(一)毁坏水工程及堤防、护岸等有关设施,毁坏防汛设施、水文监测设施、水文地质监测设施和导航、助航设施的; (1) damaging any water project or related facilities such as dikes and bank revetments, damaging any flood prevention facilities, hydrologic monitoring facilities, hydrogeologic monitoring facilities, or navigation facilities or aids; or(一)未采取有效污染防治措施,向大气排放粉尘、恶臭气体或者其他含有有毒物质气体的; (1) discharge of dust, fetor or other gases with toxic substances into the atmosphere without taking any effective measures to prevent and control pollution; (二)破坏典型地震遗址、遗迹的。 (2) destroying typical earthquake ruins or sites.(二)未经当地环境保护行政主管部门批准,向大气排放转炉气、电石气、电炉法黄磷尾气、有机烃类尾气的; (2) discharge into the atmosphere of converter gas, acetylene, yellow phosphoric tail gas engendered by the electric furnace process, and organic hydrocarbon tail gas without approval by the local administrative department of environmental protection;(二)在河道、湖泊管理范围内倾倒垃圾、渣土,从事影响河势稳定、危害河岸堤防安全和其他妨碍河道行洪的活动的; (2) Dumping garbage and waste residues or engaging in activities affecting the stability of river flows, harming the safety of banks and embankments or other activities impeding flood discharge in river courses within the scope of control for river courses and lakes; or(三) 申报时间 (3) Deadline for Application (三)发展和推广适合国内煤种的流化床燃烧、无烟燃烧和气化、液化等洁净煤技术,提高煤炭利用效率; (3) develop and disseminate the use of clean coal technologies, including fluidized bed combustion, smokeless combustion, and gasification and liquefaction, that are suited to domestic coals in order to increase coal utilization efficiency; and(三)首次引进的,同时提交种用畜禽遗传资源的产地、分布、培育过程、生态特征、生产性能、群体存在的主要遗传缺陷和特有疾病等资料。 (3) Documents concerning place of origin, distribution, breeding process, bionomics features, reproductive performance and main genetic defect and special diseases in the group of livestock or poultry genetic resource, simultaneously submitted for any entity engaging in importing for the first time. (四)发展和推广其他在节能工作中证明技术成熟、效益显著的通用节能技术。 (4) develop and disseminate other universal energy-efficient technologies that are proved mature and yield remarkable benefits.(七)与污染有关的生产工艺、原材料使用方面的资料; (7) Data production technology, and raw material utilization relevant to pollution; and(4)良好的资信和充足的资金。 (d) Good financial standing and efficient capital.4、 企业参与对外合作项目的历史业绩报告或有关证明; (d) Report of experiences of cooperation with foreign enterprises or relevant certificates;大丰麋鹿国家级自然保护区 Dafeng Mi-lu(Bavid’s Deer) National Nature Reserve大连斑海豹国家级自然保护区 Dalian Spotted Seal National Nature Reserve达里诺尔国家级自然保护区 Dalinor National Nature Reserve丹东鸭绿江口湿地国家级自然保护区 Dandong Yalu River Mouth Wetland National Nature Reserve中华人民共和国国务院令第533号 Decree of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China No. 533??? 地质矿产主管部门、地质工作单位和国有矿山企业应当按照积极支持,有偿互惠的原则向集体矿山企业和个体采矿提供地质资料和技术服务。? Departments in charge of geology and mineral resources, geological units and State-owned mining enterprises shall, on the principles of vigorous support and mutual benefit, provide, with compensation, geological data and technical services to collectively-owned mining enterprises and privately-owned mining undertakings.县级以上商务主管部门负责制定和实施本行政区域内具体的行业发展规划和其他具体措施。 Departments of commercial administration above county-level are responsible for stipulation and implementation of specific industrial development program and other measures in the region of administration.县级以上商务主管部门应当设置负责管理再生资源回收行业的机构,并配备相应人员。 Departments of commercial administration above county-level shall set up authorities in chare of the administration of renewable resources recovery industry and assign the relevant personnel.各省、自治区、直辖市商务、发展改革(经贸)、公安、工商、环保、建设、城乡规划主管部门可依据本办法,根据当地经济发展客观实际,制定实施细则。 Departments of commercial administration above county-level shall, together with department of development and reform (economic and trade), public security, industry and commerce, environmental protection, construction, rural and urban planning of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities may, pursuant to these Measures, formulate detailed rules for implementation with reference to real situation of local economic development.建设、城乡规划行政管理部门负责将再生资源回收网点纳入城市规划,依法对违反城市规划、建设管理有关法律法规的行为进行查处和清理整顿。 Departments of construction and town and country planning are in charge of bringing renewable resources recovery net into the city planning, as well as examining and rectifying violations of relevant regulations on city planning and construction administration.发展改革部门负责研究提出促进再生资源发展的政策,组织实施再生资源利用新技术、新设备的推广应用和产业化示范。 Departments of development and commission are responsible for research and putting forward policies to promote development of renewable resources, organize to adopt new technologies, promote application of new facilities and carry out industrialization demonstration.环境保护行政管理部门负责对再生资源回收过程中环境污染的防治工作实施监督管理,依法对违反污染环境防治法律法规的行为进行处罚。 Departments of environmental protection are responsible for supervision and administration on work of environmental pollution prevention during process of recovery.???县级以上人民政府渔业行政主管部门及其所属的渔政监督管理机构可以设渔政检查人员。渔政检查人员执行渔业行政主管部门及其所属的渔政监督管理机构交付的任务。 Departments of fishery administration under people's governments at or above the county level and their fishery superintendency agencies may appoint fishery inspectors who will carry out assignments that those departments and agencies entrust to them.