

指示多次血洗事件    inspired many of its bloody purges
装上防火墙    install a firewall
装上防毒软件    install antivirus software
装置艺术    installation art
安装接收能力高强的天线接收香港电视    installing powerful antennae to receive Hong Kong broadcasts
装上八达通收费机    installing the Octopus car payment system
用实时讯息跟朋友交谈    instant messaging friends
快译通    Instant-Dict
逐步灌输    instill (something into somebody)
逐步灌输    instill (something into somebody)
教院校长莫礼时    Institute president Paul Morris
机构投资者、大户    institutional investors
使制度化    institutionalize
胰岛素    insulin
侮辱港人智能    insulting the intelligence of Hong Kong people
保险界    Insurance
保险经纪    insurance agent
保险凭证    insurance certificate
保险公司    insurance company
保单    insurance policy
保险    insurance (u); Insurance is an arrangement with a company in which you pay them money each year and they pay the costs if anything bad happens to you, such as an illness or an accident./Do you have insurance on your household contents?/We can probably claim for the damage on the insurance.
保费    insurance/insurance premium (u); Insurance on my house is very high./to pay insurance on your house
(保险公司付的)保险金/赔偿费    insurance/sum insured/insured amount/benefit; When her husband died, she received $500,000 in insurance./With the insurance I got on my wrecked car, I bought a boat.
接受投保    insure somebody/something (vt); Many companies won't insure young drivers./The company can refuse to insure a property that does not have window locks.
投保    insure (vt); To insure is to buy insurance to protect yourself against something bad happening to you, your family, your possessions etc./The painting is insured for $1 million./I would advise you to insure the painting for at least $2,000,000./The car is insured against fire and theft./Luckily he had insured himself against long-term illness./Have you insured the contents of your home?
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