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(七)有符合法律、法规要求的环境保护措施;    (7) Have environmental protection measures required by relevant laws and regulations;
(七)有井上下工程对照图、采掘工程平面图、通风系统图;    (7) Have up- against down-pit engineering drawings, plane figure for excavation and ventilation figure;
  (七)有竣工验收合格的保障煤矿生产安全的设施和环境保护设施;    (7) having the facilities to guarantee coal mine safety in production and environmental protection facilities, which have been proved up to the standard through the acceptance test conducted upon completion of the project; and
(八)有矿山建设工程安全设施竣工验收合格证明文件;    (8) Have a certification for the completion of safety equipment for mine engineering; and
(八)有必要的环境保护措施;    (8) Have necessary environmental protection measures;
(九)有矿山建设工程安全设施竣工验收合格证明文件;    (9) Have a certification for the completion of safety equipment for mine engineering; and
黑龙江省    Heilongjiang Province
河南省    Henan Province
在蓄滞洪区内建造房屋应当采用平顶式结构。    Houses built within flood storage and detention areas shall have flat roofs.
但是,排入水体的废水和排入大气的废气的污染防治适用有关法律,不适用本法。    However, the prevention and control of pollution by waste water discharged into water body and by waste gas discharged into the atmosphere shall be governed by other relevant laws, not this Law.
但是,本法第六十一条、第六十二条规定的治安管理处罚的决定机关,按照治安管理处罚条例的规定执行。    However,administrative penalties for public security stipulated in Articles 61 and 62 of this Law shall be decided by organs as provided for in the Regulations on the Administrative Penalty for Public Security.
  猎捕草原野生动物,应当严格遵守当地人民政府关于预防疫病流行的有关规定。    Hunters of wild animals on the grasslands shall be required to observe strictly the regulations of the local people's governments concerning the prevention of epidemic diseases.
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