第十五条 电影、电视、录像作品的导演、编剧、作词、作曲、摄影等作者享有署名权,著作权的其他权利由制作电影、电视、录像作品的制片者享有。 Article 15 The director, screenwriter, lyricist, composer, cameraman and other authors of a cinematographic, television or video-graphic work shall enjoy the right of authorship in the work, while the other rights included in the copyright shall be enjoyed by the producer of the work.第十五条 本办法由广播电影电视部解释。 Article 15 The Ministry of Radio, Film and Television shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures..第十五条国家鼓励、支持民族、民间传统体育项目的发掘、整理和提高。 Article 15 The State encourages and supports the exploration, consolidation and improvement of national and folk traditional sports.第十五条 除依照专利法第十条规定转让专利权外,专利权因其他事由发生转移的,当事人应当凭有关证明文件或者法律文书向国务院专利行政部门办理专利权人变更手续。 Article 15 Unless a patent right is assigned in accordance with Article 10 of the Patent Law, the party concerned shall, if the patent right is devolved due to other reasons, fulfill the formalities for the change of the patent holder in the administrative department for patent under the State Council with relevant certified documents or legal instruments.第十五条 著作权法第十六条第二款第(一)项所称物质技术条件,指为创作专门提供的资金、设备或者资料。 Article 15. Material and technical conditions mentioned in paragraph 2 of Article 16 (1) of the Law shall mean fund, equipments or materials provided expressly for the creation of a work.??? 第十五条? 在发生保险事故后,投保方有责任采取一切必要措施,避免扩大损失,并将事故发生的情况及时通知保险方。 ARticle 15. Upon the incidence of an insured event, the Insured shall take all necessary measures to prevent aggravation of the loss and shall notify the Insurer immediately of full details of the event.第十五条 注册商标需要变更注册人的名义、地址或者其他注册事项的,应当提出变更申请。 Article 15. Where, after the registration of a trademark, the name, address or other registered matters concerning the registrant change, an application regarding the change shall be filed.第十五条 外国作品的著作权人有权禁止进口其作品的下列复制品: Article 15.Copyright owners of foreign works have the right to prohibit the importation of the following types of copies of their works:第一百五十条 建设用地使用权消灭的,出让人应当及时办理注销登记。登记机构应当收回建设用地使用权证书。 Article 150 Where the right to use construction land is terminated, the transferor shall go through deregistration formalities in time, and the certificate on the right to use construction land shall be taken back by the registration organ.第一百五十一条 集体所有的土地作为建设用地的,应当依照土地管理法等法律规定办理。 Article 151 Where a piece of collectively-owned land is used as construction land, it shall be handled in accordance with the law on land administration and other related laws.第一百五十二条 宅基地使用权人依法对集体所有的土地享有占有和使用的权利,有权依法利用该土地建造住宅及其附属设施。 Article 152 The holder of the right to use house sites has the right to possess and use land owned by a collective, and to construct residential houses and affiliated facilities thereof by utilizing such land.第一百五十三条 宅基地使用权的取得、行使和转让,适用土地管理法等法律和国家有关规定。 Article 153 For acquiring, exercising and alienating the right to use house sites, the law on land administration, other related laws and the related provisions of the state shall apply.第一百五十四条 宅基地因自然灾害等原因灭失的,宅基地使用权消灭。对失去宅基地的村民,应当重新分配宅基地。 Article 154 The right to use house site shall be terminated where a house site is terminated by virtue of any natural disaster, etc.. A villager losing a house site shall be allotted a house site again.第一百五十五条 已经登记的宅基地使用权转让或者消灭的,应当及时办理变更登记或者注销登记。 Article 155 The alteration or cancellation registration shall be made in time in the case of the alienation or termination of a registered right to use house sites.第一百五十六条 地役权人有权按照合同约定,利用他人的不动产,以提高自己的不动产的效益。 Article 156 An easement holder shall, according to the contract, be entitled to utilize the realty of someone else so as to enhance the efficiency of his own realty.第一百五十七条 设立地役权,当事人应当采取书面形式订立地役权合同。 Article 157 For establishing an easement, the parties concerned shall enter into an written easement contract.第一百五十八条 地役权自地役权合同生效时设立。当事人要求登记的,可以向登记机构申请地役权登记;未经登记,不得对抗善意第三人。 Article 158 The easement shall be established since the easement contract comes into effect. Where the related parties considers that the registration thereof is necessary, they may apply to the registration organ for easement registration; otherwise, they may not challenge any third party with good faith.第一百五十九条 供役地权利人应当按照合同约定,允许地役权人利用其土地,不得妨害地役权人行使权利。 Article 159 The holder of servient tenement shall allow an easement holder to use his/its land in accordance with the contract, and may not hamper the latter from exercising the right.第十六条 公民为完成法人或者非法人单位工作任务所创作的作品是职务作品,除本条第二款的规定以外,著作权由作者享有,但法人或者非法人单位有权在其业务范围内优先使用。 Article 16 A work created by a citizen in the fulfillment of tasks assigned to him by a legal person or entity without legal personality shall be deemed to be a work created in the course of employment. The copyright in such a work shall, subject to the provisions of the second paragraph of this Article,be enjoyed by the author, provided that the legal person or entity without legal personality shall have a right of priority to exploit the work within the scope of its professional activities.第十六条 以书面形式申请专利的,应当向国务院专利行政部门提交申请文件一式两份。 Article 16 Anyone who applies for a patent in written form shall submit the application documents to the administrative department for patent under the State Council in duplicate.第十六条(竞赛秩序和安全防范)举办人和参赛运动员、教练员、裁判员应当遵守体育道德,确保公平竞赛,不得弄虚作假、营私舞弊,不得利用体育竞赛进行赌博活动。 Article 16 Contest Order and Security Precaution The sponsor, contestants, coaches and referees must observe physical cultural ethics and ensure fair contest. No fraud or malpractice is allowed. It is forbidden to make use of sports contests for gambling activities.第十六条 申请布图设计登记,应当提交: Article 16 The following shall be submitted in accompaniment with an application filed for the registration of a layout-design:第十六条 一切考古发掘工作,都必须履行报批手续。地下埋藏的文物,任何单位或者个人都不得私自发掘。出土的文物除根据需要交给科学研究部门研究的以外,由当地文化行政管理部门指定的单位保管,任何单位或者个人不得侵占。 Article 16 The procedure of submitting reports for approval must be performed for all archaeological excavations. No unit or individual may conduct excavations without permission. The cultural relics unearthed, except for those to be handed over, as may be necessary, to scientific research institutions for the purpose of research, shall be taken care of by units designated by local departments for cultural administration, and no unit or individual may take them into its or his own possession.第十六条 不动产登记簿是物权归属和内容的根据。不动产登记簿由登记机构管理。 Article 16 The realty register shall be the basis for deciding the ownership and contents of a realty and shall be under the management of the registration organ.第十六条全社会应当关心、支持老年人、残疾人参加体育活动。 Article 16 The whole society should be concerned about and support the aged and disabled people to participate in physical activities.