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(一)侵占、损毁或者未经批准擅自移动气象设施的;    (1) seizing, damaging, destroying, or relocating without approval meteorological facilities; or
  (一)固体废物,是指在生产建设、日常生活和其他活动中产生的污染环境的固态、半固态废弃物质。    (1) Solid waste means abandoned materials in solid, semi-solid state coming from production, construction, everyday life and other activities and causing environmental pollution.
(一)研究目的、范围和合作期限明确;    (1) Specific purpose and scope of research as well as cooperation period;
(一)引进的目的明确、用途合理;    (1) Specific purpose of importing and reasonable use;
(二)与境外进口方签订的国家共享惠益方案。    (2) Sharing beneficial plan for countries concerned signed with external importer.
(二)露天矿的边坡角和台阶的宽度、高度;    (2) slope angles of an opencast mine and the width and height of its steps;
(二)退出现役的士兵;    (2) soldiers released from active service;
  (二)将危险废物提供或者委托给无经营许可证的单位收集、贮存、处置的;    (2) supplying or entrusing hazardous waste to a unit that does not have the operation license for collection, storage and treatment;
(三)与境外合作者签订的国家共享惠益方案。    (3) Sharing beneficial plan for countries concerned signed with external cooperator.
(三)知识产权归属明确、研究成果共享方案合理;    (3) Specific affiliation of intellectual property and reasonable sharing plan for research results;
??? (三)国家规定实行保护性开采的特定矿种;?    (3) specified minerals of which protective mining is prescribed by the State;
(三)违反本法第四章、第五章有关规定,贮存、堆放、弃置、倾倒、排放污染物、废弃物的;    (3) storing, piling, abandoning, dumping or discharging any pollutant or waste in violation of the relevant provisions of Chapters IV and V of this Law; or
(四)未采取防燃、防尘措施,在人口集中地区存放煤炭、煤矸石、煤渣、煤灰、砂石、灰土等物料的。    (4) Storing coal, coal gangue, coal cinder, coal ash, sandstone, lime soil or other materials in densely inhabited areas without taking any measures for fire and dust prevention.
二要加强对这类企业的日常环境监管,按照重点污染源的监管要求,加大日常巡查和监督性监测频次,保障其稳定达标排放。    secondly, they shall enhance daily environmental monitoring over the aforesaid type of enterprises, and improve the frequency of daily examination and checking according to the regulatory demands for main pollution sources, and guarantee that the discharge of pollutants always meeting the standards;
  重大建设工程和可能发生严重次生灾害的建设工程,必须进行地震安全性评价;并根据地震安全性评价的结果,确定抗震设防要求,进行抗震设防。    Seismic safety shall be evaluated for major construction projects and the construction projects which may induce serious secondary disasters. The requirements for fortification against earthquakes, which shall be drawn up on the basis of the results of seismic safety evaluation, shall be fulfilled.
??? 民族自治地方的自治机关根据法律规定和国家的统一规划,对可以由本地方开发的矿产资源,优先合理开发利用。?    Self-government organs in national autonomous areas shall, in accordance with legal provisions and unified national plans, have the priority to develop and utilize in a rational manner the mineral resources that may be developed by the local authorities.
高级专业技术职务:预备役专业技术少将、大校、上校、中校、少校;    Senior specialized technical officers: specialized technical reserve Major General, Senior Colonel, Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel or Major;
建立健全精干的管理机构,制定严格的保护措施,强化统一管理,努力提高管理水平,把自然保护区保护好、管理好。    set up and perfect administrative agencies with small but highly trained staff, formulate stringent protective measures, strengthen unified administration, and strive to improve the standards of administration to ensure effective protection and administration of the nature reserves.
本法公布前已有的排污口,排放污染物超过国家或者地方标准的,应当治理;    Sewage outlets that have already been built prior to promulgation of this Law, but that discharge pollutants in excess of the limits set by the national or local standards shall be tackled and brought under control.
收取的污水处理费用必须用于城市污水集中处理设施的建设和运行,不得挪作他用。    Sewage treatment fees collected shall be used for the construction and operation of the facilities for central treatment of urban sewage and may not be used for other purposes.
商资函[2007]第94号    Shang Zi Han [2007] No. 94
商综发[2007]第392号    Shang Zong Fa [2007] No. 392
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