在林区采伐林木的,采伐方案中必须有按照前款规定制定的采伐区水土保持措施。 For any felling in a forest area, water and soil conservation measures, for the fel1ing area, worked out in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, must be inc1uded in the felling p1an thereof.因特殊需要必须连续作业的,必须有县级以上人民政府或者其有关主管部门的证明。 For continued operation due to special needs, there must be a permit issued by the people's government at or above the county level or by the relevant competent department under it.????中央或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府直接管辖的企业事业单位的限期治理,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府决定。 For enterprises and institutions directly under the jurisdiction of the Central Government or the people's government of a province, an autonomous region, or a municipality directly under the Central Government, the decision on a deadline for the elimination or control of pollution shall be made by the people's government of the province, autonomous region and the municipality directly under the Central Government.中央或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府直接管辖的企业事业单位的限期治理,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府的环境保护部门提出意见,报同级人民政府决定。 For enterprises and institutions directly under the jurisdiction of the Central Government or the people's government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, a proposal on the time limit shall be made by the environmental protection department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government and submitted to the people's government at the same level for decision.市、县或者市、县以下人民政府管辖的企业事业单位的限期治理,由市、县人民政府决定。被限期治理的企业事业单位必须如期完成治理任务。 For enterprises and institutions under the jurisdiction of a people's government at or below the city or county level, such decision shall be made by the people's government of the city or county. Such enterprises and institutions shall accomplish the elimination or control of pollution within the specified period of time.市、县或者市、县以下人民政府管辖的企业事业单位的限期治理,由市、县人民政府的环境保护部门提出意见,报同级人民政府决定。 For enterprises and institutions under the jurisdiction of the people's government at or below the county or city level, a proposal on the time limit shall be made by the environmental protection department of the people's government of the city or county and submitted to the people's government at the same level for decision.海军、空军预备役军官,在军衔前分别冠以“海军”、“空军”。 For Naval and Air Force reserve officers, their ranks shall be prefixed by ""Navy"" and ""Air Force"" respectively.对可能出现垮坝的水库,应当事先制定应急抢险和居民临时撤离方案。 For reservoirs whose dams are likely to collapse, emergency measures for rush repair and schemes for temporarily evacuating residents should be worked out in advance. 农村居民采伐自留山和个人承包集体的林木,由县级林业主管部门或者其委托的乡、镇人民政府依照有关规定审核发放采伐许可证。 For rural citizens to cut the trees in their private forest segments and in the collectively owned forests they have contracted, the competent forestry authorities at the county level or the people's government at the township level which has been duly authorized shall examine the application and issue the cutting license. 核电站和核设施建设工程,受地震破坏后可能引发放射性污染的严重次生灾害,必须认真进行地震安全性评价,并依法进行严格的抗震设防。 For the construction projects such as nuclear power plants and nuclear facilities, which may lead to serious secondary disasters due to radioactive contamination in the wake of earthquake damage, seismic safety shall be evaluated carefully and the projects shall be fortified against earthquakes strictly in accordance with law.期满需要延期的,应当于期满前3个月向原煤炭生产许可证的颁发管理机关申请办理延期手续。 For the extension of the license, the coal enterprise shall, 3 months before the expiration of the term, submit an application to the original agency for issue and administration of coal production licenses.国家所有的集体所有的森林、林木和林地,个人所有的林木和使用的林地,由县级以上地方人民政府登记造册,发放证书,确认所有权或者使用权。 For the forests, trees and woodlands owned by the state and the collective and the trees and woodlands owned by private individuals, the people's government above the county level shall register and record them, issue certificates and confirm the ownership and the right to use.防治江河洪水,应当保护、扩大流域林草植被,涵养水源,加强流域水土保持综合治理。 For the prevention and control of flood in rivers, measures should be taken to protect and expand the coverage of forest, grass and other vegetation in river basins, conserve water resources and intensify the comprehensive control of water and soil conservation in river basins.为贯彻落实国务院关于节能减排工作的要求,发挥各类出口企业在环境保护方面的带动作用,有效控制“两高一资”产品出口,加快转变外贸增长方式,促进贸易平衡,现就推动出口企业率先提高环保水平的有关问题通知如下: For the purpose of carrying out the requirements of the State Council for the work on saving energy and reducing emission, play the leading role of various kinds of export enterprises regarding environmental protection, restrict severely the export of ""high-pollution, high-energy-consuming and resource-dependent"" products, accelerate changing foreign trade growth mode, and advancing balanced trade, the related issues about promoting export enterprises to improve their awareness to strengthen environmental protection level are hereby notified as follows:为改善我国煤层气(煤矿瓦斯)治理和利用的现状,充分引进和利用国外先进技术进行煤层气的勘探和开采,实现安全发展、清洁发展和节约发展的目标,经国务院批准,现就进一步扩大煤层气开采对外合作的有关事项通知如下: For the purpose of improving the control and utilization of coal-bed methane (coal-mine gas), introducing and making full use of foreign advanced technology to prospect and exploit coal-bed methane so as to realize the goal of energy-efficient development, clean development and safe development, related issues on further expanding foreign cooperation on coal-bed methane exploitation, upon approval by the State Council, are hereby notified as follows: 铁路、公路的护路林和城镇林木的更新采伐,由有关主管部门依照有关规定审核发放采伐许可证。 For the reforestation-oriented cutting of protective forests alongside the railways and roads and in cities and townships, the competent authorities shall examine the application and issue the cutting license in conformity with relevant stipulations. 农村集体经济组织采伐林木,由县级林业主管部门依照有关规定审核发放采伐许可证。 For the rural collective economic organizations to cut trees, the competent forestry authorities at the county level shall examine the application and issue the cutting license in conformity with relevant stipulations.对未达到设计洪水标准、抗震设防要求或者有严重质量缺陷的险坝,大坝主管部门应当组织有关单位采取除险加固措施,限期消除危险或者重建,有关人民政府应当优先安排所需资金。 For those dams in danger which fail to conform to the designed flood standards and anti--earthquake defence requirements, or have serious quality defects, the department in charge of the dams should organize the relevant units to take measures to eliminate dangers and reinforce dams, set a time limit to get rid of dangers or rebuild dams, and the relevant people's governments should give priority to funds needed.达不到国家和地方规定的大气污染物排放标准的,不得投入生产或者使用。 For those which fail to meet State- or locally-prescribed standards governing the discharge of air pollutants shall not be allowed to go into production, or enter into usage.中华人民共和国森林法 Forest Law of The People’s Republic of China 护林员可以由县级或者乡级人民政府委任。护林员的主要职责是:巡护森林,制止破坏森林资源的行为。 Forest protection personnel may be appointed by the people's government at the county or township level. The main duties and responsibilities of a forest protection person are to patrol and protect forests and stop activities that damage forest resources.燃料供应部门应当优先将低污染的煤炭供给民用。? Fuel supply authorities should give preference to the supply of oligosaprobic coal for civilian use.伏牛山国家级自然保护区 Funiushan Mountain National Nature Reserve