公司业绩 company results格价、比价钱 compare prices把李柱铭比喻为吴三桂,吴三桂被视为中国史上的最大叛徒 compared the veteran campaigner to Wu Sangui, a
historic character considered the biggest traitor in Chinese lore火车车厢 compartment政府恩恤金 compassionate payment from the Government赔偿原告心灵和尊严受创 compensate Mr Chan's injured feelings and loss of dignity在全球市场竞争 compete globally深圳零售业带来的竞争大大抢走了本地零售业的生意。 Competition from across the border is eating away
at local retail trade.投诉选举舞弊/不当行为 complain about election irregularities警察投诉课 Complaints Against Police Office在今年底或明年初完成立法程序 complete the legislative process by the end of this year or
at the start of next year完成警察训练过程 completed cadet training落成单位 completed units完成权力交接 completing a leadership transition并发症 complication符合国际标准 complies with international standards/met international standards
综合消费物价指数 Composite Consumer Price Index全面的会所设施 comprehensive clubhouse facilities整体重建计划 Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme综援 Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA)全面禁止核试条约 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty与其它人合谋做某事 comprise with others for something/to do something令他处事不客观 compromise his objectivity计算机 computer计算机游戏 computer game 语际翻译 版权所有
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