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???重点保护的渔业资源品种,禁渔区和禁渔期,禁止使用或者限制使用的渔具和捕捞方法,最小网目尺寸以及其他保护渔业资源的措施,由县级以上人民政府渔业行政主管部门规定。    Departments of fishery administration under the people's governments at or above the county level shall designate species under special protection, prohibited fishing areas and closed seasons, fishing gear and methods that are to be banned or restricted and the minimum sizes for the mesh of nets, as well as other measures for the protection of fishery resources.
工商行政管理部门负责再生资源回收经营者的登记管理和再生资源交易市场内的监督管理。    Departments of industrial and commercial administration are responsible for registration administration on business operators of renewable resources recovery, and supervision and administration on trade market of renewable resources.
禁止毁林开荒、烧山开荒和在陡坡地、干旱地区铲草皮、挖树兜。    Destroying forest or burning vegetation for land reclamation and stripping vegetation and digging up tree stumps on steep hill slopes or in arid regions shall be prohibited.
事故查清后应当作出事故发生的原因、过程、危害、采取的措施、处理结果以及遗留问题和防范措施等情况的详细的书面报告,并附有关证明文件。    Detailed written reports with relevant certifications attached should follow up once thorough investigations of the accidents are completed, providing such information as how the accidents were started, their entire process and damages involved, steps taken to tackle with the situation and their results, as well as problems that remain yet to be resolved, and measures for preventing the reoccurrence of such accidents.
  全民所有制单位之间、集体所有制单位之间以及全民所有制单位与集体所有制单位之间的草原所有权和使用权的争议,由县级以上人民政府处理。    Disputes over the right of ownership of grasslands or the right to use them that arise between units under ownership by the whole people, between units under collective ownership or between units under ownership by the whole people and those under collective ownership shall be handled by the people's governments at the county level or above.
  个人之间、个人与全民所有制单位或者集体所有制单位之间的草原使用权的争议,由乡级或者县级人民政府处理。    Disputes over the right to use grasslands that arise between individuals, between individuals and units under ownership by the whole people or between individuals and units under collective ownership shall be handled by the people's governments at the township or county level.
城市、村镇和其他居民点以及工厂、矿山、铁路和公路干线的布局,应当避开山洪威胁;已经建在受山洪威胁的地方的,应当采取防御措施。    Distribution of cities, towns and other inhabited areas as well as factories , mines and trunk lines of railways and highways should avert the threat of mountain torrents; for those having been built in places threatened by mountain torrents, precautions should be taken.
在紧急防汛期,国家防汛指挥机构或者其授权的流域、省、自治区、直辖市防汛指挥机构有权对壅水、阻水严重的桥梁、引道、码头和其他跨河工程设施作出紧急处置。    During the emergency flood reason, the state flood control headquarters or its authorized flood control headquarters in provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall have the right to take emergency measures against bridges, approaches, wharves and other engineering structures across a river which seriously intercept or block water .
在汛期,水库不得擅自在汛期限制水位以上蓄水,其汛期限制水位以上的防洪库容的运用,必须服从防汛指挥机构的调度指挥和监督。    During the flood season, no reservoir may store water above the flood season restricted level without authorization and the use of flood control capacity beyond the flood season restricted level of any reservoir must be subjected to the command, control and supervision of the relevant flood control headquarters
在凌汛期,有防凌汛任务的江河的上游水库的下泄水量必须征得有关的防汛指挥机构的同意,并接受其监督。    During the melting ice flood season, any reservoir upstream a river or lake responsible for the control of melting ice flood must obtain the consent of the relevant flood control headquarters and be subject to its supervision when discharging its flow down stream.
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