

本法所称环境噪声污染,是指所产生的环境噪声超过国家规定的环境噪声排放标准,并干扰他人正常生活、工作和学习的现象。    ""environmental noise pollution"", as used in this Law, means that the environmental noise emitted exceeds the environmental noise emitted limits set by the State on the environmental noise emitted and impairs people's daily life, work and study.
(一)自颁发勘查许可证之日起满2年,或者在勘查作业区内发现可供进一步勘查或者开采的矿产资源;    (1) expiry of 2 years from the date of issuance of an exploration and survey permit, or discovery of mineral resources for further exploration and survey or exploitation within the exploration and survey operations area(s);
(一)矿山企业投入采矿生产满1年;    (1) expiry of one year of going into mining production of a mining enterprise;
(二)在气象探测环境保护范围内从事危害气象探测环境活动的。    (2) engaging in activities within the limits of the protected environs for meteorological observation, to the detriment of the environs.
  (二)未经批准在河床、河滩内修建建筑物的;    (2) erecting buildings in any riverbed or flood land without approval;
  (三) 经济林:以生产果品,食用油料、饮料、调料,工业原料和药材等为主要目的的林木;    (3) Economic forests: trees mainly aimed at the production of fruits; edible oils, soft drinks and ingredients; industrial raw materials; and medicinal materials;
(三)供电系统;    (3) electricity supply system;
(三)未按本法第四十六条和第四十七条规定采取措施,从家庭室内发出严重干扰周围居民生活的环境噪声的。    (3) Emitting from indoors environmental noise that seriously impairs life of the neighbours, without taking measures in accordance with the provisions of Article 46 or Article 47 of this Law.
(三)气象探测环境,是指为避开各种干扰保证气象探测设施准确获得气象探测信息所必需的最小距离构成的环境空间。    (3)Environs for meteorological observation mean the minimum surrounding space away from any interference, a space that is essential for ensured acquisition of accurate meteorological observation information by means of observation facilities.
(四)按照规定的权限审批;    (4) examination and approval by the prescribed authorities; and
5、 企业煤层气开采的技术、能力等相关情况说明,包括企业技术设备清单和从业人员资质证明;    (e) Clarification of coal-bed methane exploiting technology and capacity, including a list of technical equipment and certificates of employees; and
三、 加强出口管理环节企业环保达标审核    3. Enhancing the environmental protection compliance inspection of the enterprises at the export administration link
五、 加强对出口企业环境保护法律法规和政策的宣传与培训    5. Enhancing the publicity and training on laws, regulations and policies for environmental protection of export enterprises
六、 加强部门协作    6. Enhancing the departmental cooperation
  对自然保护区以外的珍贵树木和林区内具有特殊价值的植物资源,应当认真保护;未经省、自治区、直辖市林业主管部门批准,不得采伐和采集。    Earnest protection should be extended to precious trees outside of the natural protection areas and the plant resources with special value inside the forest districts; without the approval of the competent forestry authorities at the provincial, autonomous region or directly- administered municipality, no cutting and collecting shall take place.
在崩塌滑坡危险区和泥石流易发区禁止取土、挖砂、采石。崩塌滑坡危险区和泥石流易发区的范围,由县级以上地方人民政府划定并公告。    Earth-fetching, sand-digging and quarrying shall be prohibited in areas in danger of land-collapsing or land-sliding or where mudrock flow is liable to occur. The scope of such areas shall be determined and announced by the local peop1e's governments at or above the county level.
  煤矿企业职工必须遵守有关安全生产的法律、法规、煤炭行业规章、规程和企业规章制度。    Employees of coal mining enterprises must abide by the laws and regulations governing safety in production, rules and regulations for the coal industry and rules of coal mining enterprises.
  未经节能教育、培训的人员,不得在耗能设备操作岗位上工作。    Employees who have not received any education or training in energy conservation shall not be allowed to operate energy-consuming machines.
禁止围垦河道。确需围垦的,应当进行科学论证,经水行政主管部门确认不妨碍行洪、输水后,报省级以上人民政府批准。    Enclosing river courses for cultivation is prohibited. If enclosure is really necessary, scientific authentication should be carried out and on confirmation by the water conservancy administrative department that there is no impediment of flood discharge and water flow, submitted to the people's government at or above the provincial level for approval.
  能源管理人员负责对本单位的能源利用状况进行监督、检查。    Energy administrators shall be responsible for supervision over and inspection of their own units' utilization of energy.
  用能单位应当开展节能教育,组织有关人员参加节能培训。    Energy-using units shall conduct education in energy conservation and train the employees concerned for the purpose.
中华人民共和国大气污染防治法实施细则    Enforcement Regulations for Law on Prevention of Air Pollution of the People's Republic of China
受洪水威胁地区的油田、管道、铁路、公路、矿山、电力、电信等企业、事业单位应当自筹资金,兴建必要的防洪自保工程。    Enterprises and institutions in charge of oilfields,pipelines,railways mines,electric power and telecommunications in flood-threatened areas shall raise funds by themselves to build up necessary self-securing flood control works.
????可能发生重大污染事故的企业事业单位,应当采取措施,加强防范。    Enterprises and institutions that are likely to cause severe pollution accidents shall adopt measures for effective prevention.
超标准排污的企业事业单位必须制定规划,进行治理,并将治理规划报所在地的县级以上地方人民政府环境保护部门备案。    Enterprises and institutions that discharge pollutants in excess of the standards must work out plans to make the discharge conform to the standards, and shall submit, for the record, such plans to the environmental protection department of the local people's government at or above the county level in the place where they are located.
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