- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 维持心理健康 maintaining good mental health
- 转职新公司的员工的主要福利将维持不变。这包括退休保障计划、酌情奖励计划、生产力奖励计划、医疗福利,及继续维持工作年资。 Major benefits, including retirement schemes, incentive and productivity bonuses, medical cover, and service continuity benefits, will remain unchanged for those who make the move.
- 大额存户 major depositors
- 各大报纸和中央电视台都有注销该张可怕的(严重烧伤)女童照片。 Major newspapers and state television were plastered yesterday with grisly images of the girls.
- 搵快钱 make a fast buck
- 对于某事作出更肯定的承诺 make a firmer commitment on something
- 全部供认不讳/和盘托出 make a full confession
- 纯利一千七百万 make a net profit of $17 million
- 发表电视演说 make a televised address
- 作出竞选承诺 make an election promise
- 作出让步 make concessions/concede concessions to somebody
- 申报利益 make declarations of interest
- 进展良好 make good progress/be on the mend
- 有助该公司重组债务,该公司负债共九亿元 make it easier to reschedule its $900 million in outstanding debt
- 分配超过一半的领汇基金单位予散户 make more than 50 per cent of the units in the Link Reit available to retail investors
- 用计算机制作影片 make movies on computers
- 公开收回之前的说话 make public retractions of past statements
- 向公众揭露第三者是谁 make public the identity of the 'third party'
- (为战争)作最好的准备 make the best preparation for this
- 北上 make the trip north
- 打紧急的越洋电话 make urgent transpacific calls
- 向对手进行敌意收购 makes a hostile bid for a rival firm/pushing a hostile bid to take over rival-business software firm
- 对……是个讽刺 makes a mockery of something
- 卷土重来 making a comeback
- 首次参与直选 making a debut in direct polls