- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 脆辣鸡腿包 McCrisy Chicken Filet Burger
- 麦当劳 McDonald's
- 麦旋风 McFlurry
- 脆香鸡翼 McWings
- 五月七日,中国北方航空公司一架 MD-82型客机在中国东北大连市外堕海,机上一百一十二人全部丧生。On May 7, a China Northern MD-82 jet crashed into the sea off Dalian in northeast China, killing all 112 on board.
- 外出用膳 meals bought away from home
- 电盈亦宣布主席李泽楷昨天吸纳了一千零七十二万股电盈股份。 Meanwhile, PCCW also announced chairman Richard Li Tzar-kai had acquired 10.72 million shares in the company yesterday.
- 与此同时,教育署副署长汤启康备受抨击。事缘他日前表示语文基准试不合格的老师可以转任图书馆主任。 Meanwhile, remarks by assistant director for education Anthony Tong Kai-hong that teachers who failed the test could become school librarians have drawn fire.
- 与此同时,以色列亦表现克制。 Meanwhile, the Israeli side has also shown restraint.
- 麻疹 measles
- 测量酸碱度 measures acidity and alkalinity
- 反肉食主义者 meat defeater
- (吊臂车的)油压脚架 mechanical tripod
- 插手 meddle
- 干预香港事务 meddling in Hong Kong affairs
- 无国界医生 Medecins Sans Frontieres(Doctors Without Borders)
- 新闻操守 media ethics
- 记者会 media session
- 传媒大亨梅铎 media tycoon Rupert Murdoch
- 医学界 Medical
- 医务委员会主席麦列菲菲 Medical Council chairwoman Professor Felice Lieh-Mak
- 医疗保险 medical insurance
- 实习医生 medical interns/trainee doctors
- 医学研究 medical research
- 医疗储蓄计划 medical savings scheme