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青霉素盐提纯和纯化    Penicillin salt refining and purification
科技成果完成人或者课题负责人,不得阻碍职务科技成果的转化,不得将职务科技成果及其技术资料和数据占为己有,侵犯单位的合法权益。    Persons who made the scientific and technological achievements or leading members of a research project may not obstruct transformation of the scientific and technological achievements they made while holding positions in the units or take into their own possession such achievements or thus encroach upon the lawful rights and interests of the units they belong to.
参加科学技术成果鉴定的人员故意做出虚假鉴定的,由有关主管部门给予行政处分。    Persons who, taking part in appraising scientific and technological achievements, deliberately made false appraisal shall be given administrative sanctions by the competent authorities concerned.
石油、天然气开采    Petroleum and natural gas exploitation
石油、天然气勘探    Petroleum and natural gas exploration
石油储备    Petroleum reserve
石油钢管    Petroleum steel pipes
树木生理活性物质    Physiological active matters of trees
管道输煤    Pipeline coal transmission
原油管道输送    Pipeline transmission of crude oil
天然气管道输送    Pipeline transmission of natural gas
板型控制    Plate shape control
聚氯乙烯树脂    Polyvinyl chloride resin
精密、超精密加工技术及设备    Precision and ultra-precision processing technologies and equipment
精密成型技术及设备    Precision shaping technology and equipment
麻黄素单方制剂只能卖给医疗单位,医疗单位凭医生处方销售。    Prescribed ephedrine preparations can only be sold to medical units which shall sell on the strength of doctors’ prescriptions.
水煤浆加压气化    Pressurized gasification of liquefied coal pulp
荒漠化防治    Prevention and control of desertification
森林灾害防治    Prevention and control of forest disasters
麻黄素生产、经营企业必须建立严格的仓储制度,要设专用库房并指派专人管理。    Production and management enterprises of ephedrine must establish strict warehouse rules and should set aside special-purpose stock rooms and appoint special persons for the control thereof.
一水硬铝石型铝土矿生产氧化铝    Production of alumina with monohydrate hard bauxite ore
取得生产许可证书后,方可进行生产。    Production shall not begin before the SPL is obtained.
经营性互联网络应当享受同等的资费政策和技术支撑条件。    Profit-making networks shall be given equal treatment on service rates and technical support.
物业管理    Property management
上述重大问题的讨论方案,均由厂长提出。    Proposals for discussion of the foregoing important issues shall all be made by the factory director.
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