- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 宏利保险 Manulife
- 很多女生模仿歌星阵慧琳和郑秀文,晒黑皮肤,把头发梳成辫子。 Many are following the style of pop stars Kelly Chen Wai-lam and Sammi Cheng Sau-man by getting a suntan and a braid.
- 很多都濒临破产。 Many are near insolvency.
- 中国很多同性恋者都不敢公开自己的性倾向,怕遭人歧视。 Many gays in China shy away from revealing their sexual preference for fear of discrimination.
- 很多人发现该书蕴含大量圣经意象。 Many have found embedded in the books all kinds of biblical imagery.
- 很多印度教徒相信一生最少要去瓦拉纳西一次,在恒河中沐浴。 Many Hindus believe that they must visit Varanasi and bathe in the Ganges at least once in their lifetimes.
- 很多香港市民对董建华周三在施政报告里提出的措施感到失望。 Many Hong Kong people are disappointed with measures announced by Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa in Wednesday's policy address.
- 大部分指控都和怀疑敲诈曼哈顿一家无上装俱乐部有关。 Many of the charges stemmed from an alleged extortion scheme at the Manhattan topless club.
- 不少企业已具备对外投资能力。 Many of these enterprises are now capable of investing outside the Mainland.
- 市民生活仍然捉襟见肘。 Many people were still struggling to make ends meet.
- 很多淘大花园居民受感染。 Many residents of Amoy Gardens have been infected.
- 乡郊地区不少人因为负担不起医疗费用,别无选择,只可以在家中等死。 Many rural people having no choice but to die at home because they cannot afford medical treatment.
- 很多所谓的爱国者只是用这个卷标来赚钱 many so-called patriots only use this label to make money
- 很多(地产商)希望政府取消勾地政策,恢复定期土地拍卖。 Many want the government to scrap the list system and resume regular land auctions.
- 很多游行人士挥动某份中文报纸附印的反对二十三条海报。 Many waved anti-Article 23 posters carried by a Chinese-language newspaper.
- 很多西方工人担心失业。 Many Western workers are worried about losing their jobs.
- **一九四九年赢了内战,引发大批难民涌至香港。 Mao Zedong's 1949 victory cued a huge exodus to Hong Kong.
- 向某处游行示威 march on somewhere
- 由遮打花园游行至政府总部 marched from Chater Garden to government headquarters last night
- 由遮打花园游行到政府总部 marched from Chater Garden to the Central Government Offices
- 游行至中区政府合署 marched on Central Government Office
- 游行至美国驻香港大使馆 marched to the US Consulate General in Hong Kong
- 游行人士 marchers
- 由维多利亚公园游行至中环的政府总部 marching from Victoria Park to the government headquarters in Central
- 用枪指着叫嚷的难民,强迫他们登上卡车 marching screaming refugees at gunpoint and herding them on to trucks