禁止无经营许可证或者不按照经营许可证规定从事危险废物收集、贮存、处置的经营活动。 It is forbidden to collect, store or treat hazardous waste without an operation license or against the provisions of the operation license.禁止在生活饮用水地表水源一级保护区内新建、扩建与供水设施和保护水源无关的建设项目。 It is forbidden to construct or expand within the first-grade surface sources protection zones for domestic and drinking water, any projects that have noting to do with water supply facilities and protection of water sources. 禁止毁坏海岸防护林、风景林、风景石和红树林、珊瑚礁。 It is forbidden to destroy seashore shelter belts, scenic woods, scenic rocks, mangroves and coral reefs.禁止向生活饮用水地表水源一级保护区的水体排放污水。 It is forbidden to discharge sewage into water bodies within the firstgrade surface sources protection zones for domestic and drinking water.禁止向水体倾倒船舶垃圾。 It is forbidden to dump ship refuse into any water body. 禁止将危险废物混入非危险废物中贮存。 It is forbidden to store hazardous waste mixed with unhazardous waste. 禁止将危险废物提供或者委托给无经营许可证的单位从事收集、贮存、处置的经营活动。 It is forbidden to supply or entrust hazardous waste to units that do not have the operation license for collection, storage and treatment.禁止在生活饮用水地表水源一级保护区内从事旅游、游泳和其他可能污染生活饮用水水体的活动。 It is forbidden to travel, swim or carry out other activities within the first-grade surface sources protection zones for domestic and drinking water that may possibly cause pollution to the water body.锅炉制造厂必须在锅炉产品铭牌或者说明书中注明锅炉初始排放的烟尘浓度和烟气黑度标准。 It is mandatory for boiler manufacturers to state the standards of smoke concentration and blackness affected during initial discharge of their boilers on the latter's data plates, or in the latter's product manuals. 不得在运输过程中沿途丢弃、遗撒固体废物。 It is not allowed to discard or let drop solid waste on the road during its transportation.不得制造、销售和进口不符合本条第一款所指烟尘浓度和烟气黑度标准的锅炉。 It is not permissible to manufacture, market, or import boilers that fail to conform with the smoke concentration and blackness standards as referred to under paragraph one of this Article.禁止开采含放射性和砷等有毒有害物质超过规定标准的煤炭。 It is prohibited to mine the coal with toxic or harmful substances, such as radioactive and arsenic, that exceed the prescribed limits.禁止在行洪河道内种植阻碍行洪的林木和高秆作物。 It is prohibited to plant trees or long-stalk crops impeding flood discharge in river courses used for flood discharge.(一)违反本法第十七条、第十九条、第二十二条第二款、第二十二条第三款、第二十七条或者第三十四条规定,严重影响防洪的; (1)In violation of the provisions of Article 17,Article 19,the second or third paragraph of Article 22,Article 27 or Article 34,affecting flood control seriously;(四)违反本法规定,导致或者加重毗邻地区或者其他单位洪灾损失的。 (4)In violation of the provisions of this Law,causing or aggravating flood losses to contiguous regions or other units.语际翻译 版权所有
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