- 中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 公司章程应当载明公司章程必备条款所要求的内容;公司不得擅自修改或者删除公司章程中有关公司章程必备条款的内容。 The articles of association of a company shall specify clearly the contents required by essential clauses. A company is not allowed to alter or omit, without approval, the contents of the essential clauses in the articles of association.
- 仲裁委员会的章程应当依照本法制定。 The articles of association of the an arbitration commission shall be formulated in accordance with this Law.
- ?? (一)保险公司的章程; the Articles of Association of the proposed insurance company;
- 该工业产权、专有技术的作价应当与国际上通常的作价原则相一致,其作价金额不得超过外资企业注册资本的20%。 The assigning of a fixed price for the aforesaid industrial proprty rights and proprietary technology shall be in conformity with the general pricing principles of the international market, and the amount of pricing thereof shall not exceed 20% of the registered capital of the foreign-capital enterprise.
- 公司债券的转让价格由转让人与受让人约定。 The assignment price of company bonds shall be agreed upon between the assignor and the assignee.
- 企业名称转让后,转让方不得继续使用已转让的企业名称。 The assignor may not continue to use the assigned enterprise name after the assignment.
- 审计报告须报银监分局或所在城市银监局备案。 The audit report shall be reported to the banking regulatory branch bureau or the banking regulatory bureau at the locality of the loan company for archival filling.
- 被审计单位应当配合审计机关的工作,并提供必要的工作条件。 The auditees shall cooperate with audit institutions in their work and provide necessary working conditions.
- 审查批准机关应当在接到申请之日起三十天内决定批准或者不批准。 The authorities in charge of examination and approval shall, within 30 days from the date such application is received, decide whether or not to grant the extension.
- 审查批准机关应当在接到申请之日起九十天内决定批准或者不批准。 The authorities in charge of examination and approval shall, within 90 days from the date they receive such application, decide whether or not to grant approval.
- 贷款公司对同一借款人的贷款余额不得超过资本净额的10%;对单一集团企业客户的授信余额不得超过资本净额的15%。 The balance of loans granted to a same borrower by the loan company may not be more than 10% of the net assets of the loan company. The credit balance of a single client as a group enterprise may not be more than 15% of the net assets of the loan company.
- 前款第(一)项所称银行是指中资商业银行的境外分行和国际公认评级机构最近3年对其长期信用评级在A级或者相当于A级以上的外国银行。 The bank mentioned in (1) of the preceding paragraph refers to an overseas branch of a Chinese commercial bank or a foreign bank with long-term credit rating of A or above granted by an internationally recognized rating institution in the recent 3 years.
- 银行应当凭所在地国家外汇管理局分局核发的核准件为境内金融机构办理兑付人民币债券本息的对外支付手续。 The bank shall go through the formalities for overseas repayment of the principal and interests of RMB bonds for the financial institution within the territory of China upon an approval document as issued by the local SAFE branch office.
- 银监分局或所在城市银监局自受理之日起2个月内作出核准或不予核准的决定。 The banking regulatory branch bureau or banking regulatory bureau of the city where the loan company is located shall make a decision on approval or disapproval within 2 months as of the date of acceptance.
- 银监局自收到完整申请材料或自受理之日起4个月内作出批准或不予批准的书面决定。 The banking regulatory bureau shall make a written decision on approval or disapproval within 4 months as of its receipt of a compete set of the application materials or after it accepts the application.
- 增值税专用发票的基本联次还应包括抵扣联,收执方作为抵扣税款的凭证。 The basic forms of special-purpose invoices for VAT should also include the deducting form, the invoice receiver uses it as a voucher for deducting tax money.
- ?? (二)受益人先于被保险人死亡,没有其他受益人的; the beneficiary dies before the insured without other beneficiary being designated ; or
- ?? (三)受益人依法丧失受益权或者放弃受益权,没有其他受益人的。 the beneficiary forfeits or surrenders his/her right as such in accordance with laws without other beneficiary being designated.
- 受益人是指人身保险合同中由被保险人或者投保人指定的享有保险金请求权的人,投保人、被保险人可以为受益人。 The beneficiary with respect to the insurance of persons refers to that person designated by the insured or the applicant, and being entitled to claim for the insurance benefits. The applicant or the insured may be the beneficiary.
- 投标文件应当对招标文件提出的实质性要求和条件作出响应。 The bid documents shall respond to the substantial requirements and terms put forward in the tender documents.
- 中标通知书对招标人和中标人具有法律效力。 The bid-winning notice is legally binding on both the tenderer and the winning bidder.
- 董事会对股东大会负责,行使下列职权: The board of directors is accountable to the shareholders' general committee, and shall exercise the following authorities:
- 董事会的职权是按合营企业章程规定,讨论决定合营企业的一切重大问题:企业发展规划、生产经营活动方案、收支预算、利润分配、劳动工资计划、停业,以及总经理、副总经理、总工程师、总会计师、审计师的任命或聘请及其职权和待遇等。? The board of directors is empowered to discuss and take action on, pursuant to the provisions of the articles of association of the equity joint venture, all fundamental issues concerning the venture, namely, expansion projects, production and business programmes, the budget, distribution of profits, plans concerning manpower and pay scales, the termination of business, the appointment or hiring of the president, the vice-president(s), the chief engineer, the treasurer and the auditors as well as their functions and powers and their remuneration, etc.
- 公司董事会可以决定,由董事会成员兼任经理。 The board of directors of the company may decide that a board member is to serve concurrently as the general manager.
- 董事会设董事长一人,可以视需要设副董事长。董事长、副董事长,由国家授权投资的机构或者国家授权的部门从董事会成员中指定。 The board of directors shall have a chairman, and if needed, a vice-chairman. The chairman and vice-chairman shall be appointed by the state authorized investment entity or state authorized department from the board members.