(一)用途明确; (1) Clear use;(一)国务院和国务院有关主管部门批准开办的煤矿企业; (1) Coal enterprises approved to establish by the State Council and competent departments concerned of the State Council; (一)国务院和依法应当由国务院煤炭管理部门审查批准开办的煤矿企业; (1) coal mining enterprises that are examined and approved for establishment by the State Council and those that are, in accordance with law, subject to examination and approval for establishment by the department in charge of the coal industry under the State Council; and (一)应急机构的组成和职责; (1) composition and functions and duties of an emergency institution, (一)擅自修建水工程或者整治河道、航道的; (1) constructing any water project or realigning any river or course of navigation without authorization; or(一)在河道、湖泊管理范围内建设妨碍行洪的建筑物、构筑物的; (1) Constructing buildings or structures impeding flood discharge within the scope of control for river courses and lakes;(一)畜禽遗传资源买卖合同或者赠与协议; (1) Contract of sales or gift agreement of livestock or poultry resource; and (二)在水工程保护范围内进行爆破、 打井、采石、取土等危害水工程安全的活动的。 (2) carrying out, within the protection zone for a water project, any act of blasting, sinking a well, quarrying rock, or collecting earth, etc., which endangers the safety of the project. (二)对食品等基本生活必需品和药品统一发放和分配; (2) centralized provision and distribution of basic daily necessities such as foods;(二)跨省、自治区、直辖市行政区域的煤矿企业; (2) Coal enterprises involving more than one province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government; and (二)跨省、自治区、直辖市行政区域的煤矿企业。 (2) coal mining enterprises that are established in trans-administrative regions of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.(二)符合畜禽遗传资源保护和利用规划; (2) Conforming to protection, utilization and plan for livestock or poultry genetic resource;(二)符合畜禽遗传资源保护和利用规划; (2) Conforming to protection, utilization and plan for livestock or poultry genetic resource;(二)符合畜禽遗传资源保护和利用规划; (2) Conforming to protection, utilization and plan for livestock or poultry genetic resource;(二)合作研究合同; (2) Contract of cooperative research; and(三)人民武装干部和民兵干部; (3) cadres engaged in the work concerning affairs of people's armed forces and cadres of people's militia;(四)符合进出境动植物检疫和农业转基因生物安全的有关规定,不对境内畜禽遗传资源和生态环境安全构成威胁。 (4) Complying with relevant provisions for entry and exit of animal and plant quarantine as well as safety of agricultural genetically modified organisms and not threatening domestic livestock or poultry genetic resource and eco-environmental safety. (五)擅自关闭、闲置或者拆除固体废物污染环境防治设施、场所的; (5) closing, leaving idle or dismantling installations or sites for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste without authorization; (五)未经安全性处置,混合收集、贮存、运输、处置具有不相容性质的危险废物的; (5) collecting, storing, transporting and treating mixed hazardous wastes of incompatible nature without safety treatment; (五)符合国家对煤炭经营企业合理布局的要求; (5) complying with the State requirements on the rational layout of coal trading enterprises; and (六)将危险废物和旅客在同一运输工具上载运的; (6) carrying hazardous waste and passengers in the same transport vehicle; (六)在自然保护区、风景名胜区、生活饮用水源地和其他需要特别保护的区域内,建设工业固体废物集中贮存、处置设施、场所或者生活垃圾填埋场的; (6) constructing installations or sites for centralized storage or treatment of industrial solid waste or land-filling sites for house refuse in nature reserves, scenic spots or historical sites, areas of source of drinking water or other zones that need special protection; or3、 企业资金和信贷情况,包括注册资金、银行资信证明、企业财务状况报告和近三年的审计报告等; (c) Fund and Credit of the enterprise, including the registered capital, certificate of financial standing offered by banks, financial report as well as audit reports for the recent three years;(3)组织煤层气勘探开发作业的管理能力; (c) Management ability in organizing the prospecting and exploitation of coal-bed methane; and一、 充分认识加强出口企业环境监管的重要意义 1. Completely comprehending the significance of enhancing environmental monitoring over export enterprises.