

(一)退出现役的军官和文职干部;    (1) officers and civilian cadres released from active service;
(一)营级以上军官职务和高级、中级、初级专业技术军官职务的任免权限,依照本法第十五条第三款规定执行;    (1) officers at or above the level of deputy battalion commander and specialized technical officers at the senior, intermediate or junior level shall be appointed or removed in accordance with the provisions of the third paragraph of Article 15 of the present Law; and
(一)预备役军事、政治、后勤军官:预备役少将、大校、上校、中校、少校、上尉、中尉、少尉;    (1) Operational, political and logistics reserve officers: reserve Major General, Senior Colonel, Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, Major, Captain, Lieutenant and Second Lieutenant.
(十)法律、行政法规规定的其他条件。    (10) Other requirements prescribed by laws and regulations.
(二)正连职、副连职、排职军官职务,由有军官职务任免权的团级单位正职首长任免。    (2) officers at the level of company commander, deputy company commander or platoon leader shall be appointed or removed by the heads of units at the regimental level that have the power to appoint and remove officers.
  (三)“油类”是指任何类型的油及其炼制品。    (3) "" Oils "" means any kind of oil and its refined products.
(三)在气象探测环境保护范围内从事其他影响气象探测的行为。    (3) other acts that impair meteorological observation within the protected environs for such observation.
  (四)“油性混合物”是指任何含有油份的混合物。    (4) "" Oil mixtures "" means any mixtures containing oil.
(四)“油类”是指任何类型的油及其炼制品。    (4) ""Oil"" means any kind of oils or its refined products.
(四)国务院地质矿产主管部门规定的其他条件。    (4) other conditions prescribed by the competent department of geology and mineral resources under the State Council.
  (四)需要采取的其他紧急应急措施。    (4) other necessary emergency measures.
(五)符合预备役军官基本条件的其他公民。    (5) other citizens who meet the basic requirements for reserve officers.
(五)国务院地质矿产主管部门规定的其他条件。    (5) other conditions prescribed by the competent department of geology and mineral resources under the State Council.
??? (五)国务院规定的其他矿产资源。?    (5) other mineral resources as prescribed by the State Council.
??? (六)国家规定不得开采矿产资源的其他地区。?    (6) other areas where mineral mining is prohibited by the State.
(六)法律、行政法规规定的其他管理职责。    (6) other controlling functions and responsibilities provided for in laws and administrative rules and regulations.
(六)审批管理机关要求提交的其他有关资料。    (6) other materials the presentation of which are required by the examination and approval administration organ.
  (六)法律、行政法规规定的其他条件。    (6) other requirements prescribed by laws and administrative rules and regulations.
(七)有关矿山安全的其他项目。    (7) other items concerning safety in mines.
(七)其他危害。    (7) other perils.
(七)法律、行政法规规定的其他监督职责。    (7) other supervisory functions and responsibilities provided for in laws and administrative rules and regulations.
(八)其他与大气污染防治有关的情况和资料。?    (8) Other information and data with respect to the prevention of air pollution.
  (八)法律、行政法规规定的其他条件。    (8) other requirements prescribed by laws and administrative rules and regulations.
(九)法律、行政法规规定的其他条件。    (9) Other requirements prescribed by laws and regulations.
七、 试点工作的其他事项参照《中华人民共和国对外合作开采陆上石油资源条例》(国务院令317号)管理、执行。    7. Other matters concerning the pilot program shall be administered and implemented in accordance with Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Exploitation of Onshore Oil Resources in Cooperation with Foreign Parties (Order of the State Council, No. 317).
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