国务院外经贸主管部门对技术出口合同的真实性进行审查,并自收到前款规定的文件之日起15个工作日内,对技术出口作出许可或者不许可的决定。 The competent foreign trade department under the State Council examines the authenticity of the technology export contract, and decides, within fifteen working days from the date of receipt of the documents provided for in the preceding provision, on approval or disapproval of the technology export.国务院外经贸主管部门并可以撤销其对外贸易经营许可。 The competent foreign trade department under the State Council may revoke the foreign trade business license.国务院外经贸主管部门并可以暂停直至撤销其对外贸易经营许可。 The competent foreign trade department under the State Council may suspend, and even revoke, the foreign trade business license.国务院外经贸主管部门应当依照本条例第十二条和第十四条的规定对申请及其技术进口合同的真实性一并进行审查,并自收到前款规定的文件之日起40个工作日内,对技术进口作出许可或者不许可的决定。 The competent foreign trade department under the State Council shall, according to the provisions of Articles 12 and 14 of these Regulations, examine the authenticity of the application and the technology import contract, and decide, within forty working days from the date of receipt of the documents provided for in the preceding provision, on the approval or disapproval of the technology import.国务院外经贸主管部门会同国务院有关部门,制定、调整并公布禁止或者限制进口的技术目录。 The competent foreign trade department under the State Council shall, in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council, formulate, regulate and publish catalogues of technologies the import of which is prohibited or restricted.国务院外经贸主管部门会同国务院有关部门,制定、调整并公布禁止或者限制出口的技术目录。 The competent foreign trade department under the State Council shall, in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council, formulate, regulate and publish catalogues of technologies which are prohibited or restricted from export.省、自治区、直辖市人民政府外经贸主管部门根据国务院外经贸主管部门的授权,负责本行政区域内的技术进出口管理工作。 The competent foreign trade departments under the People's Governments of the Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities under the Central Government shall, according to the authorization by the competent foreign trade department under the State Council, be responsible for the administration of technology import and export in their respective administrative region.登记主管机关核准或者驳回企业名称登记申请,监督管理企业名称的使用,保护企业名称专用权。 The competent registration authorities may approve or reject an enterprise name registration application, supervise and administer the utilization of the enterprise name, and protect the exclusive right to the use of enterprise name.上级登记主管机关应当在收到复议申请之日起三十日内作出复议决定。对复议决定不服的,可以依法向人民法院起诉。 The competent registration authority at the next higher level shall make a decision of reconsideration within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application. Any party dissatisfied with the decision of the reconsideration made by the said authority may file a suit in the people's court according to law.登记主管机关应当在收到外国(地区)企业申请名称登记注册的全部材料之日起三十日内作出初步审查,通过初审的,予以公告。 The competent registration authority shall make a preliminarily examination thereof within a period of 30 days from the date of receipt of the papers necessary for the registration. If the application is preliminarily approved, an announcement shall be published.建设工程竣工经验收合格后,方可交付使用;未经验收或者验收不合格的,不得交付使用。 The completed construction project may be put into use only after it has passed the acceptance inspection; if the construction project has not been inspected or has failed the inspection, it may not be put into use.收发货人可以在备案有效期内主动申请终止适用集中申报通关方式。 The consignee or consignor may voluntarily apply for terminating adopting the method of centralized declaration for customs clearance within the validity term of archival filing.进出口货物收发货人可以委托B类以上管理类别(含B类)的报关企业办理集中申报有关手续。 The consignee or consignor of import or export goods may entrust a customs declaration enterprise in the management category of B or above for going through the related formalities of centralized declaration.建设工程的价款就该工程折价或者拍卖的价款优先受偿。 The construction project price shall be paid in priority out of proceeds from the liquidation or auction of the project.户外广告内容必须真实、健康,符合法律、法规、规章规定,不得以任何形式欺骗用户和消费者。户外广告使用的汉字、字母和符号应当符合国家规定。 The contents of outdoor advertisements shall be truthful, healthy and in conformity with laws, regulations and rules. Any form of fraud for the purpose of cheating users or consumers shall be prohibited. The Chinese characters, letters and symbols in the outdoor advertisements shall be in conformity with the prescribed standards of the state.担保书内容包括:担保对象、范围、期限和责任以及其他有关事项。 The contents of the warranty include: the object, scope, time limit and responsibility of guarantee as well as other related matters.合同自批准之日起生效,满六个月尚未实施的,原审批机关可以撤销合同,当事人如有正当理由,允许于限期前申请延长。 The contract comes into force on the date of approval, and it may be cancelled by the approval department if it is not implemented within six months. The parties involved are allowed to apply for an extension before expiry if they have a valid reason(s).技术出口合同自技术出口许可证颁发之日起生效。 The contract for technology export takes effect on the date of issuance of the technology export license.本节中的人身保险合同,除特别指明的外,简称合同。 The contract of insurance of persons mentioned in this Section is briefly referred to as ""the contract,"" unless specified otherwise.禁止承包人将工程分包给不具备相应资质条件的单位。禁止分包单位将其承包的工程再分包。建设工程主体结构的施工必须由承包人自行完成。 The contractor is prohibited from sub-contracting any part of the project to an entity not appropriately qualified. A sub-contractor is prohibited from further sub-contracting its contracted work. The main structure of the construction project must be constructed by the contractor itself.承揽方对定作方提供的原材料,应及付检验,发现不符合合同规定时,应立即涵印定作方调换或者补齐。承揽方对定作方是供的原材料不得擅自更换,对修理的物品不得偷换零件,违反的应承担赔偿责任。 The contractor shall promptly inspect the raw and processed materials supplied by the ordering party and, if it discovers that they do not conform to the stipulations of the contract, it shall immediately notify the ordering party to replace them or supply what is lacking. The contractor may not, without permission, replace any raw and processed materials supplied by the ordering party and may not covertly exchange components of articles being repaired, and violators shall be liable for making compensation.本实施细则所称合作企业章程,是指按照合作企业合同的约定,经合作各方一致同意,约定合作企业的组织原则、经营管理方法等事项的书面文件。 The contractual JV articles of association mentioned in this detailed rules refers to the written document drafted according to the joint venture contract and agreed upon by all parties on matters including the organizational principles, operation and management methods.本实施细则所称合作企业合同,是指合作各方为设立合作企业就相互之间的权利、义务关系达成一致意见后形成的书面文件。 The contractual JV contract mentioned in this detailed rules refers to the written document agreed upon and concluded by all parties on their rights and obligations for establishing the venture.合作企业以其全部资产对合作企业的债务承担责任。 The contractual JV is liable to the venture's debts with all its assets.对因案情复杂、意见分歧,需要进行协调的,协调小组应当根据办案部门的要求,组织有关单位进行研究解决。 The Coordination Panel shall organize the relevant units to study the solution at the request of the case-coping with authority if coordination is needed for a complicated case or dissenting opinions.