(一)不按照抗震设计规范进行抗震设计的; (1) failing to have construction projects designed in conformity with the standard aseismatic design; or (一)不设置危险废物识别标志的; (1) failing to install distinguishing marks of hazardous waste;(一)新建的所采煤炭属于高硫份、高灰份的煤矿,不按照国家有关规定建设配套的煤炭洗选设施的; (1) Failing to install supporting facilities for the dressing of coal by washing in accordance with relevant regulations of the State where the coal mined from a newly opened coal mine is of high-sulfur or high-ash; (一)不按照国家规定申报登记工业固体废物或者危险废物,或者在申报登记时弄虚作假的; (1) failing to report and register industrial solid waste or hazardous waste, as prescribed by the State, or resorting to deception in reporting and registering; (二)“渔业水域”是指鱼虾类的产卵场、索饵场、越冬场、回游通道和鱼虾贝藻类的养殖场。 (2) "" Fishing areas "" means spawning grounds, feeding grounds, wintering grounds and migration channels of fish and shrimp as well as aquacultural grounds of fish, shrimp, shellfish and aquatic plants. (二)不按照抗震设计进行施工的。 (2) failing to carry out construction in accordance with the aseismatic design.(二)排放含有硫化物气体的石油炼制、合成氨生产、煤气和燃煤焦化以及有色金属冶炼的企业,不按照国家有关规定建设配套脱硫装置或者未采取其他脱硫措施的。 (2) Failing to install desulphurizing installations or take other measures for desulphurization in accordance with relevant regulations of the State by enterprise that discharge sulphide-bearing gas in the process of refining petroleum, producing synthetic ammonia or coal gas, cooking fuel coal and smelting non-ferrous metal.(二)完成规定的最低勘查投入; (2) fulfillment of the specified minimum exploration and survey input;(三)未按照规定提取或者使用安全技术措施专项费用的; (3) failing to allocate or use the special funds for safety technical measures in compliance with relevant regulations;(三)排污单位不正常使用大气污染物处理设施,或者未经环境保护行政主管部门批准,擅自拆除、闲置大气污染物处理设施的; (3) Failing to normally operate the installations for the treatment of atmospheric pollutants by the units that discharge pollutants or dismantling or leaving idle the installations for the treatment of atmospheric pollutants without prior approval by the administrative department of environmental protection; or (三)不按照国家规定缴纳排污费的; (3) failing to pay, as prescribed by the State, the fee for discharge of pollutants;????(三)不按国家规定缴纳超标准排污费的。 (3) failing to pay, as provided for by the state, the fee for the excessive discharge of pollutants;(三)外商投资煤矿企业。 (3) Foreign investment coal enterprises.(四)不按国家规定缴纳排污费或者超标准排污费的。 (4) failing to pay, as provided for by the State, the fee for pollutant discharge or for excess discharge.(四)城市饮食服务业的经营者未采取有效污染防治措施,致使排放的油烟对附近居民的居住环境造成污染的。 (4) failure to adopt effective measures to prevent and control pollution by business-operators of the catering services industry in the urban areas, thus causing to pollution by lampblack to the residential environment in the neighborhood.(四)地面和井下的火灾、水害; (4) fire and flood on surface and underground;(五)“渔业水体”是指划定的鱼虾类的产卵场、索饵场、越冬场、回游通道和鱼虾贝藻类的养殖场。 (5) ""Fishery water bodies"" means those parts of water bodies designated for the spawning, feeding, wintering or migratory passage of fish or shrimp, and for breeding fish, shrimp or shellfish or growing algae.(五)未按照规定及时、如实报告矿山事故的。 (5) failing to make timely and truthful reports, as prescribed, on accidents at mines. (七)危险废物产生者不处置其产生的危险废物或者不承担依法应当承担的处罚费用的; (7) failing to treat the hazardous waste discharged or failing to bear the waste treatment fee that should be borne according to law;6、 其他需要补充提供的材料。 (f) Other materials that need to be submitted. (一) 成熟的用材林应当根据不同情况,分别采取择伐、皆伐和渐伐方式,皆伐应当严格控制,并在采伐的当年或者次年内完成更新造林; 1) For mature timber stands, the approaches of selection cutting, clear cutting and shelterwood cutting shall be applied respectively in light of different situations. Clear cutting shall be put under strict controls and the reforestation shall be completed in the same or next year of the cutting; (四) 薪炭林:以生产燃料为主要目的的林木; 4) Firewood forests: trees mainly aimed at the production of fuels;担任排级职务的,四十岁。 40 for reserve officers at the platoon level.担任连级职务的,四十五岁; 45 for reserve officers at the company level; and (五) 特种用途林:以国防、环境保护、科学实验等为主要目的的森林和林木,包括国防林、实验林、母树林、环境保护林、风景林,名胜古迹和革命纪念地的林木,自然保护区的森林。 5) Forests for special uses: forests and trees mainly aimed at national defense, environmental protection and scientific experiments, inclusive of national defense forests, experimental forests, parent stands, environmental protection forests, scenic beauty forests, trees for sites of historical interests and the forests of natural protection areas.