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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


户外广告设施设置申请人未及时维护、更新户外广告设施,致使发生户外广告设施倒塌、坠落等事故,造成他人人身或者财产损失的,应当承担民事赔偿责任。    The applicant for approval to install outdoor advertising facilities shall be held liable for damages if he fails to repair or replace outdoor advertising facilities and if such facilities collapse or fall, causing personal injuries, or damage, or loss of property.
(一)本人;    The applicant himself/herself;
投保人变更受益人时须经被保险人同意。    The applicant may change the beneficiary subject to the consent of the insured.
申请设置户外广告设施进行自我宣传的,应当提供前款规定的第(一)项、第(三)项和第(四)项材料。    The applicant who uses outdoor advertising facilities for self propaganda shall submit materials under Item 1, 3, and 4 of the preceding Section.
(二)配偶、子女、父母;    The applicant's spouse, children and parents; or
投保人、被保险人或者受益人有前三款所列行为之一,致使保险人支付保险金或者支出费用的,应当退回或者赔偿。    The applicant, the insured or the beneficiary shall refund or indemnify the insurer for any payments or expenses which were made or incurred by the insurer due to the commission of any act stipulated in the foregoing three paragraphs of this Article by the applicant, the insured or the beneficiary.
仲裁申请书应由申请人及/或申请人授权的代理人签名及/或盖章。    The Application for Arbitration shall be signed by, and/or affixed with the seal of, the Claimant and/or the authorized agent of the Claimant.
分公司的开业申请,由银监分局或所在城市银监局受理、审查并决定,银监分局或所在城市银监局自受理之日起2个月内作出核准或不予核准的决定。    The application for start of business of a branch company shall be accepted, examined and decided by the banking regulatory branch bureau or by the banking regulatory bureau of the city at the locality of the branch company. The banking regulatory branch bureau or the banking regulatory bureau at the locality of the branch company to be established shall, within 2 months as of the date of acceptance, make a decision on approval or disapproval.
申请在前款规定的行业中设立外资企业,除中国法律、法规另有规定外,须经中华人民共和国对外经济贸易部(以下简称对外经济贸易部)批准。    The application for the establishment of a foreign-capital enterprise in the trades mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade) for approval, except as otherwise provided by Chinese laws and regulations.
贷款公司的开业申请,由银监分局或所在城市银监局受理、审查并决定。    The application for the start of business of a loan company shall be accepted, examined and decided by the banking regulatory branch bureau or by the banking regulatory bureau at the locality of the loan company.
保险公司的资金运用,限于在银行存款、买卖政府债券、金融债券和国务院规定的其他资金运用形式。    The application of funds of an insurance company is limited to bank deposits, trading of government and financial bonds and other forms of fund application stipulated by the State Council.
本办法第三条第(二)项规定的户外广告设施设置的申请和审批,由市或者区、县工商局和市或者区、县市政委办公室按照前款规定的程序进行。    The application, examination and approval in connection with the installation of outdoor advertising facilities listed in Article 3, Item 2 of these Procedures shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Section by the municipal or district / county SAIC and the municipal or district / county office of municipal administration committee.
本办法第三条第(一)项规定的户外广告设施设置的申请和审批,按照下列程序进行:    The application, examination and approval in connection with the installation outdoor advertising facilities that fall under Article 3, Item 1 of these Procedures shall follow the following procedures:
设置户外广告设施的申请,按下列权限受理:    The applications for installing outdoor advertising facilities shall be subject to the following limitations:
仲裁委员会不受理下列争议:    The Arbitration Commission does not accept the cases over the following disputes:
仲裁委员会设秘书局,在仲裁委员会秘书长的领导下负责处理仲裁委员会的日常事务。    The Arbitration Commission has a secretariat to handle its day-to-day work under the leadership of the Secretary-General of the Arbitration Commission.
仲裁委员会按照不同专业设仲裁员名册。    The arbitration commission shall establish a list of arbitrators according to different professionals.
裁决书应加盖仲裁委员会印章。    The Arbitration Commission's stamp shall be affixed to the arbitral award.
对当事人提交的各种文书和证明材料,仲裁庭及/或仲裁委员会秘书局认为必要时,可以要求当事人提供相应的中文译本或其他语文的译本。    The arbitration tribunal and/or the secretariat of the Arbitration Commission may, as it considers necessary, request the parties to hand in the corresponding translation copies in Chinese language or other languages of the documents and evidential materials submitted by the parties.
仲裁庭有权要求当事人,而且当事人也有义务向专家/鉴定人提供或出示任何有关资料、文件或财产、货物,以供专家/鉴定人审阅、检验及/或鉴定。    The arbitration tribunal has the power to order the parties to submit or produce to the expert or appraiser any relevant materials, documents, or properties and goods for check-up, inspection and/or appraisal, and the parties are so obliged as well.
仲裁庭认为有正当理由的,可以适当延长此期限。    The arbitration tribunal may extend that time limit if it deems that there are justified reasons.
仲裁庭也可以在发出仲裁裁决书之日起30天内自行以书面形式作出更正。该书面更正构成裁决书的一部分。    The arbitration tribunal may likewise correct any errors in writing on its own initiative within 30 days from the date on which the arbitral award is issued. The correction in writing forms a part of the arbitral award.
仲裁庭经商双方当事人同意,可以提前开庭。当事人有正当理由的,可以请求延期开庭,但必须在开庭前7天书面向仲裁庭提出。是否延期,由仲裁庭决定。    The arbitration tribunal may, with consent from both parties, hold the hearing ahead of schedule. Any party may request a postponement of the hearing if it has justified reasons, but a written request must be submitted to the arbitration tribunal at least 7 days before the date of the hearing. The tribunal will then decide whether to postpone the hearing or not.
仲裁员应在签署裁决前将裁决书草案提交仲裁委员会。在不影响仲裁员独立裁决的情况下,仲裁委员会可以就裁决书的形式问题提请仲裁员注意。    The arbitrators shall submit the draft arbitral award to the Arbitration Commission before signing the award. The Arbitration Commission may remind the arbitrator of any issue related to the form of the arbitral award on condition that the arbitrator's independence of decision is not affected.
笔录由仲裁员、记录人员、当事人和其他仲裁参与人签名或者盖章。    The arbitrators, recorder, parties and other participants to the arbitration shall sign or affix their seals to the record.
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