

(一)基层人民武装部或者所在单位按照上级下达的计划和规定的条件推荐;    (1) recommendation by the people's armed forces departments at the basic level or by the work units in accordance with the plans issued from higher authorities and the prescribed requirements;
????(一)拒绝环境保护行政主管部门或者其他依照法律规定行使环境监督管理权的部门现场检查或者在被检查时弄虚作假的。    (1) refusing an on-site inspection by the competent department of environmental protection administration or another department invested by law with power to conduct environmental supervision and management, or resorting to trickery and fraud while undergoing inspection;
(一)对符合条件的煤炭企业应当颁发煤炭生产许可证而不予颁发的;    (1) Refusing to issue a coal production license to a coal enterprise which is qualified for obtaining the license; or
(一)拒报或者谎报国务院环境保护行政主管部门规定的有关污染物排放申报事项的;    (1) Refusing to report or submitting a false report on items for which registration is required by the administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council for the discharge of pollutants.
(一)拒报或者谎报国务院环境保护部门规定的有关污染物排放申报登记事项的;    (1) refusing to report or submitting a false report on items for which registration is required by the environmental protection department under the State Council for discharge of pollutants;
(一)项目可行性研究报告;    (1) Report for feasibility study;
(一)预备役将官:预备役少将;    (1) Reserve Generals: reserve Major General;
(一)冒顶、片帮、边坡滑落和地表塌陷;    (1) roof falling, slabbing, slope sliding, and surface collapsing;
(二)拒绝环境保护行政主管部门或者其他监督管理部门现场检查或者在被检查时弄虚作假的;    (2) Refusing an on-site inspection by the competent administrative department of environmental protection or any of the supervisory and management departments, or resorting to trickery and fraud during inspection;
(二)拒绝环境保护部门或者有关的监督管理部门现场检查,或者弄虚作假的;    (2) refusing an on-site inspection by the environmental protection department or the supervision and management department concerned, or resorting to deception;
  (二)拒绝环境保护行政主管部门现场检查,或者在被检查时弄虚作假的;    (2) refusing an on-the-spot inspection by the competent administrative department of environmental protection or resorting to deception while undergoing inspection;
????(二)拒报或者谎报国务院环境保护行政主管部门规定的有关污染物排放申报事项的。    (2) refusing to report or submitting a false report on items for which declaration is required by the competent department of environmental protection administration under the State Council;
(二)预备役校官:预备役大校、上校、中校、少校;    (2) Reserve field officers: reserve Senior Colonel, Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel and Major; and
(三)预备役尉官:预备役上尉、中尉、少尉。    (3) Reserve junior officers: reserve Captain, Lieutenant and Second Lieutenant.
(四)国家共享惠益方案合理。    (4) Reasonable sharing beneficial plan for countries concerned.
  (四)违反本法第二十七条的规定,围垦湖泊、河流的。    (4) reclaiming parts of any lake or river for use as farmland in violation of the provisions of Article 27 of this Law.
(四)拒绝矿山安全监督人员现场检查或者在被检查时隐瞒事故隐患、不如实反映情况的;    (4) refusing personnel in charge of safety in mines to make on-the-spot inspections, or concealing hidden dangers of accidents or failing to truthfully report the situations when being inspected;
(五)国家共享惠益方案合理。    (5) Reasonable sharing beneficial plan for countries concerned.
(五)县人民武装部办理预备役军官登记。    (5) registration with the people's armed forces departments at the county level.
铙河东北黑锋国家级自然保护区    Raohe Northeast Heifeng(Black Peak) National Nature Reserve
在前款入海河口围海造地,应当符合河口整治规划。    Reclaiming land from seawaters in estuaries mentioned in the preceding paragraph should conform to the planning for controlling estuaries.
因蓄滞洪区而直接受益的地区和单位,应当对蓄滞洪区承担国家规定的补偿、救助义务。    Regions and units directly benefiting from flood storage and detention areas should bear obligations of compensation and aid to flood storage and detent ion areas as required by the state.
  城市人民政府有关部门应当组织净菜进城,减少城市生活垃圾。    Relevant departments of an urban people's government shall arrange for the supply of clean vegetables to cities and towns, in order to reduce urban house refuse.
  城市人民政府有关部门应当统筹规划,合理安排收购网点,促进废弃物的回收利用工作。    Relevant departments of an urban people's government shall make an overall plan and rational arrangement for establishing a collecting and purchasing network so as to promote the recycling of waste materials.
有关部门应当按照职责分工,配合气象主管机构做好人工影响天气的有关工作。    Relevant departments shall, in compliance with their functions and duties and division of responsibilities, cooperate with the competent meteorological departments in weather modification.
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