第四十四条 对国内供应不足的药品,国务院有权限制或者禁止出口。 Article 44 The State Council shall have the power to restrict or prohibit the export of the pharmaceuticals which are in short supply in the domestic market.第四十四条计划生育技术服务机构中的医师,适用本法。 Article 44 This Law is applicable to doctors in technical service centers for birth control.第四十四条检验检疫机构的工作人员滥用职权,故意刁难的,徇私舞弊,伪造检验结果的,或者玩忽职守,延误检验出证的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 Article 44 Where any staff of an IQ organ abuses his/her powers, deliberately creates difficulties, plays favoritism and commits irregularities, forges inspection results, neglects their duties or delays the inspection and issuance of certificate, it shall be imposed upon an administrative punishment; if any crime is constituted, the criminal liability shall be investigated in accordance with relevant laws.第四十五条(预防保健等职责) Article 45 (Duties of Disease Prevention and Health-Care)第四十五条 进口、出口麻醉药品和国家规定范围内的精神药品,必须持有国务院药品监督管理部门发给的《进口准许证》、《出口准许证》。 Article 45 Import or export licenses issued by the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative department under the State Council are required for the import or export of narcotics and psychotropic substances falling within the restricted scope prescribed by the State.第四十五条本办法所指的进口医疗器械,是指从境外进入到中华人民共和国境内的,单独或者组合使用于人体的仪器、设备、器具、材料或者其他物品,包括所配套使用的软件,其使用旨在对疾病进行预防、诊断、治疗、监护、缓解,对损伤或者残疾进行诊断、治疗、监护、缓解、补偿,对解剖或者生理过程进行研究、替代、调节,对妊娠进行控制等。 Article 45 The imported medical instruments as referred to in these Measures are the machineries, equipments, apparatuses, materials or other articles, including the relevant software, that are brought into the territory of People's Republic of China from overseas and applied separately or in combination to the human body, in order to do the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, care or mitigation of diseases, the diagnosis, treatment, care, mitigation and repair of injuries and disabilities, the research, substitution and adjustment in anatomy or physiological process, the control over pregnancy, etc.第四十五条在乡村医疗卫生机构中向村民提供预防、保健和一般医疗服务的乡村医生,符合本法有关规定的,可以依法取得执业医师资格或者执业助理医师资格; Article 45 Village doctors who provide for villagers services of prevention, health care or general medical treatment in medical and health institutions of rural areas may, if they are in conformity with relevant provisions of this Law, be granted the qualifications of medical practitioners or assistant medical practitioners according to law.第四十六条(禁止或者限制行为) Article 46 (Forbidden or Restricted Acts)第四十六条军队医师执行本法的实施办法,由国务院、中央军事委员会依据本法的原则制定。 Article 46 Measures for the implementation of this Law by doctors in the Army shall be formulated by the State Council and the Central Military Commission according to the principles of this Law.第四十六条 新发现和从国外引种的药材,经国务院药品监督管理部门审核批准后,方可销售。 Article 46 Newly discovered domestic medicinal plants or medicinal plants introduced from abroad may be sold only after they have been examined and approved by the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative department under the State Council.第四十六条从境外进入保税区、出口加工区等海关监管区域供使用的医疗器械,以及从保税区、出口加工区等海关监管区域进入境内其他区域的医疗器械,按照本办法执行。 Article 46 These Measures shall be applicable to the medical instruments that are brought into bonded area or export procession zone or other customs supervision areas for use from outside the territory of China, and the medical instruments that are brought into other areas within the territory of China from bonded area or export procession zone or other customs supervision areas.第四十七条(医疗秩序的保障) Article 47 (Guarantee of Medical Working Order)第四十七条境外人员在中国境内申请医师考试、注册、执业或者从事临床示教、临床研究等活动的,按照国家有关规定办理。 Article 47 Applications of persons from overseas for participating in examinations for doctors, registration as doctors, practicing medicine, or engaging in activities of clinic teaching by demonstration, clinic research within the territory of China shall be handled according to relevant state provisions.第四十七条 地区性民间习用药材的管理办法,由国务院药品监督管理部门会同国务院中医药管理部门制定。 Article 47 Measures for controlling medicinal materials traditionally used by local people in certain regions shall be jointly formulated by the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative department under the State Council and the administrative department of traditional Chinese medicines under the State Council.第四十七条用于动物的进口医疗器械参照本办法执行。 Article 47 The imported medical instruments for animals shall be governed by these Measures by analogy.第四十八条(尸体的处理) Article 48 (Disposal of the Corpse)第四十八条进口医疗器械中属于锅炉压力容器的,其安全监督检验还应当符合国家质检总局其他相关规定。 Article 48 In case any imported medical instruments are the boiler pressure vessels, the safety surveillant inspection thereof shall observe other relevant provisions of the GAQSIQ.第四十八条 禁止生产(包括配制,下同)、销售假药。有下列情形之一的,为假药: Article 48 The production (including preparation, which also applies to the following) and sale of fake medicines are prohibited. A fake medicine has any one of the following characteristics:第四十八条本法自1999年5月1日起施行。 Article 48 This Law comes into effect as of May 1, 1999.第四十九条(擅自执业的处罚) Article 49 (Penalties on Unauthorized Practice)第四十九条 禁止生产、销售劣药。药品成份的含量不符合国家药品标准的,为劣药。 Article 49 It is prohibited to produce and sell medicines of inferior quality, referring to the medicines whose components do not conform in quantity to that required by State pharmaceutical standards.第四十九条本办法由国家质检总局负责解释。 Article 49 The power to interpret these Measures shall remain with the GAQSIQ.第五条(职业宗旨和法律保护) Article 5 (Professional Aim and Legal Protection)第五条依照本条例受保护的中药品种,必须是列入国家药品标准的品种。经国务院卫生行政部门认定,列为省、自治区、直辖市药品标准的品种,也可以申请保护。? Article 5 All varieties of traditional Chinese medicines covered by this Decree for protection shall be those listed as the standardized medicines at the state level. Application can be raised for those varieties listed, with the approval of health administrative departments under the State Council, as standardized medicines at the provincial/municipal/autonomous regional level.第五条各级人民政府采取措施广泛宣传献血的意义,普及献血的科学知识,开展预防和控制经血液途径传播的疾病的教育。 Article 5 People’s governments at all levels shall take measures for the extensive publicity of the significance of blood donation and popularization of the scientific knowledge of blood donation and conduct education in the prevention and control or diseases spread via blood.