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(一)有依法领取的采矿许可证;    (1) Have a coal mining license obtained in accordance with law;
(一)有依法领取的采矿许可证;    (1) Have a coal mining license obtained in accordance with law;
  (一)有煤矿建设项目可行性研究报告或者开采方案;    (1) having a feasibility study report on or mining plan for coal mine construction project;
(一)退出预备役的;    (1) having been retired from reserve service;
  (一)有依法取得的采矿许可证;    (1) having the legally obtained mining license;
  (一)有与其经营规模相适应的注册资金;    (1) havingregistered capital commensurate with its marketing capacity;
(二)有经过批准的采矿设计;    (2) Have an approved mining design or mining scheme;
(二)有经过批准的采矿设计或者开采方案;    (2) Have an approved mining design;
  (二)矿井生产系统符合国家规定的煤矿安全规程;    (2) having a mine production system that conforms to the mine safety rules formulated by the State;
  (二)有计划开采的矿区范围、开采范围和资源综合利用方案;    (2) having a planned mining area, the limits of mining and a plan for comprehensive utilization of the resources;
  (二)有固定的经营场所;    (2) having fixed premises for operation;
(二)出国定居的;    (2) having settled down abroad;
(三)死亡的;    (3) having been dead; or
  (三)有开采所需的地质、测量、水文资料和其他资料;    (3) having geological, survey and hydrogeological data and other information needed for mining;
  (三)矿长经依法培训合格,取得矿长资格证书;    (3) having mine managers who have received training according to law and obtained the mine manager qualification certificates;
  (三)有必要的设施和储存煤炭的场地;    (3) having the necessary facilities and coal stockyard;
  (四)有符合煤矿安全生产和环境保护要求的矿山设计;    (4) having a mining design which meets the requirements of safety in coal mine production and of environmental protection;
(四)被取消预备役军官身份的。    (4) having been deprived of the status as a reserve officer.
  (四)特种作业人员经依法培训合格,取得操作资格证书;    (4) having specially skilled workers who have received training according to law and obtained the operation qualification certificates;
  (四)有符合标准的计量和质量检验设备;    (4) having the standard measuring and quality inspection devices;
  (四)危险废物,是指列入国家危险废物名录或者根据国家规定的危险废物鉴别标准和鉴别方法认定的具有危险特性的废物。    (4) Hazardous waste means waste that is dangerous and is included in the national list of hazardous waste or identified as such according to the criteria and methods of identification for hazardous waste as prescribed by the State.
(四)提升、运输系统;    (4) hoisting and transportation systems;
  (五)井上、井下、矿内、矿外调度通讯畅通;    (5) having a good communications system for dispatch on the surface, underground, within and out of the coal mine;
  (五)有合理的煤矿矿井生产规模和与其相适应的资金、设备和技术人员;    (5) having a ratinal scale of coal mine production and the funds, equipment and technicians commensurate with such scale; and
  (六)有实测的井上、井下工程对照图、采掘工程平面图、通风系统图;    (6) having an actually measured surface and underground engineering comparison drawing, a mining and excavation plan and a ventilation system drawing;
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