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第二十条 作者死亡后,其著作权中的署名权、修改权和保护作品完整权由作者的继承人或者受遗赠人保护。    Article 20. Right of indication of authorship, right of revision and right of integrity contained in copyright shall, after the death of the author, be protected by the heir in title and other person to whom the economic rights are granted.
??? 第二十条? 公民个人同保险方签订的保险合同,参照本条例执行。    Article 20. The Present Regulations shall apply to contracts of insurance concluded between the Insurer and individuals.
第二十条 国务院工商行政管理部门设立商标评审委员会,负责处理商标争议事宜。    Article 20. The Trademark Review and Adjudication Board, established under the administrative authority for industry and commerce under the State Council, shall be responsible for handling trademark disputes.
第二十条 中国单位或者个人将其在国内完成的发明创造向外国申请专利的,应当先向国务院专利行政部门申请专利,委托其指定的专利代理机构办理,并遵守本法第四条的规定。    Article 20.? Where any Chinese entity or individual intends to file an application in a foreign country for a patent for invention-creation made in China, it or he shall file first an application for patent with the patent administration department under the State Council, appoint a patent agency designated by the said department?to act as its or his agent, and comply with the provisions of Article 4 of this Law.
第二十条 国家版权局负责国际著作权条约在中国的实施。    Article 20.The implementation in China of the international copyright treaties shall be the responsibility of the National Copyright Administration of China.
第二百条 建设用地使用权抵押后,该土地上新增的建筑物不属于抵押财产。该建设用地使用权实现抵押权时,应当将该土地上新增的建筑物与建设用地使用权一并处分,但新增建筑物所得的价款,抵押权人无权优先受偿。    Article 200 The buildings newly constructed on the land after the mortgage of the right to use construction land may not belong to the mortgaged properties. Such newly-constructed buildings can be disposed of together with the disposal of the aforesaid right to use construction land so as to realize the mortgage right, however, the mortgagee has no right to seek preferred payments from the money generated from the disposal of these newly-constructed buildings.
第二百零一条 依照本法第一百八十条第一款第三项规定的土地承包经营权抵押的,或者依照本法第一百八十三条规定以乡镇、村企业的厂房等建筑物占用范围内的建设用地使用权一并抵押的,实现抵押权后,未经法定程序,不得改变土地所有权的性质和土地用途。    Article 201 As regards the mortgage of the right to the contracted management of land as provided for in Item (3) of Paragraph 1 of Article 180 of the present Law or the right to use construction land occupied by the plant or any other building of a township or village enterprise as prescribed in Article 183 of the present Law, after such mortgage right is realized, without completing the statutory procedures, the nature of land ownership or land use may not be altered.
第二百零二条 抵押权人应当在主债权诉讼时效期间行使抵押权;未行使的,人民法院不予保护。    Article 202 A mortgagee shall, within the limitation of action for the principal obligee's rights, exercise the mortgage right, otherwise, such mortgage right will not be protected by the people's court.
第二百零三条 为担保债务的履行,债务人或者第三人对一定期间内将要连续发生的债权提供担保财产的,债务人不履行到期债务或者发生当事人约定的实现抵押权的情形,抵押权人有权在最高债权额限度内就该担保财产优先受偿。    Article 203 For ensuring the payment of debts, an obligor or third party may provide mortgage security to the obligee for the obligee's rights that will continuously happen within a certain term, and when the obligor fails to pay its/his due debts or any circumstance as stipulated by the parties concerned for realizing the mortgage right happens, the mortgagee has the right to seek preferred payments from the security properties within the maximum amount of obligee's rights.
第二百零四条 最高额抵押担保的债权确定前,部分债权转让的,最高额抵押权不得转让,但当事人另有约定的除外。    Article 204 Unless it is otherwise stipulated by the parties concerned, in case part of obligee's rights are transferred prior to the establishment of the mortgage security at maximum amount, the mortgage right at maximum amount may not be transferred.
第二百零五条 最高额抵押担保的债权确定前,抵押权人与抵押人可以通过协议变更债权确定的期间、债权范围以及最高债权额,但变更的内容不得对其他抵押权人产生不利影响。    Article 205 Prior to the determination of the obligee's rights under the mortgage security at maximum amount, the mortgagee and the mortgagor may, upon agreement, alter the term for the determination of the obligee's rights, the scope of obligee's rights or the maximum amount of obligee's rights, however, such alteration may not cause any unfavorable influence to any other mortgagee.
第二百零六条 有下列情形之一的,抵押权人的债权确定:    Article 206 The mortgagee's obligee's rights shall be determined, if any of the following circumstances occurs,:
第二百零七条 最高额抵押权除适用本节规定外,适用本章第一节一般抵押权的规定。    Article 207 The mortgage right at maximum amount shall be governed by, in addition to the provisions in this Section, the provisions on general mortgage right as provided for in Section 1 of this Chapter.
第二百零八条 为担保债务的履行,债务人或者第三人将其动产出质给债权人占有的,债务人不履行到期债务或者发生当事人约定的实现质权的情形,债权人有权就该动产优先受偿。    Article 208 For the security of the payment of debts,an obligor or a third party may pledge his (its) chattels to the obligee for occupation, and when the obligor fails to pay due debts or any circumstance for realizing the pledge right as stipulated by the parties happens, the obligee has the right to seek preferred payments from the pledged chattels.
第二百零九条 法律、行政法规禁止转让的动产不得出质。    Article 209 The chattels,which are forbidden from being pledged by any law or administrative regulation, may not be pledged.
第二十一条 在布图设计登记公告前,国务院知识产权行政部门的工作人员对其内容负有保密义务。    Article 21 Before the registration of a layout-design is published, the staff members of the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council shall be under the obligation to keep the contents thereof confidential.
第二十一条 当事人提供虚假材料申请登记,给他人造成损害的,应当承担赔偿责任。    Article 21 In case any related party provides false materials for applying for registration and causes damages to any other person, it/he shall assume the liability for compensation.
第二十一条 非经国家文化行政管理部门报国务院特别许可,任何外国人或者外国团体不得在中华人民共和国境内进行考古调查和发掘。    Article 21 No foreign national or foreign organization may engage in archaeological investigations or excavations within the boundaries of the People's Republic of China without special permission granted by the State Council, on the basis of a report from the state department for cultural administration.
第二十一条(抽奖公证和依法纳税)在体育竞赛中举行抽奖活动,应当办理公证。    Article 21 Notarization of Lottery Draw and Tax Payment According to Law Lottery draws held in sports contests must be notarized.
第二十一条 学校应当按照国家有关规定,配备合格的体育教师,保障体育教师享受与其工作特点有关的待遇。    Article 21 Schools shall, according to relevant regulations of the State, have qualified physical education teachers and ensure that they enjoy the privileges commensurate with the nature of their work.
第二十一条 权利要求书应当有独立权利要求,也可以有从属权利要求。    Article 21 The patent claim shall have an independent claim, and may also contain subordinate claims.
第二十一条 公民的作品,其发表权、使用权和获得报酬权的保护期为作者终生及其死亡后五十年,截止于作者死亡后第五十年的12月31日;如果是合作作品,截止于最后死亡的作者死亡后的第五十年的12月31日。    Article 21 The term of protection of the right of publication, the right of exploitation and the right to remuneration in respect of a work of a citizen shall be the life time of the author and fifty years after his death, expiring on December 31 of the fiftieth year after his death. In the case of a work of joint authorship, such term shall expire on December 31 of the fiftieth year after the death of the last surviving author.
第二十一条 国家享有的著作权,由著作权行政管理部门代表国家行使。    Article 21. Copyright enjoyed by the State shall be enforced by the copyright administrative authority on behalf of the State.
第二十一条 国务院专利行政部门及其专利复审委员会应当按照客观、公正、准确、及时的要求,依法处理有关专利的申请和请求。    Article 21. The patent administration department under the State Council and its Patent Reexamination Board shall handle any patent application and patent-related request according to law and in conformity with the requirements for being objective, fair, correct and timely.
??? 第二十一条? 涉外财产保险合同参照本条例执行。    Article 21. The Present Regulations shall apply to contract of insurance on property involving foreign elements.
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