has the right to dispose of, mortgage may be established thereon :