第五条 精神药品的原料和第一类精神药品制剂的年度生产计划,由卫生部会同国家医药管理局联合下达。 Article 5 The annual production plan for raw materials of psychotropic drugs and for the psychotropic drugs of category I shall be made jointly by the Ministry of Public Health and the State Administration for Medicine.第五条一类进口单位应当符合下列条件: Article 5 The importers in Category A shall satisfy the requirements as follows:第五条 人民政府对红十字会给予支持和资助,保障红十字会依法履行职责,并对其活动进行监督;红十字会协助人民政府开展与其职责有关的活动。 Article 5 The people's government shall provide support and financial aid to the Red Cross Society of China, ensure the Society's performance of its functions and duties according to law, and exercise supervision over its activities; the Society shall assist the people's government in activities relevant to its own functions and duties.第五条 国务院药品监督管理部门主管全国药品监督管理工作。国务院有关部门在各自的职责范围内负责与药品有关的监督管理工作。 Article 5 The pharmaceuticals supervisory and administrative departments under the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and control of pharmaceuticals throughout the country. Other relevant departments under the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and control of pharmaceuticals related to the scope of their functions.第五条国家对在医疗、预防、保健工作中作出贡献的医师,给予奖励。 Article 5 The state rewards doctors who have made contributions to medical treatment, prevention of diseases and health care.第五条国家鼓励、支持母婴保健领域的教育和科学研究,推广先进、实用的母婴保健技术,普及母婴保健科学知识。 Article 5 The State shall encourage and support education and scientific research in the field of maternal and infant health care, popularize the advanced and practical technique for maternal and infant health care and disseminate the scientific knowledge in this field.第五条 各级政府卫生行政部门对传染病防治工作实施统一监督管理。 Article 5. The health administration departments of governments at various levels shall exercise uniform supervision over and control of the work of preventing and treating infectious diseases.第五十条(逾期不校验的处罚) Article 50 (Penalties on Not Having the Inspection Within the Time Limit)第五十条 列入国家药品标准的药品名称为药品通用名称。已经作为药品通用名称的,该名称不得作为药品商标使用。 Article 50 The names of the pharmaceuticals listed in the State pharmaceutical standards are the generic names of the pharmaceuticals. Those names that have become the generic names of pharmaceuticals shall not be used as trademarks of pharmaceuticals.第五十条本办法自2007年12月1日起施行。 Article 50 These Measures shall come into force as of December 1, 2007.第五十一条(出卖、出借、转让许可证的处罚) Article 51 (Penalties on Selling, Lending or Transferring Practice License)第五十一条 药品生产企业、药品经营企业和医疗机构直接接触药品的工作人员,必须每年进行健康检查。患有传染病或者其他可能污染药品的疾病的,不得从事直接接触药品的工作。 Article 51 Personnel in pharmaceutical producing or trading enterprises and in medical organizations who have direct contact with medicines must undergo an annual medical examination. Persons who have contracted contagious diseases or any other disease which may contaminate the medicine shall not be allowed to engage in any work which has direct contact with pharmaceuticals.第五十二条(超出登记范围的处罚) Article 52 (Penalties on Acts beyond the Registered Scope) 第五十二条 直接接触药品的包装材料和容器,必须符合药用要求,符合保障人体健康、安全的标准,并由药品监督管理部门在审批药品时一并审批。 Article 52 The pharmaceutical packaging materials and containers which have direct contact with pharmaceuticals must meet the requirements of medicinal use, conform with the standards of protecting people's health and safety, and obtain the approval of the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative departments at the same time as the approval of the pharmaceutical product.第五十三条(使用无卫生技术资格证书人员的处罚) Article 53 (Penalties on Employing Persons Without the Qualification Certificate of Public Health Technique)第五十三条 药品包装必须适合药品质量的要求,方便储存、运输和医疗使用。 Article 53 Packaging must meet the specific quality requirements of the pharmaceuticals and facilitate their storage, transportation and medical use.第五十四条(出具虚假证明的处罚) Article 54 (Penalties on Issuing False Certificates)第五十四条 药品包装必须按照规定印有或者贴有标签并附有说明书。 Article 54 Packages of pharmaceuticals must be labeled and include directions for use in accordance with the regulations.第五十五条(处罚程序) Article 55 (Procedures of Penalties) 第五十五条 依法实行政府定价、政府指导价的药品,政府价格主管部门应当依照《中华人民共和国价格法》规定的定价原则,依据社会平均成本、市场供求状况和社会承受能力合理制定和调整价格,做到质价相符,消除虚高价格,保护用药者的正当利益。 Article 55 For pharmaceuticals controlled by the fixed and directive pricing system of the government, the competent authority of pricing of the government shall fix and adjust the price with reason in conformity with the principles for fixing prices as prescribed by the Price Law of the PRC and according to the considerations of societal average costs, market supply and demand, and the level of societal tolerance to achieve accord between quality and price, to avoid excessive prices, and to safeguard the due interests of the users of the pharmaceuticals.第五十六条(复议和诉讼) Article 56 (Reconsideration and Administrative Litigation)第五十六条 依法实行市场调节价的药品,药品的生产企业、经营企业和医疗机构应当按照公平、合理和诚实信用、质价相符的原则制定价格,为用药者提供价格合理的药品。 Article 56 For the pharmaceuticals whose prices are to be adjusted by the market, the pharmaceutical producing enterprises, trading enterprises, and medical organizations shall fix the price in conformity with the principles of fairness, rationality, honesty, good faith and accord between quality and price to provide the users of the pharmaceuticals with reasonable prices.第五十七条(妨碍公务的处理) Article 57 (Penalties on Interference With Public Function)第五十七条 药品的生产企业、经营企业、医疗机构应当依法向政府价格主管部门提供其药品的实际购销价格和购销数量等资料。 Article 57 Pharmaceutical producing enterprises, trading enterprises and medical organizations shall, in accordance with this Law, provide the competent authority of pricing of the government with information such as the actual purchasing and selling prices and quantities of the pharmaceuticals.第五十八条(妨碍医疗秩序的处理) Article 58 (Penalties on Hindrance Against Medical Working Order)