医疗机构应当在校验间隔期满前3个月内,持《医疗机构执业许可证》正、副本和上一年度卫生行政部门检查考核结果或者医疗机构评审委员会的评审结论,向原执业登记的卫生行政部门申请办理《医疗机构执业许可证》校验手续。 A medical institution shall apply to the original Public Health Administrative Department, which has approved the practice registration, for handling the examination procedures for the ""Practice License of Medical Institution” three months before the expiration of the examination interval by presenting the original and copy of the ""Practice License of Medical Institution""and the inspection and assessment results for the previous year issued by the Public Health Administrative Department or the appraisal conclusion issued by the Appraisal Committee for Medical Institutions.医疗机构收取医疗费用,应当执行市卫生、物价行政部门规定的标准,并出具相应收据。 A medical institution shall charge medical fees according to the standards stipulated by the Municipal Public Health Administrative Department and Price Control Bureau, and shall provide corresponding receipts.医疗机构应当将《医疗机构执业许可证》、诊疗科目、诊疗时间、诊疗科室分布示意图和收费标准置于明显位置。 A medical institution shall display the ""Practice License of Medical Institution"", medical subjects of diagnosis and treatment, service timetable, layout of medical departments and service charge list in the conspicuous places.医疗机构应当实行工作人员佩带载有本人工号、职务的标牌上岗的制度。 A medical institution shall exercise the system that every worker, when working at his/her post shall bear an identification card marked with his/her work number and job.未经本机构医师(士)诊查,医疗机构不得出具疾病诊断书、健康证明书或者死亡证明书等文件;未经本机构医师(士)、助产人员接产,医疗机构不得出具出生证明书或者死产报告书。 A medical institution shall not issue a diagnosis letter of disease, a health certificate or a death certificate or other documents without actual diagnosis and examination by a doctor of the medical institution. Likewise, it shall not issue a birth certificate or a dead birth report, if no obstetrician or midwife of the medical institution has delivered the baby.医疗机构对危重病人应当立即组织抢救,并视情况及时向病人家属发出病危通知书,无病人家属或者无法通知病人家属的,应当向病人所属单位发出病危通知书。 A medical institution shall organize emergency treatment at once to the patient who is seriously ill, and according to the development of the case issue a notice of critical illness to the patient''s family member in time; or to the patient''s unit if the patient has no family member or it is impossible to notify the patient''s family member.医疗机构应当及时将病人尸体存放停尸室。 A medical institution shall place the corpse of a patient in the mortuary in time.医疗机构应当妥善地保管病人的病历卡。 A medical institution shall properly keep the medical record cards of patients.医疗机构对门诊、急诊和住院病人的病历的记录,应当及时、准确、完整、清晰,不得擅自涂改和毁损病历卡;但国家或者市卫生行政部门规定可以修改的除外。 A medical institution shall record the ambulatory treatment, emergency treatment and hospitalization of patients timely, accurately, completely and clearly, and shall not alter, damage or destroy medical record cards with the exception that such amendment is permitted according to stipulations made by State or the Municipal Public Health Administrative Department.医疗机构应当尊重病人对自己所患疾病的知情权利,因实施保护性医疗措施不宜直接告知病人的,应当将有关情况告知病人家属,无病人家属或者无法通知病人家属的,应当告知病人所属单位。 A medical institution shall respect the patient''s right to know the truth of his/her disease. However, when it is unadvisable to directly tell a patient the truth of his/her disease because protective medical measure is taken, the medical institution shall inform his/her family member of the truth, or inform his/her unit if the patient has no family or if his/her family member is not available.医疗机构应当严格执行传染病报告、无菌消毒和隔离制度,并采取有效措施处理污水和废弃物,预防和控制医源性感染。 A medical institution shall strictly execute the systems of report on infectious diseases, of aseptic disinfecting and of isolation. Simultaneously, it shall adopt effective measures to dispose of sewage and wastes, and to prevent and control pathogenic infection.医疗机构申请办理执业登记手续,应当提交下列材料: A medical institution shall submit the following materials on application for the practice registration:医疗机构应当承担相应的预防保健工作,执行市卫生行政部门规定的疾病报告制度,承担本市各级卫生行政部门委托的支援农村、指导基层医疗卫生工作等任务。 A medical institution shall undertake the corresponding work of disease prevention and healthcare, execute the disease report system stipulated by the Municipal Public Health Administrative Department and fulfill the tasks of aiding the rural areas and instructing the medical and public health work of grass-roots units as entrusted by Public Health Administrative Department at various levels in Shanghai.医疗机构应当根据经核准的服务方式,执行门诊、急诊、住院的有关诊疗制度,开展医疗执业活动。 A medical institution shall, according to the ratified mode of services, execute the relevant system of ambulatory treatment, emergency treatment and hospitalization, and carry out the medical practising activities.医疗机构终止医疗执业活动的,应当向原执业登记的卫生行政部门办理《医疗机构执业许可证》注销手续。 A medical institution which terminates its medical practising activities shall go through the cancellation procedures for the ""Practice License of Medical Institution""with the original public health administrative department which has approved its practice registration.设立急诊的医疗机构,应当实行24小时应诊制度。 A medical institution with an emergency room shall practise the round-the-clock reception system.设立住院病床的医疗机构,对住院病人、急诊留院观察病人应当安排固定的医师负责诊疗,并实行上一级医师查房和分级护理责任制,严格执行值班、交接班等制度;对不能确诊的病人,医疗机构应当组织会诊或者安排转诊。 A medical institution with sickbeds shall have regular doctors to take charge of diagnosing and treating diseases of inpatients and emergency patients staying for observation, carry out the system of wardtouring by doctors of higher rank and the nursing responsibility system at different levels, and strictly execute the onduty system and the shiftrotating system. For a patient whose disease cannot be exactly diagnosed, the medical institution shall organize, or transfer the patient to other hospitals, for further diagnosis.医疗器械进口单位可以根据条件自愿提出分类管理申请。 A medical instrument importer may voluntarily apply for classified management as required by their conditions.有下列情形之一的药品,按假药论处: A medicine shall be handled as fake medicine in any of the following cases:有下列情形之一的药品,按劣药论处: A medicine shall be handled as medicine of inferior quality in any of the following cases:完成临床试验并通过审批的新药,由国务院药品监督管理部门批准,发给新药证书。 A new medicine which has completed its clinical tests and been approved after appraisal shall be issued a certificate of new medicine by the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative department under the State Council.当事人对卫生行政部门的具体行政行为不服的,可以根据《行政复议条例》和《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》的规定,申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。 A party concerned, which (or who) disagrees with the concert administrative acts of the Public Health Administrative Department, may apply for an administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative action according to the Regulations on Administrative Reconsideration""or the ""Administrative Litigation Law of the People''s Republic of China.《药品经营许可证》应当标明有效期和经营范围,到期重新审查发证。 A Pharmaceutical Trade License shall bear a scope of trade and a period of validity, and upon expiration a new license shall be issued after examination for its renewal.根据医疗机构的不同类别,《设置医疗机构批准书》的有效期限分别如下: According to the different grades of medical institutions, the validity period of the ""Approval Certificate for the Establishment of Medical Institution""shall respectively be as follows:根据国家医疗机构基本标准的分级规定,本市医院(除康复医院外)、妇幼保健院(所)、疾病防治院(所)分为三级、二级和一级3个等级。 According to the national basic standards for grading medical institutions, hospitals (except convalescence hospital), women and children care center (station), and disease prevention and cure center (station) in Shanghai shall be graded into three grades-Grade III, Grade II and Grade I.