禁制令 injunction (n); An injunction is an order given by a court which
forbids someone to do something./get/obtain/take out an injunction preventing sb from
doing sth/apply for an injunction to stop sb from doing sth/seek an injunction against
the strike税务局 Inland Revenue Department(监狱里的)被收容者 inmate内胸膜 inner pleural membrane无辜人士 innocents创新科技署 Innovation and Technology Commission注射疫苗 inoculate (vt)/inoculation(n)/vaccinate (vt)/vaccination(n)/immunize
(vt)/immunization (n); To inoculate sb is to protect sb against a disease, usually by
injecting them with a weak form of it./All the children had been inoculated against
hepatitis./The disease can now be prevented by inoculation./To vaccinate sb is to
protect sb from a disease by putting a small amount of a substance containing that
disease into their body./All children should be vaccinated against measles./To immunize
sb is to protect sb from a particular illness, especially by putting a substance into
their body by injection./All girls are routinely immunized against German measles.注射了疫苗的鸡只 inoculated chickens肌醇/环己六醇 Inositol死因聆讯 inquest (n); an inquest was held/at the inquest问候他的家人 inquired after the well-being of his family问候他的家人 inquired after the well-being of his family(植物人)无知觉的 insensate在地铁车厢内 inside an MTR carriage在往九龙方向的隧道管道内 inside the Kowloon-bound section of the tunnel内幕人士 insider强调情况不及过往严重 insist the situation was not as bad as in the past强调最艰难时刻经已过去 insist the worst times have passed当时坚持未有社区扩散 insisted at the time that it had not spread to society at large
坚称台湾是主权独立的国家,强调台湾有自决的权利 insisting Taiwan is a sovereign nation and
stressing the island's right to self-determination再三表示无意连任党主席 insisting that he has no interest in seeking another term as
the party's leader会加强检验本地街市售卖的淡水鱼。 Inspections of freshwater fish at local markets would be
stepped up.督察 inspector吸气 inspiration有启发性的 inspirational 语际翻译 版权所有
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