

(一)建设项目的大气污染防治设施没有建成即投入生产或者使用的,由审批该建设项目环境影响报告书的环境保护部门责令停止生产或者使用,可以并处五千元以上五万元以下罚款;    (1) In the event of construction projects being commissioned or put to use without having completed their anti-air pollution installations, such construction projects shall be ordered to cause from production or usage by the environmental protection authorities that undertook to examine and approve their environmental impact reports, and may also be subjected to a penalty of between five thousand yuan and fifty thousand yuan;
(一)污染物排放情况;    (1) Information on the discharge of pollutants;
(二)对造成重大经济损失的,按照直接损失的百分之三十计算罚款,但最高不得超过二十万元。    (2) If major economic losses occurred as a result of the accidents, the penalties shall be fixed at thirty percent of direct losses, but not exceeding a maximum of two hundred thousand yuan.
(二)建设项目的大气污染防治设施没有达到国家有关建设项目环境保护管理规定的要求,投入生产或者使用的,由审批该建设项目环境影响报告书的环境保护部门责令停止生产或者使用,可以并处二千元以上二万元以下罚款。    (2) In the event of construction projects being commissioned or put to use with their anti-air pollution installations not having met state requirements over environmental protection management, such construction projects shall be ordered to cause from production or usage by the environmental protection authorities that undertook to examine and approve their environmental impact reports, and may also be subjected to a penalty of between two thousand yuan and twenty thousand yuan.
(二)污染物处理设施的操作、运行和管理情况;    (2) Information on the handling, operation, and management of pollutant treatment installations;
  (二)违反本法第四十二条的规定,擅自向下游增大排泄洪涝流量或者阻碍上游洪涝下泄的。    (2) in violation of the provisions of Article 42 of this Law, increasing the discharge of flood or drainage of excess water downstream or hindering the discharge of flood or drainage of excess water from upstream without authorization.
  (二)工业固体废物,是指在工业、交通等生产活动中产生的固体废物。    (2) Industrial solid waste means solid waste discharged from production activities of industries, transportation, etc.
(二)在气象探测环境保护范围内从事其他影响气象探测设施工作效能的高频电磁辐射装置;    (2) installing, within the protected environs for meteorological observation, high frequency electromagnetic radiation devices which impair the performance of the meteorological measuring instruments; and
  (2)不可抗拒的自然灾害;    (2) irresistible natural calamities; or
(二)对不符合条件的煤矿企业擅自颁发煤炭生产许可证的。    (2) Issuing a coal production license to a coal enterprise which is not qualified for obtaining the license.
(三)引进的畜禽遗传资源来自非疫区;    (3) Imported livestock or poultry genetic resource from non-epizootic; and
????(四)引进不符合我国环境保护规定要求的技术和设备的。    (4) importing technology or a facility that fails to meet the requirements specified in the state provisions concerning environmental protection; or
(五)限期治理执行情况;    (5) Information on observance of dictated handling of air pollution by a fixed time;
(六)事故情况及有关记录;    (6) Information on accidents, and relevant records;
一、 按照既打破独家专营,吸引国内外有经验、有实力的企业参与煤层气开发,又避免“多头对外”的原则,由商务部、发展改革委会同相关部门在中联煤层气有限责任公司之外再选择若干家企业,在国务院批准的区域内与外国企业开展煤层气合作开采的试点工作。    1. In accordance with the principle of disintegrating the sole dealing system and admitting experienced and competent enterprises both at home and abroad into the exploitation of coal-bed methane while at the same time avoiding a situation of ""multi-layer system against foreign enterprises"", the Ministry of Commerce and National Development and Reform Commission jointly with relevant departments shall select, apart from China United Coal-bed Methane Co., Ltd, certain number of enterprises to carry out pilot exploitation of coal-bed methane in cooperation with foreign enterprises within regions designated by the State Council.
二、 加大对出口企业环境监管力度    2. Improving the intensity of environmental monitoring over export enterprises
八、 对已取得煤炭采矿许可证的区块,在煤炭开采过程中伴随的煤层气地面抽采和井下回收,煤炭采矿权人可开展对外合作,不列入煤层气对外合作专营的管理范围,但应按照现行对外合作或外商投资的有关法律法规执行。    8. In areas that have been granted coal mining license, people with mining right may develop cooperation with foreign parties as far as surface drilling of coal-bed methane and down-hole reclamation in the course of coal mining are concerned. These two activities shall not be included in the special management scope of cooperation with foreign parties concerning coal-bed methane, but relevant laws and regulations in relation to foreign cooperation or foreign investment shall be strictly abided by.
??? 依照第三十九条、第四十条、第四十二条、第四十四条规定应当给予行政处罚而不给予行政处罚的,上级人民政府地质矿产主管部门有权责令改正或者直接给予行政处罚。?    If a department fails to impose administrative penalties that should be imposed in accordance with the provisions of Article 39, 40, 42 or 44, the department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the people's government at a higher level shall have the authority to order a correction of such failure or impose the relevant administrative penalties directly by itself.
??? 矿山企业变更矿区范围,必须报请原审批机关批准,并报请原颁发采矿许可证的机关重新核发采矿许可证。?    If a mining enterprise wishes to change the limits of its mining area, it must apply to the department that examined or approved of the limits for approval and apply to the department that issued the mining license for reissue of a mining license after verification.
机动船舶有前款违法行为的,由港务监督机构根据不同情节给予警告或者处以罚款。    If a motor vessel is involved in the commission of the unlawful act mentioned in the preceding paragraph, a disciplinary warning or fine shall be imposed by the harbour superintendency administration in light of the seriousness of the act.
如当事人逾期不申请复议也不向人民法院起诉、又不履行处罚决定的,作出处罚决定的机关可以申请人民法院强制执行。    If a party neither applies for reconsideration, nor brings a suit in a people's court within the time limit, nor complies with the decision on sanctions, the organ that has made the decision may apply to a people's court for compulsory execution.
调解不成的,当事人可以向人民法院起诉。    if a party refuses to accept the decision, it may bring a suit before a people's court.
当事人对处理决定不服的,可以向人民法院起诉。    If a party refuses to accept the settlement decision, he may bring a suit to a People's Court.
??? 当事人逾期不申请复议也不向人民法院起诉,又不履行处罚决定的,由作出处罚决定的机关申请人民法院强制执行。?    If a party, within the time limit neither applies for reconsideration nor files a suit with the People's Court, or complies with the decision on punishment, the department that made the decision shall request the People's Court to enforce the decision.
??? 违反本法第六条的规定将探矿权、采矿权倒卖牟利的,吊销勘查许可证、采矿许可证,没收违法所得,处以罚款。?    If a person, in violation of the provisions of Article 6 of this Law, profiteers in exploration right or mining right, his exploration or mining license shall be revoked and his unlawful proceeds confiscated, and he shall be fined.
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