

  (一)“海洋环境污染损害”是指直接或间接地把物质或能量引入海洋环境,产生损害海洋生物资源、危害人体健康、妨碍渔业和海上其他合法活动、损坏海水使用素质和减损环境质量等有害影响。    (1) "" Pollution damage to the marine environment "" means any direct or indirect introduction of substances or energy into the marine environment which results in deleterious effects such as harm to marine living resources, hazards to human health, hindrance to fishing and other legitimate activities at sea, impairment of the useful quality of sea water and degradation of environmental quality.
(一)对造成大气污染事故的企业事业单位,处以一万元以上五万元以下罚款;    (1) Penalty of between ten thousand yuan and fifty thousand yuan on enterprises and institutions which have caused air pollution accidents to take place;
(一)拒报或者谎报国务院环境保护部门规定的有关污染物排放申报事项的,处以三百元以上三千元以下罚款;    (1) Penalty of between three hundred yuan and three thousand yuan for refusal to submit declarations on the discharge of pollutants as dictated by environmental protection authorities under the State Council, or misrepresentation in such declarations;
(一)在气象探测环境保护范围内设置障碍物、进行爆破和采石;    (1) placing obstacles or conducting explosion or quarry operations within the protected environs for meteorological observation;
(一)师级军官职务等级和高级专业技术军官职务等级的确定,由大军区级单位正职首长批准;    (1) post grades for officers at the level of division commander or deputy division commander, or for specialized technical officers at the senior level shall be determined with the approval of the heads of units at the level of major military command;
(一) 申报程序    (1) Procedure of Application
(一)种畜禽生产经营许可证;    (1) Production business certificate of sire and breeding poultry;
  (一)推广热电联产、集中供热,提高热电机组的利用率,发展热能梯级利用技术,热、电、冷联产技术和热、电、煤气三联供技术,提高热能综合利用率;    (1) promote the wide use of cogeneration of heat and power and district heating, increase the utilization rate of heat and power units, developheat-cascading technology, combined heat, power and cooling technology and combined heat, power and coal gas technology, and increase the efficiency of thermal energy application in an all-round way;
  (一) 防护林:以防护为主要的目的的森林、林木和灌木丛,包括水源涵养林,水土保持林,防风固少林,农田、牧场防护林,护岸林,护路林;    (1) Protection forests: forests, trees and bushes mainly aimed at protection, inclusive of water source storage forests, forests for water and soil conservation, wind protection and sand bind forests, forests for farmland and grassland protection, river bank protective belts and road protection belts;
(二)未经环境保护部门同意,擅自拆除或者闲置污染物防治设施,污染物排放超过规定排放标准的,处以五百元以上三万元以下罚款;    (2) Penalty of between three hundred yuan and three thousand yuan for refusal of on-site inspections by environmental protection authorities, or for pollutant discharge exceeding prescribed standards;
(二)“污染物”是指能导致水污染的物质。    (2) ""Pollutant"" means a substance that is capable of causing water pollution.
(二)出口国家或者地区法定机构出具的种畜系谱或者种禽代次证明;    (2) Pedigree of sire or generation-order certificate of breeding poultry issued by statutory agencies of livestock or poultry genetic resource exporting countries or regions; and
(二)团级军官职务等级和中级专业技术军官职务等级的确定,由有军官职务任免权的军级单位正职首长批准;    (2) post grades for officers at the level of regiment commander or deputy regiment commander, of for specialized technical officers at the intermediate level shall be determined with the approval of the heads of units at the corps level that have the power to appoint and remove officers; and
(三)拒绝环境保护部门或者其他监督管理部门现场检查或者在被检查时弄虚作假的,处以三百元以上三千元以下罚款;    (3) Penalty of between three hundred yuan and three thousand yuan for refusal of on-site inspections by environmental protection authorities, or other supervisory and administrative authorities, or for practicing fraud when being inspected;
(三)在行洪河道内种植阻碍行洪的林木和高秆作物的。    (3) Planting trees or long--stalk crops impeding flood discharge in river courses used for flood discharge.
(三)营级以下军官职务等级和初级专业技术军官职务等级的确定,由有军官职务任免权的师级单位正职首长批准。    (3) post grades for officers at the level of battalion commander or below, or for specialized technical officers at the junior level shall be determined with the approval of the heads of units at the divisional level that have the power to appoint and remove officers.
  (三)抢险救援人员的组织和资金、物资的准备;    (3) preparation of manpower, funds and materials for rescue and disaster relief;
(四)未经批准擅自在人口集中地区焚烧沥青、油毡、橡胶、塑料、皮革以及其他产生有毒有害烟尘和恶臭气体的物质的,处以三百元以上三千元以下罚款;    (4) Penalty of between three hundred yuan and three thousand yuan for burning bitumen, asphalt felt, rubber, plastics, leather, or other materials which produce toxic or other harmful dusts, or gases with offensive odor at population centers without authorization; and
  (四)应急、救助装备的准备;    (4) preparation of emergency and rescue equipment;
(四)转让人具备本办法第五条或者第六条规定的转让条件的证明;    (4) proof of conditions of transfer of the transferor as prescribed in Article 5 or Article 6 of these Measures;
(五)不按国家规定缴纳超标准排污费的,处以一千元以上一万元以下罚款。    (5) Penalty of between one thousand yuan and ten thousand yuan for failure to pay fees for exceeding pollutant discharge standards in accordance with state provisions.
(五)爆破器材和爆破作业发生的危害;    (5) perils arising from demolition apparatus and demolition operations;
  (五)灾害评估准备;    (5) preparation for disaster evaluation; and
(六)粉尘、有毒有害气体、放射性物质和其他有害物质引起的危害;    (6) perils caused by dust, poisonous and harmful gases, radioactive and other harmful substances; and
1998年2月12号国务院令第242号    (Promulgated by Decree No. 242 of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China on February 12, 1998.)
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