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(十二)发出中标通知书:    (12) Sending out the bid winning notice; and
(二)向招标投标办事机构提出招标申请书。    (2) Submission of a bidding application to the institution in charge of bidding and tendering.
二、有符合安全要求的经营设施;    (2) Sales facilities that conform to safety standards.
(二)加强麻黄素的经营管理。    (2) Strengthening ephedrine management control.
(三)加强麻黄素的仓储和运输管理。    (3) Strengthening ephedrine warehouse and transport control.
四、将生产特别许可证书转让其他单位或者个人使用的;    (4) SPL transferred to other work units or individuals.
四、必须具备标准的计量与检测设备;    (4) Standardized quantifying and detection equipment.
(四)规范麻黄素的使用管理。    (4) Standardizing control over ephedrine use.
4.用户,是指通过接入网络进行国际联网的个人、法人和其他组织;个人用户是指具有联网帐号的个人。    (4) Subscribers refer to individuals, legal persons and other organizations which connect their computers or networks with international networks through access networks. Personal subscribers refer to individuals with account numbers for networking.
(五)投标单位申请投标;    (5) Submission of the tender applications by the tendering units;
五、科研数据和研究报告;    (5) Scientific data and research reports.
5.专业计算机信息网络,是指为行业服务的专用计算机信息网络。    (5) Specialized computer information networks refer to those operated for the exclusive use of certain sectors.
(五)加强麻黄素的进出口管理。    (5) Stepping up ephedrine import-export control.
(一)窃取或者侵占他人拥有的技术从事技术交易;    1. Stealing or usurping technologies owned by other people to conduct technology trading;
蓄滞洪区安全建设    Safety construction of flood storage and retention areas
必须每半年向所在地省级《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门报送销售记录。    Sales records shall be submitted to the local provincial CWC affairs authorities every six months.
卫星应用    Satellite applications
卫星移动通信系统设备    Satellite mobile telecommunications systems and equipment
卫星通信系统及地球站设备    Satellite telecommunications systems and ground station equipment
重大技术装备的分散型控制系统    Scattered control systems for major technical equipment
对消防工作,应当加强科学研究,推广、使用先进消防技术、消防设备。    Science research and promotion on fire control work should be reiterated and advanced fire control technology and equipage should be adopted.
科学技术社会团体应当在推进学科建设、普及科学技术知识、培养专门人才、开展咨询服务、促进学术交流、维护科学技术工作者的合法权益等方面,发挥积极作用。    Scientific and technical social bodies shall play an active role in advancing the construction of scientific disciplines, popularizing scientific and technical knowledge, training professional personnel, conducting consultation services, promoting academic exchanges, and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of scientific and technical workers.
废钢加工和处理    Scrap steel processing and disposal
海水淡化技术及设备    Sea water desalination technology and equipment
新型药物的筛选技术与筛选模型    Selection technology and selection models for new medicines
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