- 中国环境与资源法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 第二十三条 大、中城市人民政府环境保护行政主管部门应当定期发布大气环境质量状况公报,并逐步开展大气环境质量预报工作。 Article 23 The administrative department of environmental protection under the people's governments of large and medium-sized cities shall regularly publish reports on the quality of the atmospheric environment and gradually introduce the system of forecasting the quality of atmospheric environment.
- 第二十三条 授予预备役军官军衔,依照下列规定的权限批准: Article 23 The conferment of military ranks on reserve officers shall be approved in accordance with the limits of authority prescribed below:
- 第二十三条取得煤炭生产许可证,应当具备下列条件: Article 23 The following requirements must be met for obtaining the coal production license:
- 第二十三条 在城市范围内向周围生活环境排放工业噪声的,应当符合国家规定的工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准。 Article 23 The industrial noise emitted to the living environment of the neighbourhood within an urban area shall be kept within the limits set by the State on emission of environmental noise within the boundary of an industrial enterprise.
- 第二十三条国家鼓励水土流失地区的农业集体经济组织和农民对水土流失进行治理,并在资金、能源、粮食、税收等方面实行扶持政策,具体办法由国务院规定。 Article 23 The state shall encourage the agricultural collective economic organizations and farmers in soil-eroded regions to carry out rehabilitation of soil erosion, and shall also practice a policy of giving support as to fund, energy, grain, taxation, etc.; the specific measures thereof shall be prescribed by the State Council.
- 第二十三条国家禁止新建无水污染防治措施的小型化学制纸浆、印染、染料、制革、电镀、炼油、农药以及其他严重污染水环境的企业。 Article 23 The State shall forbid construction of any small enterprises, devoid of measures for prevention and control of water pollution, that seriously pollute the water environment, such as chemical pulp mills, printing and dyeing mills, dyestuff mills, tanneries, electroplating factories, oil refineries and pesticides manufacturers.
- 第二十三条运输、携带国家重点保护野生动物或者其产品出县境的,必须经省、自治区、直辖市政府野主动物行政主管部门或者其授权的单位批准。 Article 23 The transportation or carrying of wildlife under special state protection or the products thereof out of any county must be approved by the department of wildlife administration under the government of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, or by a unit authorized by the same department.
- 第二十三条矿山企业工会依法维护职工生产安全的合法权益,组织职工对矿山安全工作进行监督。 Article 23 Trade unions of mining enterprises shall safeguard, in accordance with the law, the lawful rights and interests of the workers and staff in relation to safe production, organize the workers and staff to carry out supervision over the safety work of the mines.
- 第二十三条 转移固体废物出省、自治区、直辖市行政区域贮存、处置的,应当向固体废物移出地的省级人民政府环境保护行政主管部门报告,并经固体废物接受地的省级人民政府环境保护行政主管部门许可。 Article 23 Transport of solid waste out of the administrative region of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for storage or treatment shall be reported to the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the people's government at the provincial level in the region where the solid waste is to be moved out, and shall be subject to the permission of the competent departments of administrative environmental protection of the people's government at the provincial level in the region where the solid waste is to be accepted.
- 第二十三条 申请从境外引进畜禽遗传资源,向境外输出或者在境内与境外机构、个人合作研究利用列入畜禽遗传资源保护名录的畜禽遗传资源的单位,隐瞒有关情况或者提供虚假资料的,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府畜牧兽医行政主管部门给予警告,3年内不再受理该单位的同类申请。 Article 23 Where any entity applying for import of livestock or poultry genetic resource from abroad, export or research utilization of livestock or poultry genetic resource included in the protection list within China in cooperation with any foreign institution or individual conceals relevant conditions or provides false documents, stockbreeding and veterinary administrative department of the People’s Government at its province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall release a warning and not receive the similar application of the entity within 3 years.
- 第二十三条 各级气象主管机构所属的气象台站应当根据需要,发布农业气象预报、城市环境气象预报、火险气象等级预报等专业气象预报,并配合军事气象部门进行国防建设所需的气象服务工作。 Article 23 Where necessary, meteorological offices and stations subordinate to the competent meteorological departments at various levels shall issue specialized meteorological forecasts for agriculture, urban environment, classified fire risks, etc.and shall provide meteorological services in cooperation with the military meteorological department to meet the need of national defense.
- 第二十三条 各级人民政府的环境保护部门对机动车船排气污染防治实施统一监督管理。 Article 23. Environmental protection authorities of People's Governments at various levels shall exercise unified supervision and administration over the prevention of exhaust pollution by motor vehicles and vessels.
- ???第二十三条用于渔业并兼有调蓄、灌溉等功能的水体,有关主管部门应当确定渔业生产所需的最低水位线。 Article 23. For water bodies that are used for fisheries and also serve the purposes of water storage and regulation and irrigation, the departments concerned shall fix the lowest water level required for fishery.
- ????第二十三条??城乡建设应当结合当地自然环境的特点,保护植被、水域和自然景观,加强城市园林、绿地和风景名胜区的建设。 Article 23. In urban and rural construction, vegetation, waters and the natural landscape shall be protected and attention paid to the construction of gardens, green land and historic sites and scenic spots in the cities in the light of the special features of the local natural environment.
- 第二十三条 沿海农田施用化学农药,应当执行国家农药安全使用的规定和标准。 Article 23. The use of chemical pesticides in coastal farmlands shall conform to the state provisions and standards for the safe use of pesticides.
- 第二十三条 本法自1985年10月1日起施行。 Article 23. This Law shall come into force as of October 1, 1985.
- 第二十三条 国家兴建水工程需要移民的,由地方人民政府负责妥善安排移民的生活和生产。安置移民所需的经费列入工程建设投资计划,并应当在建设阶段按 计划完成移民安置工作。 Article 23. Where a water project to be built by the state requires the resettlement of inhabitants, the local people's government shall be responsible for making proper arrangements for the livelihood and production of the inhabitants to be resettled. The funds needed for the resettlement of inhabitants shall be included in the investment plan for the project, and the resettlement shall be completed within the construction stage on schedule.
- 第二十四条 在工业生产中因使用固定的设备造成环境噪声污染的工业企业,必须按照国务院环境保护行政主管部门的规定,向所在地的县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门申报拥有的造成环境噪声污染的设备的种类、数量以及在正常作业条件下所发出的噪声值和防治环境噪声污染的设施情况,并提供防治噪声污染的技术资料。 Article 24 Any industrial enterprise that produces environmental noise pollution due to the use of permanent equipment in the course of industrial production must, in accordance with the regulations of the competent administrative department for environmental protection under the State Council, report to the competent administrative department for environmental protection of the local people's government at or above the county level the types and quantity of its equipment that produces environmental noise pollution, the noise level produced under normal operation and the facilities installed for prevention and control of such pollution, and provide technical information relating to the prevention and control of noise pollution.
- 第二十四条对造成水体严重污染的排污单位,限期治理。 Article 24 Any pollutant discharging unit that causes serious pollution to a water body shall be ordered to treat the pollution within a time limit.
- 第二十四条 建筑工程应当采用节能、节水等有利于环境与资源保护的建筑设计方案、建筑和装修材料、建筑构配件及设备。 Article 24 Construction projects shall adopt the design options, construction and decoration materials, construction structures, fixtures and equipment resulting in energy and water conservation and other environmentally-friendly and resource-conserving construction planning options.
- 第二十四条矿山企业违反有关安全的法律、法规,工会有权要求企业行政方面或者有关部门认真处理。 Article 24 If a mining enterprise violates any laws or regulations concerning safety, the trade union is entitled to demand that the management of the enterprise or the department concerned deal with the cases seriously.
- ??? 第二十四条? 矿产资源普查在完成主要矿种普查任务的同时,应当对工作区内包括共生或者伴生矿产的成矿地质条件和矿床工业远景作出初步综合评价。? Article 24 In conducting a general survey of mineral resources, after completing survey of the major minerals, a preliminary comprehensive assessment shall be made of the minerogenetic conditions involving all paragenetic or associated minerals and of the industrial perspective of the mineral deposits in the area being surveyed.
- 第二十四条 禁止中国境外的固体废物进境倾倒、堆放、处置。 Article 24 It is forbidden for solid waste from abroad to be dumped, piled up or treated in the territory of China.
- 第二十四条对居住在行洪河道内的居民,当地人民政府应当有计划地组织外迁。 Article 24 Local people's governments should in a planned way organize residents to move out of river courses for passage of floodwater.
- 第二十四条 各级广播、电视台站和省级人民政府指定的报纸,应当安排专门的时间或者版面,每天播发或者刊登公众气象预报或者灾害性天气警报。 Article 24 Radio and television stations at various levels and news papers designated by people's governments at the provincial level shall arrange particular timeslots or space every day for public meteorological forecast and/or severe weather warning.