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农业技术推广机构、农业科研单位、有关学术以及科技人员,以技术转让、技术服务和技术承包等形式提供农业技术的,可以实行有偿服务,其合法收入受法律保护。进行农业技术转让、技术服务和技术承包,当事人各方应当订立合同,约定各自的权利和义务。    "Provision of agro-techniques through technical transfer
(一)对麻黄素实行定点、定量、计划生产。    (1) Planned production of ephedrine shall be carried out at designated points in fixed quantity.
(一)明显提高产业技术水平和经济效益的;    (1) projects that will noticeably help raise the industrial and technical level and increase economic results;
二、不按规定进行生产和销售的;    (2) Production and sales not consistent with the regulations.
(二)形成产业规模,具有国际经济竞争能力的;    (2) projects of an industrial scale that can compete among the economies of the world;
(二)为企业的经营决策提供咨询、信息。    (2) provide advice and information for the enterprises to make their operational decisions;
三、产品价格数据;    (3) Pricing data of the products.
三、产品质量必须达到国家标准或行业(部颁)标准(尚未制定国家或部颁标准的产品,暂按企业标准执行);    (3) Product quality meeting national standards or industry standards as promulgated by the Ministry. (Enterprise standards shall be used during the interim in cases of products where national or ministerial standards have not yet been formulated.)
(四)发布招标公告或发出招标邀请书;    (4) Publishing of the bidding announcement or sending of the bid invitations;
四、个人档案和数据;    (4) Personnel files and data.
(4)没有产品质量标准、未经质量检验机构检验的产品不准生产和销售;    (4) product without the product-quality standard or without being tested by the state quality-testing organ is not allowed to be manufactured and marketed;
(四)为转化高技术成果、创办相关企业提供综合配套服务。    (4) providing all-round services in support of transforming high- technology achievements and establishing enterprises for the transformation.
(四)为科技成果转化提供其他咨询服务。    (4) providing other advisory services for transformation of scientific and technological achievements.
(五)计划开工、竣工日期,工程总进度;    (5) Proposed schedule of commencement and completion and the general schedule;
(五)加速少数民族地区、边远贫困地区社会经济发展的。    (5) projects that can help accelerate the social and economic development in areas inhabited by minority nationalities and outlying and poverty-stricken areas.
六、专利数据和文件;    (6) Patent data and documents.
 (一) 参与制订农业技术推广计划并组织实施;    1. participating in the working out of agro-technical popularization plans and organizing the implementation thereof;
 (三) 提供农业技术、信息服务;    3. providing services of agro-technique and information;
当事人拒不履行处罚决定的,由作出处罚决定的机关申请人民法院强制执行。    Parties involved that do not implement the administrative penalty decisions shall be ordered forcible implementation by the People's Court upon request from the agencies pmaking the administrative penalty decisions.
任何机关和单位向农民或者农业生产经营组织强制集资的,农民和农业生产经营组织有权拒绝。    Peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations shall have the right to refuse any compulsory fund-raising demanded by any State organs or units.
没有法律、法规规定的依据,任何机关对农民或者农业生产经营组织罚款的,农民和农业生产经营组织有权拒绝。    Peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations shall have the right to refuse to pay any fines imposed upon them by State organs without the basis of laws or regulations.
没有法律、法规、国务院授权的部门的决定或者省级人民政府规章规定的依据,任何机关因办理公务而收费的,农民和农业生产经营组织有权拒绝。    Peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations shall have the right to refuse to pay fees collected by State organs for handling official business without the basis of laws or regulations or decisions made by the competent departments empowered by the State Council or the provisions of rules formulated by the people's governments at the provincial level.
小球烧结及球团烧结    Pellets burning and pellet-grouping burning
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