- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 马赛 Marseilles(France)
- 武术表演 martial arts demonstration
- 军事管制法、戒严令 martial law (u); to declare/impose/lift martial law/The city remains firmly under martial law.
- 李柱铭 Martin Lee Chu-ming
- 马克思主义的原则 Marxist principles
- 日本外相高村正彦 Masahiko Komura
- (真理教)横山真人 Masato Yokoyama
- 马什哈德 Mashhad(Iran)
- 蒙面人、蒙面贼人、蒙面匪徒 masked man
- 口罩 masks
- 伪装 masquerade (n)/(vi); masquerade as sb/sth
- 大型反日游行 mass anti-Japanese protests
- 麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 女按摩师 masseuse
- 大型植树运动 massive replanting exercise
- 超额认购很多倍 massively oversubscribed
- 掌握运用两文三语的基本能力 master the basic skills for being bi-literate and tri-lingual
- 打假波 match-fixing
- 婚姻介绍所 matchmaking agencies
- 物质变成社会里的唯一成功指针。 Material goods are considered the only signifiers of success in a society.
- 母婴健康院 maternal and child health centre
- 母性 maternal instincts
- 产科病房 maternity
- 明德医院 Matilda & War Memorial Hospital
- 预科 matriculation