

国务院有关部门和地方各级人民政府必须把保护城市水源和防治城市水污染纳入城市建设规划,建设和完善城市排水管网,有计划地建设城市污水集中处理设施,加强城市水环境的综合整治。    Relevant departments under the State Council and the local people's governments at various levels must incorporate protection of urban water sources and prevention and control of urban water pollution in their respective plans for urban construction, construct and improve networks of urban drainage pipelines, construct facilities for central treatment of urban sewage according to plans, and improve all-round treatment and control of urban water environment.
有关组织和个人应当服从人民政府的指挥和安排,做好气象灾害防御工作。    Relevant organizations and individuals shall comply with the directions given and arrangements made by the people's governments, and shall make a success of prevention of meteorological disasters.
再生资源包括废旧金属、报废电子产品、报废机电设备及其零部件、废造纸原料(如废纸、废棉等)、废轻化工原料(如橡胶、塑料、农药包装物、动物杂骨、毛发等)、废玻璃等。    Renewable resources include metallic scrap, discarded electronic products, mechanical and electric equipments and parts, waste paper making materials (such as waste paper and cotton), waste materials for light chemical industry (such as rubber, plastics, packing of pesticide, animal bones and hairs) and waste glass as well.
再生资源回收网点包括社区回收、中转、集散、加工处理等回收过程中再生资源停留的各类场所。    Renewable resources recovery nets include all kinds of places where the renewable resources are reclaimed, transferred, distributed and processed.
中华人民共和国预备役军官法    Reserve Officers Law of the People's Republic of China
前款规定以外的其他预备役军官参加军事训练、执行军事勤务期间,应当给予误工补贴,具体办法和标准由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定。    Reserve officers other than those referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be given subsidies for their loss of working time during the period when they are participating in military training or carrying out military duties. Specific measures and standards therefor shall be stipulated by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government.
预备役军官享有本法规定的因服军官预备役而产生的权利,享受国家规定的有关待遇。    Reserve officers shall enjoy such rights deriving from their reserve service as specified in this Law and such benefits and treatment as prescribed by the State.
船舶的残油、废油必须回收,禁止排入水体。    Residual oil or waste oil of ships must be recovered, and its discharge into any water body shall be forbidden.
在船舶航行可能危及堤岸安全的河段,应当限定航速。    Restrictions of speed should be imposed in river courses where navigation of ships may endanger the safety of embankments.
修改防震减灾规划,应当报经原批准机关批准。    Revision of the plans for protecting against and mitigating earthquake disasters shall be submitted for approval to the authorities that originally approved them.
国务院水行政主管部门在国家确定的重要江河、湖泊设立的流域管理机构,在所管辖的范围内行使法律、行政法规规定和国务院水行政主管部门授权的防洪协调和监督管理职责。    River basins administrative agencies set up by the water conservancy administrative department under the State Council for major. rivers and lakes as designated by the state shall perform duties of coordination, supervision and administration of flood control within their jurisdiction as provided for by laws and administrative regulations and authorized by the water conservancy administrative department under the State Council.
(三)拒不执行防御洪水方案、防汛抢险指令或者蓄滞洪方案、措施、汛期调度运用计划等防汛调度方案的;    (3)Refusing to implement the flood prevention schemes,flood control and emergency operational instructions or flood control operational plans such as flood storage and detention plans or measures,or dispatching and operation plans in flood seasons; or
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