- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 公众人士 members of the public
- 回忆录 memoir
- 男性接受教育的机会较少。 Men have fewer education opportunities
- 修补和反对派的关系 mend relations with opposition figures
- 修补和内地的关系 mend relations with the mainland
- 修补裂痕 mend rifts
- 卑贱的工作 menial jobs
- 耳髓不平衡(耳水不平衡) Meniere's syndrome - an imbalance of the fluid in the middle ear
- 更年期障碍 menopausal troubles
- 更年期 menopause (u)/menopausal(a); to reach (the) menopause/Women experience many emotional and physical changes during the menopause./menopausal women/menopausal symptoms
- 月经周期 menstrual cycle
- 月经不顺 menstrual irregularity
- 月经/月事 menstruation
- 精神状况 mental condtion
- 香港心理卫生会 Mental Health Association of Hong Kong
- 心理辅导员 mental-health counselors
- 智障男童 mentally disabled boy
- 智障 mentally retarded
- 红汞水/红药水 mercurochrome
- 美林 Merrill Lynch
- 教育政策关注社主席张民炳 Mervyn Cheung Man-ping, chairman of the Hong Kong Education Policy Concern Organisation
- 教育政策关注社主席张民炳 Mervyn Cheung Man-ping, chairman of the Hong Kong Education Policy Concern Organisation
- 符合合约要求 met contract specifications???
- 符合国际安全标准 met international safety standards
- 遭到普遍马来亚人的强烈反抗 met steff resistance from ordinary Malays