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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


董事会应当对会议所议事项的决定作成会议记录,出席会议的董事和记录员在会议记录上签名。    The board of directors shall prepare minutes regarding the decisions on matters considered at the meeting, which shall be signed by the directors attending the meeting and the person preparing the minutes.
监事会由股东代表和适当比例的公司职工代表 组成,具体比例由公司章程规定,监事会中的职工代表由公司职工民主选举产生。    The board of supervisors shall be composed of shareholders' representative(s) and representative(s) of the workers' of the company at an appropriate ratio to be specifically prescribed in the articles of association. The workers' representative(s) on the board of supervisors shall be democratically elected by the workers of the company.
监事会 由股东代表和适当比例的公司职工代表组成,具体比例由公司章程规定。监事会中的职工代表由公司职工民主选举产生。    The board of supervisors shall be composed of the shareholders' representative(s) and representative(s) of the workers of the company in an appropriate ratio to be prescribed by the articles of association. The workers' representative(s) on the board of supervisors shall be democratically elected by the workers of the company.
董事会设董事长一人,可以设副董事长一至二人。董事长、副董事长的产生办法由公司章程规定。    The board shall have one chairman, and may have one to two vice-chairmen. The manner in which the chairman and vice-chairman are selected shall be prescribed by the articles of association.
董事会应当对所议事项的决定作成会议记录,出席会议的董事应当在会议记录上签名。    The board shall prepare minutes relating to the decisions on matters considered at the meeting, which shall be signed by the directors attending the meeting.
前款第(二)项所称债券是指国际公认评级机构对其评级在A级或者相当于A级以上的债券。    The bonds mentioned in (2) of the preceding paragraph refer to the bonds with credit rating of A or above granted by an internationally recognized rating institution.
外商投资企业借用国外贷款,应当报外汇管理机关备案。    The borrowing of foreign loans by foreign-funded enterprises shall be reported to the foreign exchange management administration for registration.
外国公司的分支机构应当在本机构中置备该外国公司章程。    The branch of a foreign company shall maintain the articles of association of such foreign company on its premises.
外国保险公司分公司只能在其所在省、自治区或者直辖市的行政辖区内开展业务。合资保险公司、独资保险公司在其住所地以外的各省、自治区、直辖市开展业务的,应当设立分公司。    The branch of a foreign insurance company can only conduct business within the territory of the province, autonomous region or municipality where the branch is located. Where the joint-equity insurance company or wholly-owned insurance company is prepared to conduct business in any other province, autonomous region or municipality outside its locality, it shall establish a branch in the place concerned.
?? 保险公司分支机构不具有法人资格,其民事责任由保险公司承担。    The branch offices of an insurance company do not possess the status of a legal person, and the civil liability shall be borne by the insurance company.
经核准开业的保险公司分支机构,应当持核准文件及保险许可证,向工商行政管理部门办理登记注册手续,领取营业执照后方可营业。    The branch with approval for opening business shall go through the formalities of business registration at the administration department of industry and commerce by presenting the approval document and the license for conducting insurance business and accordingly obtain business license from the authority before opening business.
中国人民银行的分支机构根据中国人民银行的授权,负责本辖区的金融监督管理,承办有关业务。    The branches of The People's Bank of China shall, as authorized by The People's Bank of China, be responsible for financial supervision and control and handling of relevant business operations in their respective districts.
中国人民银行的预算经国务院财政部门审核后,纳入中央预算,接受国务院财政部门的预算执行监督。    The budget of The People's Bank of China shall be incorporated in the central budget after it has been examined and verified by the financial department under the State Council and the implementation thereof shall be subject to supervision of the financial department under the State Council.
外国保险公司子公司的经营保险业务年限,从该子公司设立时开始计算。    The business operation period of a subsidiary of a foreign insurance company shall start from the date of establishment of the subsidiary.
分公司的经营范围不得超出公司的经营范围。    The business scope of a branch shall not exceed that of the company.
收购人还应当将前款规定的公司收购报告书同时提交证券交易所。    The buyer shall also simultaneously submit a company purchase report as described in the preceding paragraph to the stock exchange.
中国人民银行行长的人选,根据国务院总理的提名,由全国人民代表大会决定;全国人民代表大会闭会期间,由全国人民代表大会常务委员会决定,由中华人民共和国主席任免。中国人民银行副行长由国务院总理任免。    The candidate for the Governor of the People's Bank of China shall be nominated by the Premier of the State Council and decided by the National People's Congress; when the National People's Congress is not in session, the Governor shall be decided by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and appointed or removed by the President of the People's Republic of China. The Deputy Governors of the People's Bank of China shall be appointed or removed by the Premier of the State Council.
各合伙人按照合伙协议实际缴付的出资,为对合伙企业的出资。    The capital actually contributed by a partner in accordance with the partnership agreement shall be the partner's capital contribution.
禁止携带、邮寄、运输空白发票出入境。    The carrying, mailing and transporting blank invoices in and out of the territory are prohibited.
由仲裁委员会分会受理的案件应当在该分会所在地进行审理,经该分会秘书长同意,也可以在其他地点进行审理。    The cases accepted by a Sub-Commission of the Arbitration Commission shall be heard in the place where the Sub-Commission is located, or in other places with the approval of the Secretary-General of that Sub-Commission.
凡未经国务院批准开放、恢复的一类口岸和未经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准开放的二类口岸,应于1993年底前关闭。    the category-1 ports which are not approved for opening-up or resumption by the State Council and the category-2 ports which are not approved for opening-up by the people’s government of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government should be closed by the end of 1993.
再保险分出人不得以再保险接受人未履行再保险责任为由,拒绝履行或者迟延履行其原保险责任。    The ceding insurance company shall not decline or delay fulfilling its obligation of the direct insurance on the basis that the reinsurer fails to fulfill the reinsurance obligation.
董事长为公司的法定代表人。    The chairman is the legal representative of the company.
董事长为公司的法定代表人。    The chairman is the legal representative of the company.
董事长为公司的法定代表人。    The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the company.
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