县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门负责管理本行政区域内的医师工作。 Administrative departments of health under local people’s governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the work for doctors within their respective administrative regions.县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门对个体行医的医师,应当按照国务院卫生行政部门的规定,经常监督检查,凡发现有本法第十六条规定的情形的,应当及时注销注册,收回医师执业证书。 Administrative departments of health under local people’s governments at or above the county level should make supervisions and inspections of individual doctors at regular intervals as required by the administrative department of health under the State Council and should cancel registration in time and withdraw the practicing certificates of doctors upon discovery of the circumstances prescribed in Article 16 of this Law.药品广告不得含有不科学的表示功效的断言或者保证;不得利用国家机关、医药科研单位、学术机构或者专家、学者、医师、患者的名义和形象作证明。 Advertisements of pharmaceuticals shall not contain any unscientific assertion or guarantee on effects, and shall not be endorsed using the names and images of government bodies, pharmaceutical scientific research units, academic organizations, experts, scholars, physicians and sufferers.经婚前医学检查,医疗保健机构应当出具婚前医学检查证明。 After pre-marital medical examination, the medical and health institution shall issue a certificate of pre-marital medical examination.医疗机构执业登记后,其经核准的名称、法定代表人或者主要负责人、诊疗科目、床位、类别、级别、地点、服务方式、服务对象发生变更的,应当向原执业登记的卫生行政部门申请办理变更登记手续。 After the practice registration of a medical institution, if the ratified name, the legal representative or the principal person in charge, medical subjects of diagnosis and treatment, number of sickbeds, classification, grade, address, mode of service or service target is changed, the medical institution shall apply for the alteration registration with the original Public Health Administrative Department which has approved its practice registration.负有保密责任的有关部门、企业和单位应当按照国家有关规定,建立必要的保密制度。? All departments, enterprises and units concerned having a responsibility of maintaining its secrecy shall establish, in pursuit of stipulations concerned formulated by the state, its security regulations.所有由于本保险单所引起的争议,应提交一位仲裁人裁决,该仲裁人由争议双方以书面委任。 All differences arising out of this Policy shall be referred to the decision of an Arbitrator to be appointed in writing by the parties in difference 如双方对该一被选之仲裁人不能同意时,则每方可于对方书面请求一个月内各委任一人为仲裁人决定之。所有紧急支持服务必须直接经由中国交通保险特约之服务机构 I.P.A. 安排及提供有关服务。 All emergency assistance services must be arranged and provided by China Communications Insurance’s appointed agent I.P.A.中国广东省范围以外之医疗费用及紧急支持服务。 All medical expenses and emergency assistance services incurred outside the territory of Guangdong Province, P.R.C.本办法施行前已经卫生行政部门批准执业的医疗机构,应当在本办法施行后6个月内,按规定补办执业登记手续,领取《医疗机构执业许可证》。 All the medical institutions, which have been approved by the Public Health Administrative Department to carry out medical practising activities before the implementation of the present Procedures, shall handle a retroactive practising registration within six months after the implementation of the present Procedures according to stipulations, and receive the ""Practice License of Medical Institution"".罚没款收入按规定上缴国库。 All the penalized and confiscated money shall be turned over to the State Treasury according to stipulations.因注射、服药、输液、输血以及使用器械引起不良后果的,应当暂时封存有关实物,以备查验。 All the things, which have caused harmful consequences through injection, medicine-taking, infusion of fluid, blood transfusion and use of apparatus, shall be sealed up for safekeeping temporarily for on-the-spot examination.受保护的中药品种分为一、二级。? All varieties covered by this Decree are divided into Grade 1 and Grade 2 in its protection.药品入库和出库必须执行检查制度。 An inspection system shall be carried out for pharmaceuticals entering or leaving a warehouse药品入库出库必须执行检查制度。 An inspection system shall be put into effect in relation to drugs which are brought into or removed from the warehouse.传染病管理检查员由县级以上地方政府卫生行政部门批准并发给证件。 An inspector of infectious disease management shall be approved and given a certificate by the health administration department of the local government at or above the county level.分装药品必须附有说明书,在包装上注明品名、规格、生产企业和产品批号、分装单位和分装批号。规定有效期的药品,分装后必须注明有效期。 An instruction booklet must be attached to a repackaged drug. The product name, specifications, name of the production unit and product batch number and of the repackaging unit and repackaging batch number shall be set out clearly on the package. Where a period of efficacy has been set for the drug, when it has been repackaged, the period of efficacy must be clearly indicated.各级各类卫生防疫机构按照专业分工承担责任范围内的传染病监测管理工作。 Anti-epidemic agencies at various levels and of different types shall, according to the division of professional work, undertake the monitoring and control of infectious diseases within their respective spheres of responsibilities.申请人有异议的,可以自收到通知之日起十五日内,依法申请复议或者向人民法院提起诉讼。 Any applicant who has an objection to this decision may apply for reconsideration or bring a lawsuit before a people’s court according to law within 15 days from the date of receiving the notice.因语言上之障碍而对提供紧急救援引致延误。 Any delay in providing emergency assistance caused by language barrier."If the Company alleges that by reason of this exclusion any loss医疗单位购买第一类精神药品,需持县以上卫生行政部门核发的《精神药品购用卡》在指定的经营单位购买。 Any medical unit in need of psychotropic drugs of category I must purchase them at a designated drugstore with a Purchasing Card for Psychotropic Drugs issued by the health administrative department at or above the county level.不能独立承担民事责任的组织,不得申请设置医疗机构。 Any organization, which is unable to bear civil liability independently, can not apply for the establishment of a medical institution.当事人也可以自收到处罚决定通知书之日起十五日内,直接向法院提起诉讼。 Any party may also, within 15 days of receiving the notice on the punishment decision, directly bring a lawsuit before a court.未经许可,任何单位和个人不得从事医疗执业活动。 Any unit or individual person shall not be engaged in medical practising activities without getting a practice license.