第一百九十五条 债务人不履行到期债务或者发生当事人约定的实现抵押权的情形,抵押权人可以与抵押人协议以抵押财产折价或者以拍卖、变卖该抵押财产所得的价款优先受偿。协议损害其他债权人利益的,其他债权人可以在知道或者应当知道撤销事由之日起一年内请求人民法院撤销该协议。 Article 195 When the obligor fails to pay its/his due debts or any circumstance as stipulated by the parties concerned for realizing the right to mortgage arises, the mortgagee may, upon negotiation with the mortgagor, convert the mortgaged property into money or seek preferred payments from the money generated from the auction or sale of the mortgaged property. Where the said agreement has injured the interests of any other obligee, the obligee may, within one year after he/it has known or should know the cause for cancellation, require the people's court to cancel such agreement.第一百九十六条 依照本法第一百八十一条规定设定抵押的,抵押财产自下列情形之一发生时确定: Article 196 As regards the mortgage created in accordance with Article 181 of the present Law, the mortgaged property shall be determined when any of the following circumstances arises:第一百九十七条 债务人不履行到期债务或者发生当事人约定的实现抵押权的情形,致使抵押财产被人民法院依法扣押的,自扣押之日起抵押权人有权收取该抵押财产的天然孳息或者法定孳息,但抵押权人未通知应当清偿法定孳息的义务人的除外。 Article 197 When the obligor fails to pay its/his due debts or any circumstance as stipulated by the parties concerned for realizing the mortgage right arises, and the mortgaged property is thus seized by the people's court in accordance with law, the mortgagee has the right to collect natural or statutory fruits of the mortgaged property as of the date of seizure, unless the mortgagee has failed to inform the subject liable to pay off statutory fruits.第一百九十八条 抵押财产折价或者拍卖、变卖后,其价款超过债权数额的部分归抵押人所有,不足部分由债务人清偿。 Article 198 The value exceeding the obligee's rights shall be attributed to the mortgagor, and the gap shall be paid off by the obligor, after the mortgaged property has been converted into money, auctioned or sold off.第一百九十九条 同一财产向两个以上债权人抵押的,拍卖、变卖抵押财产所得的价款依照下列规定清偿: Article 199 In case a same property is mortgaged to two or more obligees concurrently, the money generated from the auction or sale of the mortgaged property shall be used for paying debts in light of the prescriptions as follows:第一条 为了保护发明创造专利权,鼓励发明创造,有利于发明创造的推广应用,促进科学技术进步和创新,适应社会主义现代化建设的需要,特制定本法。 Article 1? ?This Law is enacted to protect patent rights for inventions-creations, to encourage invention-creation, to foster the spreading and application of inventions-creations, and to promote the development and innovation of science and technology, for meeting the needs of the construction of socialist modernization.第二条 专利法所称发明,是指对产品、方法或者其改进所提出的新的技术方案。 Article 2 ""Invention"" as mentioned in the Patent Law means any new technical solution relating to a product, a process or an improvement thereof.第二条(适用范围)本市行政区域内举办体育竞赛活动及其管理,适用本办法。 Article 2 Application Scope These Procedures apply to the organization and administration of sports contest in the administrative areas of this Municipality.第二条 本条例下列用语的含义: Article 2 For the purpose of the Regulations:第二条 因物的归属和利用而产生的民事关系,适用本法。 Article 2 The civil relationships incurred from the attribution and utilization of the res shall be governed by the present Law.第二条 国家发展体育事业,开展群众性的体育活动,提高全民族身体素质。 Article 2 The State promotes development of undertakings of physical culture and sports and carries out mass sports activities to improve physical fitness of the whole nation.第二条 在中华人民共和国境内,下列具有历史、艺术、科学价值的文物,受国家保护: Article 2 The state shall place under its protection, within the boundaries of the People's Republic of China, the following cultural relics of historical, artistic or scientific value:第二条 本办法所称卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送的电视节目,是指单位利用已有的卫星地面接收设施或者设置专门的卫星地面接收设施接收与本单位业务工作有直接关系的外国卫星传送的电视节目。 Article 2 The term ""reception of television programs transmitted via foreign satellites by ground satellite receiving facilities"" as used in these Measures refers to the reception by units of foreign-satellite-transmitted television programs that are directly related to the work or business operations of these units by utilizing their existing ground satellite receiving facilities or installing special ground satellite receiving facilities..第二条 中国公民、法人或者非法人单位的作品,不论是否发表,依照本法享有著作权。外国人的作品首先在中国境内发表的,依照本法享有著作权。外国人在中国境内发表的作品,根据其所属国同中国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约享有的著作权,受本法保护。 Article 2 Works of Chinese citizens, legal persons or entities without legal personality, whether published or not, shall enjoy copyright in accordance with this Law. Works of foreigners first published in the territory of the People's Republic of China shall enjoy copyright in accordance with this Law.Any work of a foreigner published outside the territory of the People's? Republic of China which is eligible to enjoy copyright under an agreement concluded between the country to which the foreigner belongs and China, or under an international treaty to which both countries are parties, shall be protected in accordance with this Law.??? 第二条? 本条例所指的财产保险,包括财产保险、农业保险、责任保险、保证保险、信用保险等以财产或利益为保险标准的各种保险。 Article 2. The property insurance referred to in the present Regulations includes various kinds of insurance on either property or interest as the subject matter of insurance, such as property insurance, agricultural insurance, liability insurance, surety bond, credit insurance etc.第二条 著作权法所称作品,指文学、艺术和科学领域内,具有独创性并能以某种有形形式复制的智力创作成果。 Article 2. The term ""works"" used in the Copyright Law refers to original intellectual creations in the literary, artistic and scientific domain, in so far as they are capable of being reproduced in a certain tangible form.第二条 国务院工商行政管理部门商标局主管全国商标注册和管理的工作。 Article 2. The Trademark Office of the administrative authority for industry and commerce under the State Council shall be responsible for the registration and administration of trademarks throughout the country.第二条 对外国作品的保护,适用《中华人民共和国著作权法》(以下称著作权 法)、《中华人民共和国著作权法实施条例》、《计算机软件保护条例》和本规定。 Article 2.With regard to the protection of foreign works, the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of ·China (hereinafter referred to as ""the Copyright Law""). the Regulations for the Implementation of Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations for the Protection of Computer Software and these Provisions shall apply.第二十条 当事人签订买卖房屋或者其他不动产物权的协议,为保障将来实现物权,按照约定可以向登记机构申请预告登记。预告登记后,未经预告登记的权利人同意,处分该不动产的,不发生物权效力。 Article 20 In case the related parties entered into a purchase agreement on a premise or the real right of any other realty, they may apply for advance notice registration to the registration organ so as to ensure the realization of the real right in the future. Without the consent of the holder in the advance notice registration, any disposal of the realty, after the advance notice registration, may not produce effect of real right.第二十条(人身保险)举办拳击、马拉松、攀岩、跳伞、滑翔、热气球、汽车、摩托车和对抗剧烈、超大强度或者危险性较大的其他体育竞赛,举办人应当为参赛者办理人身保险。 Article 20 Personal Insurance When conducting boxing, marathon, rock scaling, parachuting, gliding, hot-air ballooning, car-racing, motor-cycling and other sports contests with acute antagonism, extreme intensity or greater danger, the sponsor must take out personal insurance for contestants.第二十条 学校应当组织多种形式的课外体育活动,开展课外训练和体育竞赛,并根据条件每学年举行一次全校性的体育运动会。 Article 20 Schools shall organize various kinds of after-class sports activities, carry out after-class athletic training and competitions, and in light of specific conditions hold a school-wide sports meet every school year.第二十条 凡因进行基本建设和生产建设需要文物勘探、考古发掘的,所需费用和劳动力由建设单位列入投资计划和劳动计划,或者报上级计划部门解决。 Article 20 The expenses and workforce needed for the prospecting for cultural relics and archaeological excavations which have to be carried out because of capital construction or construction for productive purposes shall be included in the investment and labour plans of the construction units or reported to planning departments at higher levels for proper arrangement.第二十条 权利要求书应当说明发明或者实用新型的技术特征,清楚、简要地表述请求保护的范围。 Article 20 The patent claim shall state the technical features of the invention or utility model, and define clearly and concisely the scope of the requested protection.第二十条 作者的署名权、修改权、保护作品完整权的保护期不受限制。 Article 20 The term of protection of the rights of authorship, alteration, and integrity of an author shall be unlimited.第二十条 布图设计获准登记后,国务院知识产权行政部门发现该登记不符合本条例规定的,应当予以撤销,通知布图设计权利人,并予以公告。 Article 20 Where the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council, after granting the registration of a layout-design, discovers that the registration does not conform to the provisions of the Regulations, the registration shall be revoked, the holder of right of the layout-design notified, and the revocation published.