

债权人会议主席由人民法院从有表决权的债权人中指定。    The chairman of the creditors meeting is designated by the people's court from among the creditors with the right to vote.
债权人会议主席由人民法院从有表决权的债权人中指定。    The chairman of the creditors meeting is designated by the people's court from among the creditors with the right to vote.
债权人会议主席由人民法院从有表决权的债权人中指定。    The chairman of the creditors meeting is designated by the people's court from among the creditors with the right to vote.
涉外仲裁委员会的主任、副主任和委员可以由中国国际商会聘任。    The chairman, vice-chairmen and committee members may be appointed by the China International Chamber of Commerce.
仲裁委员会的主任、副主任和委员由法律、经济贸易专家和有实际工作经验的人员担任。仲裁委员会的组成人员中,法律、经济贸易专家不得少于三分之二。    The chairman, vice-chairmen and members of an arbitration commission must be persons specialized in law, economic and trade and persons who have actual working experience. The number of specialists in law, economic and trade shall not be less than two-thirds of the members of an arbitration association.
中国仲裁协会是仲裁委员会的自律性组织,根据章程对仲裁委员会及其组成人员、仲裁员的违纪行为进行监督。    The China Arbitration Association is an organization in charge of self-regulation of the arbitration commissions. It shall conduct supervision over the conduct (any breach of discipline) of the arbitration commissions and their members and arbitrators in accordance with its Articles of association.
中国仲裁协会依照本法和民事诉讼法的有关规定制定仲裁规则。    The China Arbitration Association shall formulate Arbitration Rules in accordance with this Law and the Civil Procedure Law.
中外合作者没有在合作企业合同中订立仲裁条款,事后又没有达成书面仲裁协议的,可以向中国法院起诉。    The Chinese or foreign party may bring a suit in a Chinese court, if no arbitration clause is provided in the contractual joint venture contract and if no written agreement is concluded afterwards.
从事港口、码头建设的中外合资经营企业,可以减按15%的税率征收企业所得税。?    The Chinese-foreign equity joint enterprises engaged in port and dock construction may be subject to the enterprise income tax at the reduced rate of 15%.
中国保监会及其派出机构应当在法定期限内,办理变更手续。    The CIRC and its local offices shall complete the procedures of alteration within the legal time limit.
中国保监会可以制定规范性文件,委托派出机构实施行政许可。派出机构根据中国保监会的委托,实施行政许可,应当以中国保监会的名义,中国保监会对该行为的后果承担法律责任。    The CIRC may enact normative documents and entrust its local offices with the implementation of administrative licensing. The local offices concerned shall implement administrative licensing according to the CIRC’s entrustment and in the name of the CIRC. The CIRC shall take the legal responsibility for the result of the action.
境内托管人违反本办法情节严重的,中国保监会可以责令保险公司予以更换。    The CIRC may order an insurance company to replace its domestic custodian if the domestic custodian violates these Measures seriously.
中国保监会或者派出机构应当在法定期限内作出准予或者不予行政许可的决定。    The CIRC or its local offices shall make the decision to or not to grant an administrative license in the legal time limit.
中国保监会应当事先公布资格考试的条件、办法、考试科目以及考试大纲。通过考试、符合其他法定条件的,中国保监会应当发给加盖中国保监会印章的资格证明。    The CIRC shall announce the conditions, measures, subjects and program of the tests in advance. The CIRC shall issue qualification certificates with the seal of the CIRC to those who have passed the tests and meet other legal conditions.
中国保监会应当在机关网站上,公布行政许可事项以及行政许可申请书的格式文本,方便申请人查询下载。    The CIRC shall publish the administrative licensing items and the format of administrative licensing application on its official website so as for the applicants to browse and download conveniently.
1991年10月12日上海市人民政府办公厅《关于加强本市户外广告管理问题的通知》同时废止。    The Circular Regarding Strengthening the Administration of Outdoor Advertisements of this Municipality promulgated by the General Office of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government on October 12, 1991 shall be repealed at the same time.
企业整顿的情况应当定期向债权人会议报告。    The circumstances of the reorganization of the enterprise shall be periodically reported to the creditors' meeting.
企业整顿的情况应当定期向债权人会议报告。    The circumstances of the reorganization of the enterprise shall be periodically reported to the creditors' meeting.
企业整顿的情况应当定期向债权人会议报告。    The circumstances of the reorganization of the enterprise shall be periodically reported to the creditors' meeting.
市或者区、县市政委办公室收取市容整治费后,应当上缴财政专户存储,专项用于市容整治。    The city appearance maintenance fees collected by the municipal or district / county office of municipal administration shall be deposited into a special account of the finance department, and shall only be used to improve the city appearance and the look of the city.
分支机构的民事责任由设立该分支机构的个人独资企业承担。    The civil liabilities of the branch shall be borne by the sole proprietorship enterprise establishing such branch.
受害人也可以直接向人民法院起诉。    The claimant may also directly bring a suit in a people's court.
技术咨询合同的委托人按照受托人符合约定要求的咨询报告和意见作出决策所造成的损失,由委托人承担,但当事人另有约定的除外。    The client under a technical consulting contract shall bear the loss resulting from any decision made by it based on the complying consulting report and opinion provided by the consultant, except otherwise agreed by the parties.
前款所称商业银行是指中国境内的中资银行、外国银行分行、中外合资银行和外资独资银行。    The commercial banks mentioned in the preceding paragraph refer to Chinese banks, branches of foreign banks, Sino-foreign joint venture banks and wholly foreign-owned banks within the territory of China.
对涉及安全、卫生的商品一律按进口国官方的标准要求检验。    The commodities concerning safety or sanitation shall all be inspected and examined according to the governmental standard and requirements of the import country.
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