- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 进行曲「我们一定要解放台湾」 marching tune We Must Liberate Taiwan
- 吴霭仪 Margaret Ng Ngoi-yee
- 海事处 Marine Department
- 水警东区支部 marine east division
- 水警东区支部 marine east division
- 海上保险、海运保险、水险 marine insurance
- 水警轮 Marine Police craft/marine police launches
- 水警轮 Marine Police craft/marine police launches
- 水警分区总部 Marine Police Divisional Headquarters
- 水警分区总部 Marine Police Divisional Headquarters
- 水警总区指挥官兼助理警务处长傅俊康 marine police regional commander Assistant Commissioner Spencer Foo Tsun-kong
- 水警总区指挥官兼助理警务处长傅俊康 marine police regional commander Assistant Commissioner Spencer Foo Tsun-kong
- 庆祝邓小平百年寿辰 mark the centenary of Deng's birth
- 记下车牌号码 marked down the number-plate number
- 在六月庆祝一百周年 marked its centennial in June
- 市值 market capitalization
- 市场地位 market position
- 开市头四十五分钟成交额为十九亿八千万元(二亿五千四百万美元)。其中二百九十一只股票报跌,二十八只股票报升,四百二十四代股票价格维持不变。 Market turnover totalled $1.98 billion (US$254 million) after 45 minutes trade. Losers outstripped gainers 291 to 28 with 424 stocks unchanged.
- 市场人士原预期领汇股价会在上市首日升百分之十。 Market-watchers had forecast the Link's share price would rise up to 10 per cent on its debut.
- 市场策略 marketing strategy
- 被当作健康食品销售,声称可以促进心智健康 markets as health products to improve mental health
- 巩固朱总的政治地位 marks a vital political victory for Prime Minister Zhu Rongji
- 德国马克 mark, DM
- 在内地结婚 married on the mainland
- 结婚 marry somebody/get married to somebody/marriage