- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 医科生 medical student
- 医学生 medical students
- 医学废物/医学废料 medical waste
- 药柜、药箱 medicine cabinet
- 医学是一门科学,日新月异。医生应更新自己的知识,以免过时。 Medicine is a science; there are always new things coming up and doctors have to update themselves.
- 医护人员 medics
- 地中海 Mediterranean Sea
- 教学语言政策 medium-of-instruction policy
- 中高层职位 medium-to-high-end jobs
- 肾髓质 medulla
- 延脑 medulla (brain)
- 迎接二十一世纪的挑战 meet the challenges of the 21st century
- 达成退休目标 meet their retirement goals
- 应付越来越大的过境旅客流量 meeting the needs of growing cross-border traffic
- (印尼)梅加瓦蒂 Megawati Sukarnoputri
- 印尼国会一致通过罢免总统瓦希德后,梅加瓦蒂宣誓就职,成为新一任印尼总统。 Megawati Sukarnoputri was sworn in as Indonesian President yesterday after Parliament voted unanimously to dismiss her predecessor, Abdurrahman Wahid.
- 百万瓦 megawatt (MW)
- 美孚 Mei Foo
- 湄公航空公司 Mekong Airlines
- 墨尔本 Melbourne
- 互殴 melee
- 成员国 member states
- 人大常委会认为香港终审法院作判决时,没有寻求人大释法是错的。 Members accepted that the court was wrong in not seeking an interpretation from the NPC before its final ruling.
- 人大常委会认为香港终审法院作判决时,没有寻求人大释法是错的。 Members accepted that the court was wrong in not seeking an interpretation from the NPC before its final ruling.
- 中常委 members of the party's central committee