(一)“噪声排放”是指噪声源向周围生活环境辐射噪声。 (1) ""Noise emission"" means emission of noise from the source to the living environment of the neighbourhood.(二)“噪声敏感建筑物”是指医院、学校、机关、科研单位、住宅等需要保持安静的建筑物。 (2) ""Noise-sensitive structures"" mean structures that require a quiet environment such as hospitals, schools, government offices, research institutions and residential buildings. (3)负责灯塔或者其他助航设备的主管部门在执行职责时的疏忽或者其他过失行为。 (3) negligence or other wrongful acts in the exercise of the functions of departments responsible for the maintenance of beacons or other navigational aids.(三)不对境内畜牧业生产和畜禽产品出口构成威胁; (3) Not threatening domestic production in livestock husbandry and export of livestock and poultry products; and(四)不对境内畜禽遗传资源和生态环境安全构成威胁; (4) Not threatening domestic livestock or poultry genetic resource and eco-environmental safety; and??? (五)国家划定的自然保护区、重要风景区,国家重点保护的不能移动的历史文物和名胜古迹所在地;? (5) nature reserves and important scenic spots designated by the State, major sites of immovable historical relics and places of historical interest and scenic beauty that are under State protection; and防御洪水方案经批准后,有关地方人民政府必须执行。 0n approval, the flood prevention schemes shall be carried out by the local people's governments concerned.城市建设不得擅自填堵原有河道沟汊、贮水湖塘洼淀和废除原有防洪围堤; 1n urban construction, no one may, without authorization, stuff or block up originally existing river courses, ditches, branching streams and waterlogging lakes, pools or depressions, or demolish originally existing embankments used for flood control.国家发展和改革委员会 National Development and Reform Commission各级交通部门的航政机关是对船舶污染实施监督管理的机关。 Navigation administration offices of the communications departments at various levels shall be the organs exercising supervision and management of pollution caused by ships.属于突发性的重大改变,必须在改变后的三天内提交新的《排污申报登记表》。 New submissions must be made within three days of the occurrence of such major Changes in the event that they had not been foreseen or planned for.新闻出版、广播影视、文化等单位和有关社会团体,应当发挥各自优势做好清洁生产宣传工作。 News publishers, TV and film broadcasters, and units engaged in the dissemination of cultural content and related social organizations shall avail themselves of their respective advantageous positions to disseminate information regarding cleaner production.前款规定的夜间作业,必须公告附近居民。 Night operation mentioned in the preceding paragraph must be made known to the residents in the neighbourhood. 在海上自然保护区、水产养殖场、海滨风景游览区内,不得新建排污口。本法公布前已有的排污口排放污染物不符合国家排放标准的,应当限期治理。 No additional outlet for discharging sewage shall be allowed within marine sanctuaries, aquacultural grounds and seashore scenic and tourist areas. Those outlets already in existence before the promulgation of this Law, where the discharge of pollutants is not in conformity with the state standards, shall be improved within a prescribed period of time.不符合国家规定的环境噪声排放标准的,文化行政主管部门不得核发文化经营许可证,工商行政管理部门不得核发营业执照。 No competent administrative department for culture may issue cultural operation licence and no administrative department for industry and commerce may issue business licence to the centers that fail to keep such emission within the limits.依照前两款规定被淘汰的设备,不得转让给他人使用。 No equipment that has been eliminated according to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs may be transferred to others for use.未经审查或者审查不舍格的,不得在气象业务中使用。 No equipment that is not examined or accepted as qualified may be applied to meteorological operations.前款规划保留区内不得建设与防洪无关的工矿工程设施;在特殊情况下,国家工矿建设项目确需占用前款规划保留区内的土地的,应当按照国家规定的基本建设程序报请批准,并征求有关水行政主管部门的意见。 No industrial or mining facilities not related to flood control may be constructed within the planned reserve zones. If special circumstances exist under which it is really necessary for state industrial and mining projects to occupy land within the planned reserve zones mentioned in the preceding paragraph, approval should be obtained according to the procedures set by the state for capital construct ion and consultations should be made with the relevant water conservancy administrative department.未经检定、检定不合格或超过检定有效期的气象计量器具,不得使用。 No meteorological measurement instruments that are not verified, that are disqualified, or whose terms of validity have expired may be used.未经上级气象主管机构批准,不得中止气象探测。 No meteorological observation may be discontinued without approval by the competent meteorological department at a higher level. 任何单位和个人不得挪用森林植被恢复费。县级以上人民政府审计机关应当加强对森林植被恢复费使用情况的监督。 No organization and private individual shall divert the forest vegetation recovery payments. The competent auditing authorities of the people's government above the county level shall strengthen their supervision of the situation in connection with the use of the forest vegetation recovery payments.其他任何组织或者个人不得向社会发布公众气象预报和灾害性天气警报。 No other organizations or individuals may issue to the community such forecast or warning. 未经有关主管部门批准,不得在河床、河滩内修建建筑物。 No person may erect any building in a riverbed or in flood land without the approval of the competent department concerned. 进入森林和森林边缘地区的人员,不得擅自移动或者损坏为林来服务的标志。 No person that enters into the forest and its adjacent area shall, without authorization, remove or damage marks that serve the forestry sector. 采矿作业不得擅自开采保安煤柱,不得采用可能危及相邻煤矿生产安全的决水、爆破、贯通巷道等危险方法。 No safety pillars shall be mined without authorization and no dangerous methods, such as water bursting, blasting and breaking through roadways, which may threaten the production safety of adjacent coal mines shall be adopted.