

第一百五十五条:经国务院证券管理部门批准,公司股票可以到境外上市,具体办法由国务院作出特别规定。    Article 155 Upon approval by the securities regulatory authority under the State Council, the shares of a company may be listed abroad, and the detailed measures shall be specially prescribed by the State Council.
第一百五十五条 证券结算风险基金应当专项管理。    Article 155. Securities settlement risk funds shall be under special management.
第一百五十六条:上市公司必须按照法律、行政法规的规定,定期公开其财务状况和经营情况,在每会计年度内半年公布一次财务会计报告。    Article 156 A listed company shall make public its financial conditions and operating conditions at regular intervals in accordance with the relevant national statutes and administrative regulations, and shall make public its financial and accounting reports semiannually in each fiscal year.
第一百五十六条出卖人应当按照约定的包装方式交付标的物。对包装方式没有约定或者约定不明确,依照本法第六十一条的规定仍不能确定的,应当按照通用的方式包装,没有通用方式的,应当采取足以保护标的物的包装方式。    Article 156 Packing Method   The seller shall deliver the subject matter packed in the prescribed manner. Where a packing method was not prescribed or clearly prescribed, and cannot be determined in accordance with Article 61 hereof, the subject matter shall be packed in a customary manner, or, if there is no customary manner, in a manner adequate to protect the subject matter.
第一百五十六条 证券登记结算机构申请解散,应当经国务院证券监督管理机构批准。    Article 156. Before filing for dissolution, securities registration and settlement organizations shall attain prior approval from the securities regulatory body under the State Council.
第一百五十七条买受人收到标的物时应当在约定的检验期间内检验。没有约定检验期间的,应当及时检验。    Article 157 Inspection upon Receipt of Subject Matter   Upon receipt of the subject matter, the buyer shall inspect it within the prescribed inspection period. Where no inspection period was prescribed, the buyer shall timely inspect the subject matter.
第一百五十七条:上市公司有下列情形之一的,由国务院证券管理部门决定暂停其股票上市:    Article 157 The securities regulatory authority under the State Council shall suspend the trading of a listed company in any of the following circumstances:
第一百五十七条 根据证券投资和证券交易业务的需要,可以设立专业的证券投资咨询机构、资信评估机构。证券投资咨询机构、资信评估机构的设立条件、审批程序和业务规则,由国务院证券监督管理机构规定。    Article 157. Professional securities investment consultation institutions and credit evaluation institutions may be set up to meet the needs of securities investments and transactions. The State Council's securities regulatory body shall stipulate the conditions and approval procedures, as well as the operating rules for setting up and governing such institutions.
第一百五十八条当事人约定检验期间的,买受人应当在检验期间内将标的物的数量或者质量不符合约定的情形通知出卖人。买受人怠于通知的,视为标的物的数量或者质量符合约定。    Article 158 Consequence of Failure to Inspect; Exceptions   Where an inspection period was prescribed, the buyer shall notify the seller of any non-compliance in quantity or quality of the subject matter within such inspection period. Where the buyer delayed in notifying the seller, the quantity or quality of the subject matter is deemed to comply with the contract.
第一百五十八条:上市公司有前条第(二)项、第(三)项所列情形之一经查实后果严重的,或者有前条第(一)项、第(四)项所列情形之一,在限期内未能消除,不具备上市条件的,由国务院证券管理部门决定终止其股票上市。    Article 158 Where a listed company is in a circumstance set forth in either Item (ii) or (iii) of the previous Article, and after investigation, it is confirmed that the circumstance is serious, or the listed company is in a circumstance set forth in either Item (i) or (iv) and has not been able to eliminate such circumstance within a prescribed time limit, and hence no longer meets the requirements for listing, the securities regulatory authority under the State Council shall issue a decision to de-list its shares.
第一百五十八条专业的证券投资咨询机构、资信评估机构的业务人员,必须具备证券专业知识和从事证券业务二年以上经验。认定其从事证券业务资格的标准和管理办法,由国务院证券监督管理机构制定。    Article 158. Professionals in securities investment consultation institutions and credit evaluation institutions must possess professional knowledge and more than two years of experience in the securities business area. The State Council's securities regulatory body shall establish the standards and administrative procedures for assessing the qualifications of these securities professionals.
第一百五十九条买受人应当按照约定的数额支付价款。对价款没有约定或者约定不明确的,适用本法第六十一条、第六十二条第二项的规定。    Article 159 Absence of Price Provision   The buyer shall pay the price in the prescribed amount. Where the price was not prescribed or clearly prescribed, the provisions of Article 61 and Item (ii) of Article 62 apply.
第一百五十九条:股份有限公司、国有独资公司和两个以上的国有企业或者其他两个以上的国有投资主体投资设立的有限责任公司,为筹集生产经营资金,可以依照本法发行公司债券。    Article 159 For the purpose of financing production and operation, a joint stock limited company, a wholly state-owned company or a limited liability company established through investment by two or more state-owned enterprises or two or more state authorized investment entities may issue company bonds in accordance herewith.
第一百五十九条证券投资咨询机构的从业人员不得从事下列行为:    Article 159. The professionals in securities investment consultation institutions are not allowed to carry out the following activities:
第十五条 经营者能够证明所达成的协议属于下列情形之一的,不适用本法第十三条、第十四条的规定:    Article 15: Agreements among undertakings with one of the following objectives shall be exempted from application of article 13, 14 if
第十六条本条例由财政部负责解释,实施细则由财政部制定。    Article 16 The Ministry of Finance shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations and for the formulation of the Detailed Rules and Regulations for the Implementation of these Regulations.
第十六条 私营企业分立、合并、转让、迁移以及改变经营范围等,应当向工商行政管理机关办理变更登记或者重新登记。    Article 16 When separating, merging, transferring, moving and changing business scope, the private enterprise shall go through the formalities of alternation of registration or re-registration with the departments in charge of administration of industry and commerce.
第十六条合作企业应当凭营业执照在国家外汇管理机关允许经营外汇业务的银行或者其他金融机构开立外汇帐户。    Article 16 A contractual joint venture shall, by presenting its business license, open a foreign exchange account with a bank or any other financial institution which is permitted by the exchange control authorities of the state to conduct transactions in foreign exchange.
第十六条贷款公司可不设立董事会、监事会,但必须建立健全经营管理机制和监督机制。    Article 16 A loan company is not required to set up the board of directors or board of supervisors, but shall set up a sound business management mechanism and a supervision mechanism.
第十六条法律、行政法规禁止从事营利性活动的人,不得作为投资人申请设立个人独资企业。    Article 16 A person who is prohibited from engaging in any for-profit activity may not apply for the establishment of a sole proprietorship enterprise as a sole proprietor.
第十六条从事生产、经营的纳税人到外县(市)从事生产、经营活动的,必须持所在地税务机关填发的外出经营活动税收管理证明,向营业地税务机关报验登记,接受税务管理。    Article 16 A taxpayer engaging in production or business operations who wants to undertake production or business activities in another county (town)must present the certificate for tax revenue administration of outside operations, issued by its local taxation authority, to the taxation authority of the new place of operations for inspection and registration and shall accept its administration of taxation matters.
第十六条 招标人采用公开招标方式的,应当发布招标公告。    Article 16 A tenderer who adopts the public tender method shall issue a tender announcement.
第十六条 经济合同被确认无效后。当事人依据该所取得的财产,应返还给对方。有过错的一方应赔偿对方因此所受的损失;如果双方都有过错。各自承担相应的责任。    Article 16 After an economic contract has been confirmed to be void, the parties shall return to each other any property that they have acquired pursuant to the contract. If one party is at fault, it shall compensate the other party for losses incurred as a result thereof. If both parties are at fault, each party shall be commensurately liable.
第十六条 受理机构应当在补正材料通知书、受理决定或者不予受理决定的作出之日,告知申请人领取有关书面凭证。    Article 16 An accepting institution shall inform an applicant to get the written decision certificate concerned on the day when a notice of material supplement and correction is made out or a decision to or not to accept the application is made.
第十六条 仲裁协议包括合同中订立的仲裁条款和以其他书面方式在纠纷发生前或者纠纷发生后达成的请求仲裁的协议。    Article 16 An arbitration agreement shall include the arbitration clauses provided in the contract and any other written form of agreement concluded before or after the disputes providing for submission to arbitration.
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