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情节严重的,除罚款外,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府责令停产。    Serious violators shall be ordered by the PARM government to cease production in addition to the penalty fine.
农业技术推广机构应当与农业科研、教育单位相互协作,推广先进的农业技术。    Setups for popularizing agricultural techniques shall coordinate with units of agricultural scientific research and education to popularize advanced agricultural techniques.
防护林工程    Shelter forest projects
船用电站    Shipborne power stations
冷轧硅钢片    Silicon steel sheet cold rolling
单系列日产400吨及以上聚酯    Single-series 400-ton/day and over polyester
单系列规模500万吨及以上炼油    Single-series scale 5-million-ton and over oil refinery
烟气脱硫脱硝设备    Smoke and gas desulphurization and denitration equipment
农业社会化服务体系    Socialized services systems for agriculture
软件开发    Software development
蔬菜、花卉无土栽培    Soilless cultivation of vegetables and flowers
固体废弃物综合利用    Solid wastes integrated utilization
特种工业缝纫机    Special industrial sewing machines
工业用特种纺织品    Special industrial textiles
特种天然纤维加工    Special natural fibre processing
医药专用紧缺的中间体和新型抗生素    Special-purpose medicinal intermediaries in short supply and new antibiotics
具体实施办法由国家工商局制定。    Specific measures for implementation shall be worked out by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce.
具体办法由机械部会同有关部门制定。    Specific measures shall be worked out by the Ministry of Machinery in conjunction with the departments concerned.
禁止倒卖和转让麻黄素购用证明。    Speculation and transfer of certificates for ephedrine purchase and use shall be prohibited.
禁止倒卖和转让麻黄素出口许可证和出口购用证明。    Speculation and transfer of ephedrine export licenses and certificates of purchase and use for export are prohibited.
既有线路提速    Speed improvement of existing railway lines
不锈钢冶炼    Stainless steel smelting
中华人民共和国标准法    Standardization Law of the People’s Republic of China
标准化工作应当纳入国民经济和社会发展计划。    Standardization shall be incorporated in the plan for national economic and social development.
对前款规定以外的其他计量标准器具和工作计量器具,使用单位应当自行定期检定或者送其他计量检定机构检定,县级以上人民政府计量行政部门应当进行监督检查。    Standards of measurement and working measuring instruments other than those referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be verified at regular intervals by the users themselves or by the metrological verification institutions. The metrological administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall supervise and inspect such verification.
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